I'm the Angel on His Shoulder

No Rest For The Wicked Part Three

I don’t know how long it was on earth or in hell, but time really flew by in heaven for once. The time came when Castiel found me by a water fountain outside the palace. He told me it was time, and then we were transported into the palace into the court room. There was a gathering of angels who were newly created at the back of the room while the more powerful, old and wise ones were seated to the right of the room. God was absent from the desk at the front, but I knew She would arrive soon. I searched the room for Dean, but I couldn’t see him. It was then that I realised that I was standing to the left of the room, which meant I had to speak to God about the experience I had had during my mission. I then searched the room for Castiel. He wasn’t here yet. Neither was any of the other 9 angels who freed people from hell.

I heard the big doors open at the back of the room and turned to face them. Through them walked Castiel with Dean beside him. The younger angels seemed to pause and stare at him. Dean of course had a huge cocky smile plastered across his face, probably unable to believe he was in heaven, but also probably insanely happy that he was in heaven and not in hell anymore. I couldn’t imagine what had happened to him in hell, but it was over now. He was safe now. Castiel walked him closer and closer to my desk, but Dean didn’t notice I was there. It was only until he was about to sit down next to me when he took his eyes off the Wise Angels at the right of the room and saw me.

“Jen!” he exclaimed with pure joy, embracing me with a tight hug that lasted for a very long time. “I can’t believe this... I didn’t realise you could get even more beautiful...” He must have been commenting on the slight difference of the real me to my host body. I couldn’t help but have a gigantic smile as a funny feeling came over me. Castiel left us and went to the right side of the room where there was another desk and chair for him.

“Neither can I...” I managed to say, my eyes filling with tears again (something I had learned from my year on earth). “You are in love with me, aren’t you?” He nodded with a massive smile.

“I haven’t stopped thinking of you! You were what got me through that terrifying time in hell...” he trailed off, his smile also fading. I hugged him again and then music sounded. I quickly let go and stood facing the front of the room. Dean was confused but copied my actions once he realised every other angel was doing the same. That was when God walked in. She is beautiful. She has the purest of white hair that falls in waves around her pretty oval face. Her eyes are also white, but are peaceful, unlike Lilith’s for example, and her clothes are also the purest white ever. Her skin colour is pretty much white and she really is the ultimate angel. She flew so gracefully up to her high seat at the front of the room. Before she sat down, we all crossed ourselves in unison. As she sat, we all sat too.

“God... is a chick...” Dean scarcely whispered, amazed by such a simple fact. I flashed him a small smile as he stared at God in disbelief and bewilderment.

“Today is the meeting regarding Dean Winchester, an extremely valued warrior in the upcoming war,” God said in her silky voice. “I sent Angel Jennifer to earth for a year to save Dean once he made the unwise choice to make a deal with a demon. They decided to fall in love in an attempt to save Dean from hell. This session is about deciding whether or not they are in love and if Dean deserves to return to earth. Could Free-er Angel Castiel please stand and explain the situation in hell.” Castiel stood and crossed himself.

“My Lord, when I travelled to hell to rescue Dean, I found him hooked by his flesh to chains while being pulled apart by those very chains,” Castiel explained showing a hint of sadness in his voice. “Hell was glad to have him there. They all knew how much of a threat he was on earth. Dean does not deserve to be in hell. He can do a lot better on earth, saving people. I’m certain there are plenty more jobs for him to be doing instead of being tortured endlessly.”

“Thank you Castiel,” God said as the Wise Angels murmured amongst themselves about the brief summary Castiel had given. “Angel Jennifer, can you please tell me quickly about your mission?” I stood and crossed myself, aware that all eyes were on me now.

“My Lord, I landed on earth and gained the brother’s trust quickly,” I described. “We fought together against a lot of evil creatures and killed them while saving humans’ lives. Dean and I started a relationship, even though he was a bit sceptical at first, but now I am completely in love with him. I believe he is my soul mate. That feeling I got during our first kiss was not imagined. I have learnt so much with the brothers, mainly from Dean, and I also believe that we made an excellent team. Teamwork is what is needed in the upcoming war.” I saw out of the corner of my eye Dean’s expression changing at confusion at the mention of the war again.

“I have heard enough from you Jennifer, thank you,” God said and I nodded, sitting down again. “Now, Human Dean Winchester, please stand and make a statement about why you should be alive on earth, if I choose to let your love for Jennifer overrule your contract.” Dean stood up slowly, glancing at the Wise Angels who shushed themselves. He crossed himself, following what he had seen Castiel and I do before we spoke to Her.

“Uh, My Lord... I know I’m a good hunter. It was what I was born to do,” Dean begun nervously, knowing that his future depended on this. “I was learning everyday by experience, and no doubt Jen’s presence helped me... a lot... whenever it came to fighting. Like she said, we tried to save me from going to hell by falling in love, and I am in love with her. I never wanted to go to hell, I just wanted to carry out my father’s wishes and protect the last person I love who was still alive. Whatever this war is... these plans I hear you have for me... I’ll do them all... I just don’t want to go back to hell... I want to be back on earth.” God nodded at him to stop talking, so Dean sat back down. The Wise Angels started up their chatter again. After about 30 seconds, they all hushed and I knew they had reached their decision.

“We have made our decision, My Lord,” Hamaliel said, the angel who was sitting the closest to God. God nodded at him and he stood. “We can sense the love between these two youngsters. We wish for their love to continue and for Human Dean and Angel Jennifer to return to earth to prepare for the war.” I concentrated hard to keep my jaw from falling open in surprise and happiness. Dean didn’t control it though. His smile was incredibly big. I could tell he wanted to jump up and down in happiness.

“Thank you, Angel Hamaliel. I have made my decision,” God said, pausing to suspend us. I glanced over at Castiel who wasn’t even looking in my direction. He was focused on the presence of the Wise Angels. “I grant Jennifer and Dean a long life on earth together. They now have permission to become intimate and commit fully to each other before the war starts, where their love should prevail. Your time back on earth shall start now. Meeting adjourned.” God smiled as she stood up, raising her hand at the same time. Castiel was watching me now with a look that said ‘see you soon’. Dean took my hand in his as we stood. A bright soothing white light emitted from God’s hand and we were engulfed by it. We were going back to earth. To fight together. To live together. To love together.
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So, I'd like EVERY READER to comment with what they think about a sequel. If I do write it, there will be sex in it lol.
Also, please review the story; I'd really appreciate your thoughts on it.

Hope you enjoyed reading it :)