I'm the Angel on His Shoulder

The Kids Are Alright

“That has to be evil. We have to take it out,” I said as I passed the paper back to Dean, who was walking with me on my left.

“You know what, I think I actually like you,” Dean told me and I smiled. He tapped the window that Sam was sitting by and we walked into the cafe. “Hey, who’s that?” Sam looked awfully suspicious as he quickly hung up on his cell phone.

“Uh, just ordering pizza,” Sam answered casually, but I knew he was lying.

“Dude, you do realise you are in a restaurant,” Dean said, knowing he was up to something as well.

“Yeah, oh yeah, I just felt like pizza, you know?” Sam said as Dean sat down across from him. He made room for me and we started talking about the case that Dean and I had found. I soon realised that there was another reason why Dean was so interested in this case, and it was a female.

“So instead of investigating, you want to check up on an old flame?” I asked, doubting Dean’s judgment. He shrugged off my question, and before I knew it, Dean was dropping off Sam and I at a motel so we could search for the evil presence while he went and talked to this girl of his. I soon figured out what it was: a changeling. Sam started reading up on ways to save Dean as we waited for him to return.

“I dunno if it’s right for me to say this to you, but I really appreciate your help,” Sam told me as I read about changelings.

“It’s okay. It’s just my job,” I said, knowing that God would be keeping an eye on me and would have heard Sam’s thanks anyway. Dean came in the door and took off his jacket while Sam jumped up and joined me at his laptop.

“What do you know about changelings?” Sam asked him and I moved aside so Sam could explain to Dean. Sam passed a piece of paper to Dean

“There’s one in every victim’s house,” I informed Dean and before I knew it, we were off to Dean’s old girlfriend’s house. He went to go talk to her, and Sam continued to read the large book to find out how he could save Dean.

“They took Ben! He’s changed!” Dean shouted at Sam as he hurried around, back into his car.

“What?” Sam and I both questioned, Sam quickly hiding the book from Dean.

“Are you sure?” Sam asked, and Dean answered him really angrily. Of course the almighty Dean Winchester was sure. But he thought he knew where the kids were being kept, so that was good enough for me. We drove off and Dean took us to a building site. There was the red dirt that was found on the kid’s windowsill.

“You take the front, I’ll go round,” Dean ordered Sam, turning around to get back into his car to get weapons. He bumped into me and then remembered that there was an extra person in his crew. “And you can go with Sam, Jen.” He chucked me a weapon and I went and stood with Sam as Dean ran around the back. We entered the house and started searching together for either the children or the changeling. I adjusted my vision slightly so I didn’t need a torch and stayed close to Sam, but searched rooms on the opposite side of the house, making sure we didn’t miss anything.

“You heard me! Get out!” I suddenly heard a female yelling, so I snuck around to where the voice was coming from. I heard Sam talking to the voice and I realised he was talking to the mother changeling. Sam set her on fire, and she disappeared. Sam didn’t look relieved and I realised he hadn’t killed her. I could still feel her presence. Nevertheless, we quickly ran down the back of the house to find Dean and hopefully the captive children.

“There’s a mother!” Sam yelled as he saw Dean and I followed behind quickly. I saw one more child in a cage and I went to go quickly break the lock. Sam helped Dean with lifting kids up and out of the room. Then the mother changeling showed herself and as Sam continued to lift the children out with Ben, Dean and I fought off the mother changeling. She knocked me hard into the wall and I shouted out in pain.

“You okay Jen?” Dean yelled as he kicked the changeling. She got knocked down really hard and I had no choice but to tell myself I wasn’t in pain and stand up and help Dean. I stood by his side and quickly muttered a spell as the mother changeling stood up. A blast of fire came out of my hand and she was gone. I could almost imagine all of the other changelings burning up too, and the relief the mothers would get from it. We returned the kids to their houses and left Ben until last. Sam and I waited at Dean’s car while Dean talked to his ex.

“We’ll give you some time,” Sam said and I glared at him. I didn’t want to give Dean and that girl some time! Why should we? We needed to be saving more people! We headed back to the motel and Dean and I fell asleep pretty quickly, Sam claiming he needed to stay up and do some research. I stole his bed, but was awoken quickly by the presence of a demon. I felt super strong about demons, and there was no way I was letting one get away.

“Dean! Wake up!” I hissed as I got out of my bed. “Dean! I can sense a demon!” That got him awake almost as fast as it did to me, and he grabbed a weapon before we rushed out into the lounge area in the motel.

“Sam, are you okay?” Dean asked Sam, who was standing in the middle of the room with his back to us.

“Yeah... Yeah I’m fine...” he stuttered, slowly turning around to face us. I noticed I couldn’t sense that demon any more. “Just saw a demon...” I saw the holy water in his hand, but couldn’t help have a feeling that there was more to that story. Dean believed him and went back to bed, but I kept on wondering as I left the room too.