I'm the Angel on His Shoulder

Bad Day At Black Rock

“The second you find out this Ruby chick is a demon you go for the holy water, you don’t chat!” Dean said and I rolled my eyes. Sam had come clean about the incident when I had sensed a demon. Her name is Ruby and apparently she can help Dean. The two continued to bicker and I remained silent. It was family business that I didn’t want to get caught up in. “I’d rather stick to a book an angel brought us rather than a demon’s word!” Dean did have a good point... A cell phone started calling; it wasn’t Sam’s, wasn’t Dean’s, and I didn’t have one. Turns out it was their late father’s phone and someone had broken into his storage container. We went there straight away and found a spell box was missing. That called for hunting down whoever had stolen it. We busted into their house, me following behind the boys with a gun. It was my first time handling one, and as soon as a physical fight started, I lost the gun. We had no luck for the first minute of the fight, but then it changed and we ended up knocking both of the bad guys out without doing anything. Amazing...

I soon learned that it was a lucky rabbit’s foot that was somehow cursed. But in the mean time, Dean was scratching and winning money, taking full advantage of Sam’s luck. But then we lost it to some random girl and Dean and I took off to find her and get it back. We talked heaps in the car for the two hours it took for us to get there, and I got to know Dean a lot better. We’d left Sam in a motel so his luck didn’t halter us, and rushed to find this Bella girl. Dean confronted her and I stayed in the hallway as back up. He did well and was out of there quickly so we could head back to Sam. Dean used his good luck to get rid of the new bad guys and we rescued Sam. It was as simple as that.

“I’m Batman,” Dean said and I stifled a laugh. Sam just looked like he didn’t believe him, and I don’t blame him.

“Hey, how about we get rid of that thing?” I suggested, and they agreed. Carrying around a rabbit’s foot is pretty disgusting. We arrived at a graveyard to get rid of the rabbit’s foot, when Bella showed up. And shot Sam. Luckily, Dean was clever enough to make Bella touch the rabbit’s foot so she fell under its spell and had no choice but to give it back so we could destroy it. She stole their lottery winnings on her way too, which annoyed Dean and Sam a lot. We got back on the road and Sam pulled out the huge book I had given him and opened it to a certain page near the end of the book. I had seen him flicking to that page often and knew he was about to announce something to Dean. I sat quietly in the back of Dean’s car, pretending I was invisible, and watched the series of events unfold.

“Hey Dean...” Sam said in a hushed but confident voice.


“I’ve been through this book already, eliminating the methods that are near impossible, like Jen suggested, and, well, I’m left with one option to save you,” he said and Dean glanced back at me, then focused on the road again.

“Well, tell me,” he said, trying to act cool instead of scared, but I could sense the fear in him.

“I don’t know if you’ll like the idea...” Sam said, fading off.

“What is it? Sacrifices? Cutting off my own arm?” Dean asked, trying to joke around. Sam interrupted him quickly.

“Falling in love with an angel,” Sam said and they both glanced over at me.

“Are you serious?” Dean questioned, sounding like he couldn’t believe it. “Is that true Jen?”

“Yeah, it’s an option...” I replied.

“Honestly Dean, it sounds like your best shot. I mean, there are no rare things you have to find, no impossible missions, and you’re smooth with the ladies. It seems like it suits you perfectly,” Sam explained, but Dean remained quiet.

“It doesn’t have to be with me,” I piped up after a long awkward silence of the Winchester boys thinking it over.

“It would be easier though, right? I mean, how many other female angels are wandering the earth and are prepared to fall in love instead of doing their original task? ‘Cause you’re already assigned to Dean,” Sam commented, showing me how much he’d been thinking about it.

“You have a point,” I said.

“So there are no other options?” Dean asked sounding angry.

“No other reasonable ones,” Sam replied honestly. He shut the book and put it on the floor by his feet. “I’m just saying it’s your best shot. You can at least try it.” Dean sighed and paid attention to the road ahead again, ignoring us.

“Fine,” Dean said sharply. I looked up at him at the same time as Sam did.

“Does this mean I get to sleep in a bed instead of on the couch? ‘Cause I didn’t come to earth to sleep uncomfortably,” I said, attempting to make a joke.

“It would be a good start,” Sam answered when Dean continued to ignore us. He was clearly lost deep in thought about hell. “Thanks again for being here for us.” I gave him a smile and Dean indicated he was turning off the road. We had been cruising through a city for a while now and Dean had decided to find somewhere to stay the night. Sam booked us a cheap room for the night with 2 beds. We entered our room and Dean went straight to the double bed, stripped off into his boxers, and jumped into it. He had been driving non-stop for hours and had had an exhausting day, so I didn’t blame him. Sam headed to the bathroom, and I stood there awkwardly, wondering what to do. I took off a few clothes and my shoes and walked over to Dean’s bed and got in on the other side, my back facing his. I fell asleep before Sam returned from the bathroom, and dreamt of kissing Dean for the very first time. I was already taking this falling in love thing seriously. After all, it was my mission to save Dean from hell, no matter what.
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Can someone please give me some constructive criticism? Or any comment at all. I'd like to know how my readers are feeling about the story.