I'm the Angel on His Shoulder

Bedtime Stories

We were back on the road, and once again, the brothers were arguing. This time it was about whether or not they should use the Colt on the Crossroads Demon, or use me to threaten the demon, and wondering whether or not killing the demon would actually stop the deal or make it worse. They were acting like I wasn’t there, and I was the one with the solution to their problems!

“Guys! I thought you had discussed your solution to the deal!” I shouted, causing them to shut up instantly.

“But what if it doesn’t work? Huh? Then what? I go the hell anyway. If there is another option that I can do now, I’d like to try it!” Dean argued back with a loud and angry voice. He was being very stern, and I didn’t like him talking to me like that.

“It will work if you can fall in love,” I said a bit quieter. “Besides, killing that demon won’t work. Trust me...” That ended that argument.

“Well, I heard of a werewolf attack...” Sam said awkwardly, attempting to change the topic.

“Where?” Dean and I asked at the same time, eager to end the awkwardness. Sam introduced the supernatural killings and we drove straight there, since it was nearby. We interviewed the man who survived it, Dean and Sam posing as professional detectives, and me pretending I was a rookie being trained out in the field. They already had made piles of fake Ids made for me, one for every occasion I could possibly imagine. We learnt that we weren’t after a werewolf after all, but a man. While we were at the hospital, another victim came in while we were gathering information from a doctor. We talked to her and found out that there was a strange little girl who was watching. We went to check out her house and Dean soon became convinced that what was happening was re-enactments of gruesome versions of fairytales.

Research turned up nothing about a little girl that had gone missing or died that matched what we were told about the girl the victim saw. We concluded it must be some sort of ghost hypnosis that could control people, and started looking for people that resembled some sort of fairytale. Sam found a possible Cinderella, so we went to her house to investigate, only to find her handcuffed to the stove by her ‘wicked’ stepmother. Sam and I talked to the two ladies while Dean wandered off. Turns out he saw the little girl, but she flickered out and left an apple behind before he could figure out from her exactly what was going on. Sure enough, Sam’s knowledge of these fairytales led us to a possible suspect: Sleeping Beauty. This girl was in a coma, and just happened to be the doctor’s daughter. To make things easier for us, he was reading to her a fairytale called “Little Red Riding Hood” when we walked in.

When the boys questioned him, it seemed like the sleeping beauty was poisoned by her ‘wicked’ stepmother, and that the girl was trying to make her father see that. Suddenly, a grandmother came into the hospital, and we learnt that her granddaughter had been kidnapped. Dean ordered Sam to stay here with the doctor and try to convince him that his daughter was killing people. He then told me to go with him and try to find the ‘big bad wolf’. We soon found him and got into a fight, trying to rescue the girl. Dean distracted the man and I took the girl to safety as Dean started a fight. He got punched in the face a few times and had blood trickling out of his mouth when he grabbed the scissors to finish the man. Luckily for him, Sam’s convincing must have worked, and the man seemed to wake up and return to normal. We returned to the hospital with the girl to give her to her grandmother and we picked up Sam to head to a hotel for the night.

After sitting around for a while and doing not much, Dean suggested that he took me out on our first date. He strangely seemed prepared to start trying a way for us to fall in love so he won’t go to the pit. I agreed, and after getting changed into a new dress they had bought me, Sam dropped us off at a nice restaurant.

“Am I allowed to say you look nice?” Dean asked after we had ordered. “I mean, it’s not really your skin, so to speak...”

“I told you, I look similar in Heaven, so yes you can say I look nice,” I replied with a small smile, trying to not seem as flattered as I was.

“Well you look nice tonight, Jen,” he said with a cheeky smile and I laughed. “So, tell me more about yourself. Stuff that isn’t related to being an angel, if you can.” I smiled.

“I don’t think that’s possible. I know nothing else.”

“Okay I’ll ask questions then,” he said, leaning forward and resting his elbows on the table. He looked me straight in the eyes with a tiny grin on his face. “You really are beautiful...” I chuckled to myself shyly, wondering what was happening to my toughness I used to have around males. “Anyway... Ever had sex?”


“Ever had a boyfriend?”


“So you have never been in love then?” he questioned suspiciously, and I don’t blame him. He had the right to know if it was going to save his life.

“No,” I replied after a small hesitation. I looked away from him, down on the floor.

“Hey...” he said softly, touching my chin gently and tilting it upwards so I’d look at his eyes again. “Ever kissed a guy before?”

“No!” I answered, my voice getting slightly louder. “Us angels are completely pure, until we arrive on earth.” His fingers on my chin unexpectedly pulled me towards him and he leaned in too. It seemed to happen in slow motion. His lips locked with mine softly, making it a sweet and romantic kiss. His eyes had closed, so I quickly shut mine, kissing back. After that one kiss that seemed to last an hour, he slowly pulled away, reopening his eyes and looking at me with a strange look on his face.

“Well now you have,” he commented. Our waitress arrived at our table, setting down our meals. Dean thanked her. I was speechless. I had felt a connection. Apparently, when angels are first kissed by their life partners, they feel something super special. And I was wondering if what I just felt was that something...
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Can i please have some more comments from my readers and subscribers? It would mean the world to me, honestly, if I knew what you think of my story.