I'm the Angel on His Shoulder

Red Sky At Morning

“YOU DID WHAT?!” Dean yelled at Sam, clearly super annoyed at him. Sam had just announced that after dropping Dean and I off at the restaurant last night, he had gone to see the Crossroads Demon and ended up shooting her with the Colt. Dean had noticed the missing bullet and asked about it, and yet another fight between the two was unfolding. “Why Sam! That was so stupid!”

“I thought it might get you out of your deal! You can’t blame me for trying!” Sam shouted back.

“I had just gone out on my first date with an angel! I’m the one who is trying here, not you!” Dean retorted harshly.

“Guys! Stop it! Seriously! Focus!” I screamed with tears in my eyes. “I hate it when you guys fight! Now, what else do we know about the suspicious drowning?” Apparently a girl had drowned in the shower, which is basically impossible, so we were going to be detectives again and try to figure out what supernatural creature was killing people. Just the usual day at work with the 2 brothers. We met a grandmother who was really interested in Sam, but gave us a valuable clue; that the dead girl had seen a ghost ship before she died. Sam explained after the interview to Dean and I while we walked back to the car that apparently the ship is seen every 37 years, and then people die on land by drowning. We arrived where Dean had parked his Impala, but it wasn’t there. He started panicking so much, and I tried to calm him down, and we ended up hugging while he tried to get his breathing back to normal. Bella showed up, claiming she had stolen the car and was also working our case.

We got Dean’s Impala back, then headed off to the victim’s brother’s place, since he had seen the ghost ship too and is probably in danger as well. Bella decided with the boys that she would go and identify the ship while we watched over the next target, to try to catch the ghost. She wanted to work alone, and that was fine by me. I fell asleep in the back of the car on the stakeout, and when I woke, Dean was shaking me because the brother had just died because of the ghost. Sam was feeling bad about not being able to save him, but he had to harden up.

“Sam, you can’t save everyone,” I told him and he looked away sadly. “Besides, if you do, you are only postponing their death.” Sam realised the truth in that statement and seemed to get over it and move on. We went to an abandoned house where Bella met us to tell us about the ghost and his ship. The ghost was a sailor who had his hand cut off, then was hung, because he was believed to have been a traitor. He was hung at the age of 37, which explained the 37 year cycle, and his hand is in a museum, which we needed to destroy for the ghost to stop killing people. The only way to get a hold of it is to attend a formal evening at the museum and somehow steal it. Bella, being a professional thief, decided she would go with Dean to the formal night, Sam would go with the grandmother in case backup was needed, and I wasn’t needed at all. Someone was feeling threatened by me...

“Dean, I’m not letting you take a pretty young girl to a formal party while I sit in the car and wait!” I hissed at him when we got a minute alone. “That’s not right!”

“Hey, don’t worry...” Dean said calmly, pulling me into a soothing hug, rubbing my back softly to try to reassure me it would be okay. “She is not that pretty, and at the end of the day, I’m still yours. We had a great first date and we get along great, and now that I know you better... Well, I don’t want to hurt you.” He gave me a squeeze and let me go, raising his eyebrows to check if I trusted him.

“Fine. I’ll wait in the car,” I agreed. “But you’re making this up to me.”

“Extra cuddles tonight in front of the TV?” he suggested and I smiled. Any guy that knows a girl loves to cuddle is amazing... That night, I kissed Dean on the cheek before he left with Bella, then I stayed in the car, waiting for any sign of trouble so I could run in and save the day. Unfortunately for me, they didn’t stuff up, and everything went to plan and Dean stole the hand from the museum. But then I found out the Bella stole the hand from Dean, so that meant hunting her down. Turns out she ended up seeing the ship too, so came running back to us for help with saving her life. Even though I’m an angel, I didn’t approve of what she was doing for a living, so didn’t want to help her, especially after she had offered Dean sex.

But despite my views on Bella, the boys wanted to try to save her, so we went to a cemetery and Sam started performing a ritual. I stood by and let him do his thing, and sure enough, the ghost showed up. Suddenly, Sam’s chanting in Latin seemed to have conjured up the ghost of the ghost’s brother who had hung him. They somehow cancelled each other out and the curse was broken, leaving only water behind. Bella showed her appreciation to the boys (not me) by giving them money. It was fine by me though. I didn’t like her, and all I needed to do was protect and help Dean. The brothers attempted to have a heart to heart about Sam trying to save Dean, in regards to the Crossroad Demon and also falling in love with me, but Dean didn’t want to hear it. He was too busy watching the TV and cuddling me. Sam walked away to the bathroom, and shortly afterwards the shower turned on.

“I appreciate you looking out for me, and just being back up,” Dean said, pulling me closer to him. I looked up into his eyes, asking him what he was getting at. “You want to get in the action a bit more now? I trust you now, and I’m sure Sammy does too.”

“Of course,” I replied with a smile. I did love kicking some demon and evil supernatural butt. Dean gave me a gorgeous smile and leant in to kiss me. We shared a caring kiss before turning off the TV and jumping in bed together. I was very tired, so fell asleep quickly, but I was shortly awoken by the movement of Dean behind me, moving a lot closer to me. I couldn’t help but smile as I went back to sleep. The next morning, I woke up with his arm around me casually, while he slept on past the alarm clock. I didn’t move, enjoying the moment, until Sam forced me to wake Dean up. I did it with a kiss, and that made Dean’s day before it had even started.
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