I'm the Angel on His Shoulder

Fresh Blood

“Okay, she’s not coming out,” Dean stated. We were on the hunt for a female vampire, but she wouldn’t show.

“I guess we’d better get some fresh blood for her,” I said, bringing the knife Dean had given me up to my arm. Dean didn’t bother to stop me, knowing I’d heal a lot quicker than he would. I made a small cut, and the blood slowly trickled out. A vampire wouldn’t be able to resist that glorious smell of the most delicious meal in the world. We waited, slowly turning around, searching the dark corners for any sign of her. Suddenly, something was on my back, and I fell to the ground while something bite my neck. Dammit! I screamed and grunted as I struggled to fight it off, but the weight soon disappeared off my back and Dean pulled me to my feet. He had injected a dead man’s blood into her and she had fainted. Dean hugged me tight, running his hands comfortingly through my hair. I guess he was caring a lot for me already.

We pulled out of the embrace and he quickly, but sweetly, kissed me. I smiled, and then we got back to work, dragging the vampire’s body away and then tying her up, waiting for her to regain conscience. Turns out she didn’t even know what had happened to her, had absolutely no clue that she was a vampire. There was no other choice but to cut off her head. Dean did the deed and then we headed off to the club where she had been turned, to try to stop the vampire from claiming more innocent people. We found a suspect and chased him, attempting to save the young lady he had with her.

“You get him from the other side,” Dean hissed at me, and with a loud flap of my wings, I had disappeared and appeared on the other side of the alley way, prepared to take the vampire down. But there were 2 strange men in the alley... What was going on? As soon as Dean and Sam were in the 2 men’s’ view, they opened fire on the brothers, and the boys had to duck for cover. Dean started making a distraction, hoping to get Sam out of there safely. They must recognise the men. Sam bolted, coming across my path.

“Meet you at the Impala!” Sam said urgently as he ran past me, heading in the wrong direction of the Impala. Dean was still distracting the men, but they were closing in. I had to step in and save him. I flew half of the alley in a second and kicked over trash cans, catching their attention. I started yelling and they headed over to me. I waited until Dean had ran out of the alley, gave him a few more seconds, then flew out of there. I bet those men were stunned at my impossible disappearance. I landed beside the Impala and leaned against it, waiting for either of the boys to turn up. I kept my senses alert, just in case one of the strange men showed up.

“Hey! No leaning on her! You’ll scratch her with all those studs on your belt!” Dean’s voice shouted at me, as he jogged around to my side of the car. I smiled at him when I noticed he was grinning cheekily at me. He wasn’t being serious. I had to get used to their humour a bit more, I thought to myself as he pulled me into a hug which was followed by a quick but sweet kiss. We waited inside the car and Sam showed a minute later. The boys figured out that it was Bella who gave our location up, so they called her up, which leaded to Dean threatening to kill her. He was super angry about their lives being in danger, and I was glad he was protecting Sam and I, even if it was by threatening someone’s life.

Back at the motel, we discussed the Gordon situation (one of the men who had jumped them earlier). We came to the conclusion that we needed to kill him since his mental state was not healthy anymore and he was becoming a very dangerous and bad hunter. Bella tried to get back on the brothers’ good side by giving away Gordon’s location, but I don’t think she was going to ever be on their good side. We headed to the vampire nest where we found torn up bodies of females and a male grieving. He wanted us to kill him, but we were more concerned about Gordon, who is now a vampire.

We had a private conversation about whether or not we hide from Gordon or go after him, Sam wanting to hide for a bit and Dean wanting to attack right now. I stayed out of the fight, being happy either way. They ended up having a touching conversation about how Dean has been Sam’s hero since he was 4, and he just wants his brother back, not a brave-faced Dean. I could see the tears welling up in both of their eyes, and felt some emotion inside of me, which was new. The human lifestyle must be getting to me...

Shortly after, Gordon called us, saying he has a hostage and we have to come out of hiding. If we don’t, the hostage becomes a victim. We left straight away to go to his hideout to save the hostage. We arrived and snuck in to the abandoned building, Sam and I reaching the hostage and untying her quickly. I grabbed her and ran out with her quickly, meeting Dean who was keeping guard just out of the room while Sam came behind me, checking for Gordon behind us. As I met Dean, a security door shut behind us, separating us from Sam. Dean was not happy. The lights went out and he became even angrier at Gordon. He could hear Gordon’s voice coming from behind the wall, and he knew Sam was in danger.

Suddenly, the girl I had just rescued jumped on me and tried to bite me. I pushed her off and Dean shot her. I beheaded her and then turned to Dean, asking him what we did now to save Sam. Dean always had a plan. We rushed around, trying to find another entrance into the room Sam was in, but it was hopeless. We could hear a struggle taking place, but we couldn’t do anything. Eventually, the noises stopped and soon after, the door opened. Luckily, Sam was still alive, and Gordon was beheaded.

The next day, the brothers were sharing a beer while Dean worked on his beloved car, teaching Sam how to fix it for when he was gone. It was their way of relaxing, so all I did was observe them while stretching my wings, taking note of how strong their brother relationship is and how male humans behave. It’s not like I’d be any help with the car anyway... I could pick up on the bittersweet atmosphere, and felt sorry for Sam, feeling as though he might not be able to save his brother, and also for Dean, as he might be going to hell. It was super obvious, with them forgetting about me, that they were getting emotional about the whole ‘hell’ situation.

“Hey guys...” I said, landing back on the ground and joining them at the front of the Impala. They both stopped their work to look at me, sensing the seriousness in my voice. “I’m going to save Dean, okay? Everything is going to work out, I promise.” They both looked at me with solemn looks. I guess I wasn’t very good at being comforting yet. I took Dean’s hand in my left hand and one of Sam’s hands in my right hand. I squeezed them while giving them a small smile. They returned the gesture and it seemed to make them feel better. I let go of their hands and Sam went back to under the hood while Dean stood there, squinting in the sun at me. He pulled me into a hug, which was followed by a kiss. I felt the sadness he was feeling, and the comfort he got out of the hug and kiss.

I realised that those actions were not just shows of affection. I then realised another reason why God needed an angel with Dean. It wasn’t just to protect him from evil supernatural creatures, but to give him comfort so he could continue to fight strongly. I wouldn’t let God down. I would comfort him, aid him in the battles, and love him so he would be saved from hell. If our plan worked...
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