I'm the Angel on His Shoulder

A Very Supernatural Christmas Part 1

“So what on earth could have possibly dragged that poor man up the chimney in more than one piece?” I questioned, confused. Christmas traditions amused me, but this was one weird celebration...

“Just a FYI, this is not normal behaviour,” Dean told me.

“I’m guessing it’s an ‘Anti-Claus’,” Sam piped up. “He appears in a lot of cultures, and his job is to punish the wicked. Sounds like something work investigating... I think the best place to start is the tree lot where all the families seem to be going.” Dean drove us there, and looked around a bit, but nothing turned up.

“Sammy, I wanna have a real Christmas this year,” Dean announced, surprising Sam. Sam seemed to refuse, and when I asked Dean privately about it, he said that they don’t have the best Christmas record, and he wants to make it better this year, in case I don’t save him. As we walked around searching for a Santa, I felt sad, as if Dean didn’t trust me. We saw a likely candidate and followed him, the boys suggesting a stake out to see if he has any victims.

So, later that night, I found myself waiting in the car for something to happen. As always, nothing happened. When the suspect shut his blinds, the boys wanted to make a move. We grabbed our guns and barged in. No victims. Just the old bloke watching porn. Dean quickly came up with the brilliant idea to pretend to be Christmas carollers and we begun to sing ‘Silent Night’. We were horrible, especially since I didn’t know the lyrics, neither did the boys. The Santa helped us out while continuing to drink and Sam soon pulled us both out of his trailer. We headed back to our motel for the night, where it was super freezing and I had to cuddle up to Dean for warmth during the night...

The next day, there was another ‘Anti-Claus’ sighting, so we investigated. Bright Sam noticed similar wreaths and that meant a call to the trustworthy Bobby. He told us about the Pagans and we learnt that the wreaths were being used for human sacrifices for luring gods. We looked into who made the wreaths, and found out the person selling them was given them for free by a local. We headed back to the motel and the brothers had yet another emotional talk about Christmas, how Dean feels it will be his last one and just wants to celebrate it properly. Sam still didn’t want to celebrate it, just because he thinks it also could be Dean’s last one. I stayed out of the conversation, pretending I was invisible as I wished they had faith that I could save Dean.

After a short rest, we drove to the local who was suspected of making the wreaths. It was a fairly old couple and they seemed innocent enough, although I didn’t quite buy their act. But the boys ignored my gut instinct and we went back to our motel. It was there that Sam realised that my suspicions might be right, and the boys decided we should break in to their house. We easily broke in and searched the place, heading downstairs last. There we found the remains of the victims and one was still alive. We were instantly distracted by the suffering human life, and didn’t notice the old couple sneak up on us. Dean got knocked out and I fell down to his side.

“Dean! Dean!” I called as I cupped his head in my hands while frowning and worrying. Meanwhile, Sam was thrown up against a wall, and then knocked out also. That left me with the monsters. I started to stand up, but then fell right back down on top of Dean and my world went black. I woke up and found that I was tied to a chair in the kitchen. Across the room from me were Sam and Dean, also tied up and struggling. They had their backs to each other so they couldn’t see the other one at all. The old couple started babbling on about how they only take a few lives each year, instead of a lot more like they used to. They even said how they were basically normal, as they paid their mortgage and played card games with their neighbours. I wasn’t buying any of their words, and as I listened, I began to wonder why I was tied up away from Sam and Dean.

“And this Christmas is extra special!” the old lady declared happily, looking over at me. “After we have performed our rituals with the boys, we can do an extra special one with an angel. How delightful!” My jaw locked as I glared up evilly at her, but then I focused on the knife in her hand. She put it up against my chin and I breathed in slowly. She moved away with an evil grin and headed over to Dean. He stared at me, keeping a serious and focused look on his face. He knew he was first. She cut his arm violently and he winced and growled in pain, never breaking eye contact from me. His breathing quickened and she moved on to Sam as the male collected Dean’s blood. They did the same to Sam, and then pulled out one of his fingernails. I kept on struggling with the ropes on me as they continued to slowly torture the brothers. If only I could break free without using angel powers... They moved back to Dean, and we realised they were going to pull out one of his teeth. I managed to get one of my hands free, but that was not much help yet. The doorbell rang just in time. They left to answer it. I freed my other hand and feet, then went to help Dean and Sam.

“In here!” I hissed quietly and urgently at the boys and they jumped to their feet, following me through the kitchen doors. We were in the living area, and we needed evergreen stakes (as Bobby had advised). We all saw the Christmas tree in the corner and realised how perfect that was. The boys ripped off a branch each and the doors burst open. I grabbed a branch and tried to pull it off, but I didn’t quite get a grip off it at the right angle, so couldn’t quite rip it off properly. I got tackled by the old man and I fell into the tree with him, getting scratched all over by the rough bark. He was soon pulled off me, and as I got out of the tree, I saw Dean with his hands on the stake that had been put through the man. Dean had saved me. I was breathing heavily from the shock of being tackled and Dean naturally pulled me into a hug, being glad I was okay.

“Are you not in pain?” Sam asked me and I shook my head and gave him a look that asked him ‘why?’. “You have cuts all over you.” I let go of Dean and took a step backwards, looking at myself. I was absolutely covered in cuts, but I hadn’t even noticed...

“Wow, do you not do girly stuff in the shower? Like shaving your legs?” Dean asked me and I laughed. He was staring a rip in my pants that showed my hairy legs.

“I didn’t know I had to...” I said, feeling slightly embarrassed. “The last time I learnt about human beliefs was over a thousand years ago and back then no one cared. I guess you do now huh?”

“Didn’t they teach you before you came to earth for Dean?” Sam questioned reasonably, so I answered. He had a right to know a bit about heaven.

“Well, they assigned me to Dean at the last minute, so I had no recent preparation going into this job. Don’t blame me for not knowing!” I replied as Dean took my hand in his.

“Okay Miss, you need to be taught what to do in the shower,” he said and we laughed as we headed out of the house. As we drove back to our motel, Sam and Dean continued to talk about the shower situation...
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