I'm the Angel on His Shoulder

A Very Supernatural Christmas Part 2

“Well I’m not going to do it,” Sam stated.

“Well I’m not going to shave my legs just to show her how,” Dean retorted.

“No, I meant I’m not going to have a shower with her...” Sam said with a cunning tone, which Dean picked up on.

“Oh... Riiiiight...” Dean muttered.

“What?” I asked, curious what this was about.

“Oh, it’s just that it’s a sexual thing when boyfriend and girlfriend have a shower together,” he explained while Sam stared out the window, pretending to not be listening. “But I’m sure ours won’t be like that, since we aren’t up to that stage yet. If you are willing to have a shower with me so I can show you how to shave...” I smiled, realising what they were up to. Typical men... But I agreed to have one with my boyfriend, so once we were at the motel we headed off to the bathroom together, leaving Sam to look into any other jobs there might be for us. Dean straight away took his t-shirt off and I checked him out.

“You have a nice upper body physique,” I commented as I tied my hair up and he chuckled to himself.

“Thanks... It’s not just my upper body, by the way...” he replied, once again making reference to sexuality.

“I guess we’ll see about that very soon,” I said as he reached for his belt buckled. He paused, watching me.

“You do realise you have to take off your clothes too, don’t you?” he said and I quickly went to taking my clothes off instead of staring at him. It was only my host body, so I didn’t feel strange at all doing this. Dean turned the water on after taking his jeans off, and he turned around and caught sight of my host body, which was now naked. “You picked a nice host body... I mean, any human male is gonna find you physically attractive...” I smiled my thanks and walked over to the shower.

“Like I said, it’s the closest human I could find that looked like me,” I said, knowing that would please him. Knowing he has an attractive angel to fall in love with must make him feel better about the whole hell situation... I was soon joined in the shower by a naked Dean and we did the normal showering process, which I knew; getting wet, putting soap on, rinsing it off. Then it came to him teaching me how to shave. Since it was a reasonably small shower, we couldn’t both fit in it comfortably, but I don’t think either of us minded too much. I was really starting to like Dean a lot, and all the kisses and hugs we were sharing were getting more passionate and they weren’t awkward anymore. I wasn’t too sure if we could fall in love, back when I first met him, but now it seemed more likely that I might be able to save him from going to hell. Dean interrupted my thoughts with a kiss. I smiled at him, and he returned the favour. I felt a strange feeling in my stomach when he smiled back at me. It was enjoyable, something I had never felt before.

“Alright, this is shaving cream, and this is a shaving razor,” Dean explained, picking up his shaving cream and razor and holding them up in front of my face. He turned the water off and squirted some cream out into his hand. “Now, what you do is you rub this onto the place you want to shave... This is gonna be awkward...” I didn’t say anything as he crouched down in the shower and started rubbing my left leg with his hands, spreading the cream over my leg.

“Why would that be awkward?” I asked once he had finished spreading the cream.

“Yet another sexual thing...” he answered. “It’s only awkward ‘cause we aren’t sexual yet and you’re an angel. Anyway, now you take the razor, and hold it like this, okay? And you do this...” He put the razor against my leg and moved it upwards. He did that a few times, then stood up and handed me the razor, hinting for me to try.

“I can’t bend down, I’ll bump into the rack,” I said, pointing at the rack behind me that held the soap and other shower items. It gave me a lot less room than Dean had.

“Put your leg up against the wall behind me,” he suggested, so I did. I almost slipped and fell, so he held onto my leg and gave me support as I tried to balance on the slippery surface. I tried doing it, and it seemed to work and remove the hairs. Then I cut myself.

“Ow! How do I not do that?” I asked while frowning, upset that I was bleeding. I already had enough cuts from that stupid Christmas tree... I hadn’t had enough time to meditate and heal myself yet.

“Practice, that’s all it is huni,” he said, making me have a big smile that I attempted to hide. I knew that when couples started calling each other ‘pet names’, it was something special. I finished shaving and rinsed off my legs and the razor. Dean rinsed off the shaving cream that I had accidentally got on him. “Okay, are you all done?” I didn’t reply. I just stood there staring at Dean. He stared right back, and I thought I saw a flicker of emotion in his eyes. I think it was love, or something close to it like passion, so I smiled, feeling similar.

We both leant in for a kiss at the same time. After that kiss, he leaned in for another one, taking me by surprise. I was about to turn the water off, but he kept on distracting me with forceful kisses. I forgot about the water and kept on kissing him, noticing that a strange feeling was coming over my body. I had never felt that before, but it felt good. Dean’s hands went from my shoulders down my back, their touch so light and soft it gave me a slight shiver. This made me move my body closer to him, so now we were touching everywhere on our fronts. Our kisses got more passionate, I could feel it. I could also feel that new good sensation inside my stomach getting bigger as it started to take over more of my body. I moved my hands from around his neck to down his back too, and his continued to touch my back, feeling my curves and my soft, wet skin. I felt something pricking against my leg, and suddenly stopped kissing Dean, getting a fright. I looked down, and then started laughing. He laughed too, getting embarrassed and blushing.

“That... Ummm...” I attempted to say something, but nothing would come out of my mouth.

“Yeah... Merry Christmas!” he said cockily, making us laugh heaps. But then he went serious. “Yeah, I didn’t mean for that to happen, sorry...” That was the first time I’d ever seen him even the slightest bit shy. I turned off the water and we jumped out of the shower, drying off and getting changed together while talking about stuff that didn’t involve what had just happened or anything to do with evil supernatural creatures. We walked back out into the motel room, where Sam was reading something on his laptop.

“Did you get taught a lot?” he asked me as Dean headed to the kitchen area to grab a beer.

“Yeah, I did actually,” I said, not just meaning it in the sense that I had learnt how to shave my legs. I also had learnt about the feeling of passion, love, and I had accidentally learnt something a bit more intimate than kisses... But of course, Sam had no idea.... I looked over at Dean, sharing a sneaky smile with him, which I think Sam might have picked up on. Dean walked over to me, putting his arm around my waist and pulling me close to him. He kissed my cheek.

“Alright, Christmas presents time!” Sam announced loudly as he shut his laptop, and Dean looked super surprised. Sam was so stubborn about having one before, but now he wanted one. Nevertheless, we went to our bags and pulled out mysterious wrapped shapes, then we all sat around the fireplace (which Sam had lit when we were in the shower) and passed around our presents. Sam received porn magazines (as a joke) and shaving cream from Dean and I gave him a new wallet for another fake ID and a random game for him to play in the car on long drives. Sam gave Dean motor oil and a Powerbar, which he loved of course. I gave him cologne and a box with a surprise in it.

“Is that meant to be a hint that I smell bad?” Dean laughed as he saw the cologne.

“No! I just really liked the smell of it...” I replied, feeling slightly embarrassed and the brothers laughed. Dean smelt really good most of the time, so I wasn’t complaining. I just couldn’t find anything else in that small, cheap shop.

“What’s in the box?” Sam asked him, which made Dean open it. It was a box full of ‘love tokens’. They were pieces of metal shaped differently that enabled him to get, for example, a hug, or a kiss, depending on what token he wanted to cash in. It was full of sweet and caring ones, like ones that were worth a massage, or a romantic dinner. The smile Dean got was so sweet that it made me melt inside. I knew he appreciated the thought and love that had gone into it.

“Thank you, Jen,” he said while hugging me for a long time. After he let me go, he passed me a present and I opened it, participating in the tradition. Funnily enough, there was shaving cream for females inside. I laughed and while Sam passed me his gift, Dean pulled out a red rose from out of nowhere. “Merry Christmas.” He kissed me on the cheek after handing me the beautifully smelling rose. I couldn’t help but smile and hope he was feeling some exciting romantic emotion like I was too. I opened Sam’s gift, only to find a female shaving razor and a bar of chocolate.

“Thanks Sam,” I said and gave him a hug. There was nothing else to say, so Dean put his arm around me while turning on the TV to a football match. I snuggled into him and we sat by the fire all night, enjoying the Christmas feeling while it lasted.
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