Status: If you have a problem with the story layout, get over it, Me and My Beta are working on it.

So Wrong

Imagine growing up in a world where women are just possessions, where if you run away from an abusive father, you get taken back. Well, the first time you run away anyway, if your caught a second time, your sent to a whore house for six months, just to show you how fabulously good you have it. And for a third offence, you have a whores mark branded on you. Unless a duke or someone important decides he wants you, then your just become a sex toy and the guards who catch you? Well, let’s just say you’ll be lucky if you don’t get raped.

My name’s Atara, but my friends call me Pixie and I’m on the verge of committing my second offence. See, my big sister Leana used to be my step-dad’s punching bag, but she ran away and she’s yet to be caught. That was almost a year ago, and now, I’m about to try and escape for a second time. Hopefully I’ll be successful. I’ve heard rumors that if you lucky… or unlucky, depending on which one you get, when a price claims you, he can take vengeance on any who have harmed you. But it depends on which prince you get.

At school… when I go, my entire friends daydream about which prince they want to come along and save them. Me? I’m a little more realistic, I daydream about freedom. And I’m willing to risk everything to get it.
  1. Running Scared
    Atara attempts to escape, but will she succed?
  2. What's his plan's?
    can she trust him?
  3. Rescue me
    Atara has a choice to make
  4. " Hey Little Shadow"
    a cute moment between Atara and Zacky.
  5. Thrown to the wolves.
    Atara get's to meet the other girls in Zacky's brothers lives. will they get on
  6. Caught in the moment
    Atara still has a lot to learn about Court life.
  7. you need to learn
  8. I want you to see the real me