Her Trusty iPod. Not So Trusty Family.

Chapter One.

I was having flashbacks from when i was told the news. The news of my departure of Cary,North Carolina. I could still recall the words my step-mother, Carrie, said. '"Your nothing buta stupid emo slut!No-not EVEN a slut! No boy wants you! Thats why you act like one!I'm sending you to a boarding school-and don't worry about your father.He's already agreed with me!"'
I woke up from a lady shaking me.
"Honey the plane landed." she said.
"Oh.Thanks" i replied while whiping my eyes with the sleeve of my black and purple checkered jumper,which matched my shoes.
I took my carry on luggage,which so happened to be a white and black vans bag. I never realised how much Vans products i was wearing today. I mentally slapped myself for thinking that. I was becoming wierd. No-i was already wierd.
"Raine Shiver?" asked a woman as i passed her.
"Yup! Thatsssss me!" i said,now fully awake from the 2 red-bull cans i had drank whilst waiting for my baggage.
"Okay Raine. Follow me this way. Oh-my names Ms.Rose, and i'm the vice principle of Yellow Woods Boarding School!" she said.
Yellow woods? Hmmm....at least it wasn't a depressing name..like 'Black Woods' right?
We were in some kind of car that i think i recall was a BMW. I Wasn't sure. i just wanted to get there,and charge my ipod since it was running low.
"So Raine,any particular reason for your parents sending you here?"she asked. She was being polite,but i could hear the curiosity dripping from every word of that sentance.
"Actually i have a step-mom. And a dad. But my step-mom said i was too much like a boy and she was gonna send me where i belonged. And now i'm kinda scared that shes sent me to some frilly girly castle-like school." i replied.
She laughed. I didn't find that funny. Was that funny?
"Oh dear love, i'm sure you will be surprised once we get there. Oh,here we are."She said,then opened the door.
I was standing at the office with Ms.Rose. She handed me an envelope.
"This has all the info you need to know. And here's your map and key to your dorm.
With that she left.
I saw there were 2 dorm buildings. One looked cooler.
I looked at my map,and saw i was to go to that one i thought looked cooler.
Many people were staring at me,as i walked towards the dorms.
Since it was Saterday,i'm guessing they didn't have any classes.
"May i help you?" asked a voice. I looked up from my map to see a boy who looked the spit of Christopher Drew [from NeverShoutNever.] , but i knew it wasn't him.
"Well i'm looking for dorm 26 in that building there"i said and pointed to the cooler dorm building.
"Are you sure it's that building?" he asked.
"Yupppppppppp!!! Look!" i said/yelled,handing him the map with the info on my dorm printed on the side.
"Oh man! your gonna be the ONLY girl in the boys dorms! And wow...look at all the extras you get. You must be really rich" he said to me.
Why that little bitch!
She sent me to a boarding school. With a girls boarding school RIGHT beside it, She had sent me to a boys boarding school.
And I was going to be the only girl there.
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Likey? Please comment! This will be more active,since i'm now finished school for the summer! YAY ME! i'll post up another chapter soon,today!Be expecting at least 2-3 more chapters today. Sorry its a little short-but its the opening chapter!