Status: it's slowly but I'll still update!

Maybe I Should Try-Or Not

"a beautiful lake. yeah I love this!"

Me, Natalie White, never wanna falling in love with someone since my ex-boyfriend die. I'm so worry about love, I'm so scare to lose someone I love again. But when I met Justin, I knew he was different. He tried so hard to got my attention, he did all those things was about a month till my heart can opened for him. He was so sweet to me. I know he was a booming singer but I don't know why I was fine with that. He never show off about his career in front of us -me and my friends- and that's one of my reasons why I was falling over him. He was so funny too. But I think my friends doesn't like him, especially Anya.

"he is not good for you Nat! I know him from we were junior!" she said to me that day. I can't understand why she was like my other classmates who said that because they were jealous of me.

"Are you jealous on me Anya? Tell me if you do, it will be better on us." I asked her slowly and I was ready to accept the fact.

"NO! I AM NOT! I half hate him honestly.. Why? Because he made you falling over him like the other bitches!" she answered it with a half yelled.

"so now you see me like a bitch just because I'm closer to him now?"

"well, maybe yeah.. so I think you should get your ass off of that guy baby." she said sadly..

"I don't know.. Maybe I'll think about this conversation-"

"you should!" she said then left me alone..

No longer.. "hey shawty!" I know who he was.. Justin Bieber the one I love of course..

"hey!" and he kissed me on my cheek.

"how's your day?" he asked me while his arm around my waist and he kissed my forehead.

"uh umm.. fine and a little bit bored cause today was like so long! haha." I said.

"haha I think so babe.. But now I think time would be slowly because you are here.." uh.. I know.. He was so sweet.

"awee.. I know it." and I winked my eye.

"not really actually." he said sarcastically.

"what?" I said with half yelled and pretended to mad at him. hihi.

"haha" he kissed my forehead again, still chuckled and I just laughed. I know everybody was looking at us like they were never felt a happiness. What's wrong with them? Still can't believe their eyes huh? I was with Justin got a week so why they were still gave their jealousy face? Ugh! That was bothering me! Get a life people!

"what will we do now?" he asked me right after he sat on driver seat in his Ferrari.

"I don't now. You don't have a schedule for today?" I asked him back-confused.

"HM. No, I haven't baby." he said with a smile there.

"okay.. I think I wanna you to kidnap me now. haha." I said.

"well, that means I can get you wherever I want right?" he asked happily.

"yes, I think so." and I winked my eyes.

"okaaay.. let's gooo!" he said and I think he was so excited.

when we got out from parking lot of school I saw my friends was staring at Justin's car and Anya's eyes were looking right in my eyes. Their face was flat, means dislike, as usual.. My face was flat too to them. I don't know what to do, they are my friends of course I love them, but now in my life, I got someone who can opened my heart when it always close as long as my ex death, it never can opened for other love, but now Bieber can opened it everyone! Is it good right? But why my friends can't accept him for being my love? I always support them with their crush/boyfriend, but what they do now to me? I looked Justin sadly while I felt my smile in my face..


"wake up baby.." I heared Justin said that and he was kissed me on my cheek.

"uh.. where are we now?" I still can't saw clearly.

"you should open your eyes first babe and you'll know where are we." he said again while he kissed my closed eyes.. when my eyes can saw clearly I was so surprised when I saw a beautiful lake.

"wooow Justin woow.. where are we? I never know this place before." I said honestly.

"like what we saw, a lake. Do you like this?" Justin said.

"a beautiful lake. yeah I love this!" I said then kissed his lips slowly.

"glad to know that Natalie." he said and smiled.

what I saw was a lake with a clean water, a lots of big trees, and beautiful colorful plants and flowers. That was really amazing place! I never come here before.

"what will we do now babe?" I asked him.

"what ya think about swimming? It'll be awesome right?" he asked and winked at me.

"WHAT? ARE YOU SERIOUS?" seriously that day was so cold and I can't swim anyways.

"haha heck no baby, today is so cold, I don't want you get a sick tomorrow and you didn't bring some clothes even though I would like it if you don't wear anything." he said and laughing.

"ha-ha funny Bieber, but sadly you never can see me naked." I said and sticked out my tongue.

"really?" he gave me a look "I don't think so." winked at me and run to me. I ran away from him, I was so tired and let my feet run slowly, then suddenly he hugged me from my back then we both laughed and fell to the ground. I was in under him, still chuckled "I win!" he said. "whatever babe." I said and slowly he kissed me on my lips, you know that was so sweet, which no one saw that moment, just me and Justin.

We joked, talked, kissed, eat, till I don't know what time was it. I don't want to over this day, yet actually.

"we should go home now babe." he said and looked at me.

"really? What time is it? Why time is getting faster if you by my side?" I asked sadly.

"yeah Its almost 5pm babe, yeah I have the same felling too, but we still have tomorrow right?" he said then kissed my forehead.

"okaaaaaay but I won't walk to your car, I'm so tired." I said and winked at him.

"haha I knew it!" he said then carry me in bridal style.

"open the door please babe, I can't carry you in one arm." he said then I opened the door for myself and he putted me in his car.

"here princess." he said and smiled at me.

"thanks babe, I can't believe you just carry me which my dad wont carry me anymore since I was 12 haha" I thanked him.

"haha really? So now I can change your dad place huh?" he said while drove us.

"hell no biebs! You can be dad for ours.... uh you know." I can't believe I talked about this with him, I still 16! hell-o??

"what? I don't get it." he said and chuckled.

"think by yourself babe." I said and smiled at him, he smiled back then that was our last conversation.


"hey shawty, we're here.." Justin said then I tried to opened my eyes, all can see was.. nothing. That was so dark in Justin's car.

"where?" I asked him.

"yours" he said and kissed my cheek while of course I smiled.

"uhmm.. okay" I said and when I wanna opened car's door.. "wait " he said then he open car's door of his then ran around his car and open car's door of mine.

"seriously?" I asked him little confused but happy saw him try being gentleman like that.

he gasped then said "yes ma'am" and offer his hand then I took it while I out from car.

"thank you Mr.Bieber." I said and chuckled.

"you are very welcome ms. White." he said and kissed me till we was in front of the door. It doesn't feel good for me to left his lips from mine. I want more, more, more. Those kisses was never enough I guess.

"um babe.. I should go home I guess." he said with his 'sorry' face.

"ohkay then. See you tomorrow?" I said.

"of course. Night babe." he said then he gave me last kissed then waved at me. I saw his car left in the darkness then I open the door. I was so tired then I just want to go to my room.

"where are you've been?" mom's voice. Uh, I was so lazy to told her about today so yeah...

"chillin' with Justin." I just said that, I was pretty sure mom wont got mad if I said Justin's things.

"okay then. Goodnight dear." I told ya. She likes him, even from I hated him! Yeah, I was hated him. Why? I dunno. I just hated him. End of story.

"night mom." I said while on my way to my room.

My room was in 2nd floor, its not a huge room but not small too, my bed in the right corner of the room, beside it I had small desk with all my stuffs and carpet under it, so that's my cozy corner, and my not big clothes' wardrobe was on the corner face to the bed. My TV was in beside my cozy corner. My room's wall was blue, I loved all colors actually, but why I picked blue? I don't know, I just thought blue is great color for room. It'll makes me peacefully in this room I guess. And yeah I had my own bathroom which its door was next to TV.

Right after I changed to my PJ's, I jumped to my bed then fell asleep and got nice dreams about me and Bieber.
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This is sucks, isn't it? I knew. Thanks for reading.
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