Status: it's slowly but I'll still update!

Maybe I Should Try-Or Not

"okay, I forgive you. You're so lucky I love you."

I woke up the next day at around 6 in the morning. What the hell!?!? Why I woke up so early? I love those dreams last night! Ugh.. Okay then, I can't did anything after I woke up, so I went to bathroom and took a shower. After that I quickly wear my comfortable tee and jeans then clean up my messy hair into a pony tail. After done with all of it I plugged in my iPod and selected my favorite play-list then checked my phone and it showed me it was 6:36 am and there's two missed calls and one message who comes from Justin of course. I looked at it, it read:

:: morning babe, I called u twice 'n u didn't answered it, u still fall asleep I guessin', hope this msge doesn't bother u. Love, J <3 ::

Quickly texted him back..

:: morning 2 u 2 babe, yeah u called me twice, my phone just showed it haha well, i think u called me when i was in shower so don't worried, it didn't bothered me at all :) Much Love, Natalie <3 ::

Then I check my Twitter, yeah I love my tweeps though now I barely tweetin' 'cause I can't shared a lot of my mind again since I was Justin's girl. There's so many mention I had, oh Goddammit I can't read it one by one! So I just checked my close friends' tweets and Justin's. There's no one tweet of them interested me, so I just tweeted "hope today will be great as yesterday :)" then.......... a billion tweets pouring my mention. There's says "amen" , "i hope so" , "bullshit" and the others one I can't read anymore. Beliebers and haters in one on there. Maybe there's called beliebers but hate me 'cause I was Justin's girl? Who knows?

Suddenly my phone was vibrating and Justin's ID there, "morning Hun." I said to him.

"hey, morning babe, what the hell are you doin there? I'm waiting like forever here." he said.

"whatya mean? Waiting? Waiting what?" I was totally confused while I walked downstairs.

"waiting a cute princess mind to open the door for me." he said and chuckled.

"WOOOT? YOU ARE HERE??" I asked him and yeah I was yelling, seriously, he never did like this before. I was so excited and ran to the door, open it and saw him there, smiled.

"yes baby, haha." he said while I was in rushed to hugged him.

"hmm.. I miss you.." I said and looked deep in his hazel eyes and he said "miss you too sweetie." then kissed my lips slowly and lovely.

"um.." I heared my mom coughed then Justin released his hugged and let his arm around my waist, I saw my mom smile then..

"mom, this is Justin, Justin, this is my mom." I said to introduced them each other.

"nice to meet you Mrs. White." he said and smiled.

"morning Justin and nice to meet you too." mom said and smiled back.

"I just want to pick up her to school....."

"just call me Emily dear and yes you can pick her up." mom said and smile at us.

"thanks Emily." Justin said and smiled.

"you had your breakfast yet Hun?" mom asked me.

"nope. I wanna get my breakfast in school mom." I said and hugged her while said "bye mom!"

"be careful." she replied.

"I won't let her hurt." Justin said while smiled then hugged my mom too. Well, I think I was blushing when know that. I know he said that surely.

"I trust you." mom said. OH HELL OF COURSE SHE TRUSTED HIM!

"thanks." he said and smile while we walked to his car, I waved to mom then car moved slowly.


That was a great morning-so far. I don't wanna let this day became a bad day. I enjoyed here, in Justin's car. We were keep quiet. Not an awkward one, but the comfortable one. Just the radio still on with low volume in the car. It was peaceful moment on there.

I fell my phone vibrated and yes I got one message from Anya. She said:
:: guess what? I heared today a guy from Atlanta will moved to our school! I hope he's cute! XD ::
I sighed, that's so Anya. Then texted her back:
:: yeah I hope so. So he'll be ur boy ;) ::
You know, I didn't want being a rude so I said that to her.

"what's up gurl?" Justin said while smiled at me. Wow. I think he was so serioused on the road or on his mind. I just realized that he watched me texted.

"um.. It was from Anya. She said that she heared a guy will moved to our school and I think she's so excited bout that. You know.. girl.. haha." I said truthfully.

"girl? So you do it too?" he asked me with raised his eyebrows.

"haha hell no! I'm not a single girl." I said while winked at him.

He sighed and said "okay great!" truthfully. Seriously I don't got it with his reacted about these shits. I was his girlfriend, he knew that, so what's the problem? How could I see the others guy if I already had Justin?

No longer we arrived at school then I said "you know me babe." while I opened the door for me and walked to the school. I heared his footsteps behind me but I ignored him. I don't know why I was mad at him.

In the hallway I stopped for my locker and got my stuffs to my bag then he said "I'm sorry, I shouldn't acted like that to you. Yeah I know you. I trust you, I just so worried. I'm so sorry." I know he was telling me the truth 'bout his feeling, but I don't know what to say or what to do, so I just keep going with my stuffs till he reached my head with two hands so I can saw his hazel eyes, begged me " I'm sorry " he said.

Oh no! His eyes was so hypnotized! Yeah I knew he was telling the truth so what all I can said was just "okay, I forgive you. You're so lucky I love you." and he replied "yes, I'm so lucky and I love you too." then he kissed my lips. My hands was locked around his neck and his hands was locked around my waist. It was softed and slowly but sure, I always enjoyed this moment. We pulled back gasping for air. Then I heared a little crowd around the door. I saw the new guy who Anya told me about. That guy was good looking, almost cute actually. He weared a printed tee, a hoddie, a tight dark jeans and a sneakers. That guy has a short dark brown mess hair and golden eyes, and oh, he had a little silver ring on his right angle lips.

Wait, I think I knew this guy, "Matt?" I asked myself. I was blanked and my eyes was glued at him. I heared Justin said " you know him babe? " I was dumbfounded. I can't answered him 'cause I didn't sure. He didn't wear a ring on his lips! But his grin made me sure it was him. Matt was my best friend. We were best friend from we're five. I knew him so well and he knew me so well too. But sadly last time I met him was two years ago when we're in 9th grade right after 3 months my ex had accidented. Matt was always by my side to helped me out of my sadness. He was too kind to me and I miss him.

I walked to saw him closer and I felt Justin's arm wrapped around my waist. I saw him in front of me and slowly said "Matt?"

I saw him shocked then looked me down-up like trying to remember who I am. "yeah. I'm Matt. And ya?"

I was right! But he didn't remembered me. Oh Gosh!

"me. Natalie. Remember?" I said slowly to hold something in my eyes. I was want to crying. Seriously, I missed him so bad! Then I saw him raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"is that really you? My Nat-cracker?" he said happily and I think he still can't believed his eyes. But yes! He was totally true! I was his Nat-cracker. Only him called me Nat-cracker. Then I rushed to hugged him and I felt my tears fell. I was so happy! "I-I-I mi-mi-ss you-u-u Matt-bear!" I said.

"haha I miss you too Natalie." he said happily and I saw him. I can't believe I still can saw his golden eyes. Then he wiped my eyes from my tears so I can see his eyes clearly and smiled.

"hey don't forget about beautiful young lady here! I miss you Matt!" I heared Noah said then hugged both of us. I miss this moment.

I felt Noah pulled back and I did the same. Then I remembered there was Justin saw my little drama. I looked back and saw him dumbfounded and I was chuckled.

"Justin, he's Matthew, my best friend ever." I knew I was smiling when I said that.

"Matt, he's my boy, Justin. But I think you already knew that." I said and winked at Matt.

Matt was smiling and offered his hand to Justin. Justin took his hand and they made a guy's handshake.

"Matthew, but call me Matt. And yes, I'm her best-man. Don't ever hurt her." Matt said with I-tell-ya tone.

"I'm Justin. Don't worried dude, I won't." Justin said with I-already-knew-that tone and gave Matt a weird-grinned.

I was just smiling to them and suddenly the bell rang. Ugh.

"see ya letter!" I said to Matt then he gave me a quicked kiss in my cheek and I smiled. I saw Justin's weird face while I walked with him to my first class. His face little ruined my mind, but I won't let it ruined my day so I made myself believed that "he's just jealous." and don't know why I smiled when thought like that.
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Thanks for reading, xo.