Status: it's slowly but I'll still update!

Maybe I Should Try-Or Not

"umm.. What ya think if..."

Me and Justin were in our second class. I just realized that he staring at me from 5 minutes ago, nope! From the class began actually! I don't got it why teachers didn't realized about their-wow-student here didn't gave his attention to them? It would be great if they were gave Justin some warning or something so he can stop staring at me like that. Seriously, his stared today was not like usual. It was difference and so uncomfortable on me. I was like someone who had some criminal histories and he was like a police who watched my every single moves. Okay that's ridiculous enough thought about us like that.

School lunch break bell rang. Yay me! Seriously I was so excited to canteen. So I walked faster today with smile on my face.

"wait." he said to me and wrapped my arm.

"what Bieber?" I snapped. Okay that was wrong, but I was sick about those staring's shits.

"why you didn't talked to me? Why you snapped me? Why you walked faster even just to canteen?" he asked me some questions. I told ya, he like a police.

"didn't talk to you because I didn't know what to talked about when you were so busy stared at me. Snapped you 'cause I'm so sick about those stared you gave to me. Walked faster cause I want to meet Matt and I'm hungry btw." I said in one tug breath.

"sorry about those shits. Seriously I didn't want to, but I can't help myself." he sighed then said "about Matt, I don't know what to say." he said.

"okay I forgive you and about Matt, you jealous on him." I said flatted.

"what? nope!" he said surprised.

"oh come on biebs! You know you are!" I said half begged him to didn't lie to him self.

"um..really?" he asked me-confused.

"yes I think so babe. Don't worried. He's just my best friend from we were five." I said and smiled at him.

"wow. He must be knew you so well. And you too." he smiled surprised again.

"yeah I think so. I love him like he's my big bro Biebs." I said, still smile.

"okay then, I'll try not to let this fuckin damn feeling get control on me again." Justin said honestly.

"thank you Justin. I know you'll understand." I said then he kissed me.

I walked to canteen with Justin hold my hand. I can saw Matt and Anya were chatted and laughing. I smiled again when I saw them. I told ya, I won't ruin this day. Right after I picked up my lunch I stood up beside their table and said "hey guys, can I sit here?"

Matt looked at Anya and he raised his eyebrows, "you know her Anya?"

I knew he was joking and I was like "oh come on Matt!" then sit beside him easily and he was laughing. I saw Anya just smiled then her smile gone when Justin sat beside her and quickly she moved to the other side. I sighed when I realized that Anya still in her own way-hates Justin. She should knew what he did to me. Justin was too kind to try to not let his feeling get control over him like before for me!

Then we started eat and chatted about our life after Matt gone. My life didn't have any changes till Justin came actually, so I talked much about what Justin did to me. Justin was just smiled when I talked about him with Matt. And Matt reaction was still the Matt-bear I knew, he listened every single words came from me. Anya was totally bored to heared about Justin so she focused on her lunch.

Ten minutes later the bell rang.

I walked with Anya to the next class cause Justin said that he had something to do, and me and Anya had little converstation there.

"I still can't believe that guy who moved here was Matt." she said and chuckled.

"haha yeah me too. But I'm so glad that was Matt. I miss him so bad!" I said and smiled.

"yeah same here." and that's all we've got. I sat on my chair and saw Justin walked to got chair beside me. We didn't have any converstation after that cause our teacher walked over with some papers piece in his hands.

"we have math exam today. Hope you've to prepared it before." he said.

"dammit." I said slowly and I swear I heared Justin chuckled.

Seriously, I was bad in math. But Justin was so great-thanks God. All I've got was from Justin's. I was so lucky cause our teacher didn't notice us when Justin gave me the answers. Mine was already finished after Justin's done so we can got out from that class faster then the other day.

Right after we got out from class, I mouthed 'thank you' to Justin. Justin was laughing and cheer me up on his back then ran over to school park and I was laughing with him. At school park suddenly he fell me to the green grass slowly. So we were both sat there and still laugh.

"you didn't gave me the wrong answers, do you?" I asked sarcastically.

he rolled his eyes and said "no, I didn't ma'am. That's all the right answers for me." "okay then." I said and we both chuckled.

"can I asked you something?" suddenly Justin broke the silence. I looked his face and said "you just asked me silly!"

"ouch." he said while he touched his chest and we both smiling each other. "seriously gurl." he said.

"mkaay. Wassup?" I asked him while looked him which he still gave me a weird glare.

"um.. What ya think if.." he stopped there! I hate this!

"what?" I snapped him.

"if...someday we will not together again like now?" he said with a sad face. Oh My Goddess! How could he asked me that?

"sorry? You want break up with me? That's what you meant?" I didn't know what I said.

"no, of course not. I just wondering if someday we will not together anymore, what ya think, what would you do, what your feeling and stuffs." he said slowly while his hands hold my hands and his hazel eyes looked deeply to mine. I was so confused why the hell he could thought something random like this.

"I can't understand your mind way right now Justin. I....I don't know what would I do if we're not together. I don't know hows my feeling. I don't even thought like this before. How could you talked a shit like these?" I said honestly, from the bottom of my heart. I felt something gonna out of my eyes.

"sorry, I don't want to, but we need talk about these shit Hun." Justin said while he took my arms and kissed them.

"why? What's the big deal we talked about these?"

"I don't want to hurt you baby and I just... you know.. prepare if something happen to us so I can give us in a right way."

"really?" I asked him while I reached his head with my hands. And he was just nodded and said "I-won't-ever-to-hurt-you. Ever." then my lips met his while I felt my tears fell. We were in the park, under the big trees, kissing and hey I can felt air and his breath on my cheek. It was so romantic.. I admit it.


After we've done with our little drama on school park, we decided to go to canteen to get some snacks and chatted with our friends. I was so enjoying my time with my friends cause I didn't want my mind goes to Justin again for a moment. My last class goes faster, I didn't know why. When I was in my locker to dropped some stuffs suddenly Matt came with a weird look.

"wassup dude?" I asked him and smiled.

"nothing. Why'd you crying?" he asked me with a serious look.

"I'm not crying." I lied and I believed Matt knows that. Uh I was so lucky that Justin wasn't there.

"you are not, yes you were." he said.

"how'd you know?" I kept going with my stuffs 'cause I didn't want have an eye contact with Matt.

"I have my ways." he said.

"fine. Yeah I was." I admit it 'cause I can't hide anything from him.

"why? Bieber?" he spat.


"I need talk to him." while he took a step, I hold his right hand and begged him to canceled his plan. I can't let him go.

"don't. please." I said.

"why? He hurts you while about a couple hours ago he promised me to ever didn't hurt you. But what? That's bullshit!" he said while he tried to hold his anger. I didn't say anything. I didn't know what to say. I knew that exactly right.

"Matt, you need to meet me right? I'm here." oh Goddammit! Why I didn't go before Justin comes? I didn't want they fight because of me!

"come on Justin. Let's go." that's what I can said. I hold his hand to go but he didn't move any inch.

"no Natalie." he said.

"oh great. I thought you'll hide 'cause I'm gonna meet you." Matt said and glare at Justin. Justin just sighed and gives Matt a sorry look. Seriously I didn't want them in fight.

"oh guys come on!" I begged them.

"no Natalie. I need to talk to him." Matt said.

"okay. Let's go find a cozy place to talk." I said while my right hand hold Matt's and my left hand hold Justin's then we left school with Justin's car.
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sooo, what do you guys think gonna happen in the next chapter? Are you team Justin or team Matt? Tell me what you think! Comments would means a lot for me! Thanks for read, xo (: