Status: it's slowly but I'll still update!

Maybe I Should Try-Or Not

"you don't love her."

We entered Starbucks and found my cozy corner. I dropped my stuffs on the sofa then the boys sat face to face. I can saw Matt still in anger face, it made me a little worried.

"what do you want?" I asked them.

"I want caramel frappuccino." Justin said while he straighted his shoulder.

"iced flavored latte." Matt said eyes still on Justin.

"mkay. Don't start anything without me." I said to them. "Matt." I was worried with Matt so I warned him and he just nodded. When I ordered the drinks, I can saw them still kept eye contact. No talked. Great.

"here." I gave them their drinks.

"thanks." Justin said.

"okay. So, we are here. What do you want to hear Matt?" I started this conversation.

"what do you talked about which made Nat cried?" Matt asked Justin to the point.

"about our future." Justin said flatted.

"what exactly?"

"I just want to know what Nat would do if we're not together anymore. But Nat tought that I wanna break up with her and of course that's not true. I just wanna prepare it if someday we're not together, I wanna give us in a right way." Justin explained him.

-----*Matt's P.O.V.*-----

My eyes grew wider when Justin told me his explanation. It just didn't make a sense. You know, if you really love your girl, would you gonna ask her about bad future between you two? I guess not. I still can felt my anger in my body as I repeated Justin's words in my mind. That's not right. I didn't get it what Justin thought about this. No wonder if Nat was crying about this shit. She loved Justin and he asked her about that? Screw Bieber!

"Matt? Are you okay?" I got a little jumped as I heared Nat spoke. I was lost in my mind.

"he is alright Nat." Justin soothed Natalie while my eyes focused on his hand which scrub Nat's arm.

How could this guy still can that close to Natalie? After he hurt her; the girl I love from 4 years ago? Yeah. I love my Nat-cracker. I still can't believed that guy still can hold her in his arms. Justin hurts Natalie, and Natalie? Forgave him of course. That's so Nat! I hate Bieber with all of my heart. I can felt my anger go wild while I thought about that. No one can hurts Natalie but, Justin can. 'Cause Natalie loves Justin and I won't gonna hurt Justin if that's makes Natalie hurt.

I can't sat there any longer 'cause I can slit his throat in a minutes. I had to go. I didn't know what to say so I just picked up my stuffs in hurry and I saw Nat in confused look. I stood up and while I kept my anger down, I whispered next to Justin's head, "you don't love her."

-----*Natalie's P.O.V.*-----

I saw Matt whispered next to Justin's head so I can't heared or saw Matt's mouth. What the fuck he was said to Justin? Right before I wanna speak something, Matt moved to me and whispered on my ear, "I love you."

I saw him walked out the Sturbucks then ran trough the rain outside. I heared a billion times 'I love you' from Matt before but I felt this time was different. I saw Justin, his face still in shock, like me. I didn't know what to say. Matt did want to hear Justin's explanation but, why he didn't say anything after Justin did? It was weird. I didn't know, it was over or just the beginning of war between my best friend and my boyfriend?
♠ ♠ ♠
this is short. I know. I'm sorry, but this is the point guys! Matt loves Natalie!!! Awww..
And it took me forever eh to update? Sorry, I have school. :(
Commentssss and I'll love you forever!