Black Star Love

Chapter 10

It was about to strike midnight, and we had been looking for Mickey for hours. Gee and I looked at all the places that popped into our heads, but he was nowhere to be find. I was afraid something bad might have happened and so was Gee. I could tell by the way he called out his name.

I was about to suggest for us to call the police when I felt my phone vibrate. The number wasn’t familiar, but I answered anyway.

It was Elizabeth. Out of all the people in the world, I didn’t expect her to call.

“Uh, Frank, I have someone here and he’s-” Oh my god!

“Is it Mickey?” Gee stopped the car and waited for my reaction.

“Yeah, he came here drunk, and well I didn’t know who call.”

“Thank you so much, we’ll be right there.” I hug up and told Gerard to drive to Elizabeth’s house … wait why did he go there?… most importantly why was he drunk?

In about five minutes we were at the front of her house ringing the doorbell. We waited a couple of seconds, before trying it again.

“Hey guys?” Mickey had his hand around Elizabeth’s shoulder and she had hers around his waist. I be that if she let go of him, he would fall to the ground.

Gee took Mickey from her and took him to the car. I stayed behind, ‘cause she asked if she could talk to me. “Uh, Frank, He was crying and he told me stuff about you and why he had broken up with me…”

I looked down at my shoes. She touched my shoulder lightly. “Frank,” Her voice was soft, “Don’t worry, me and him are just friend.” I believed her. Ever since I had met her she had always been honest to me.

I brought her into a, “Thanks, Elizabeth.”

When I got back into the car, Mickey was sound asleep in the back seat. As we started to drive back home, Gee asked, “Oh Frank, where were you going when I ran into you on the street?”

“Oh, uh, nowhere important.” I lied. I wanted to shake Mickey, wake him up and make him tell me why was he acting so stupid.

I sighed and leaned against the window.

I heard some noises coming from the back, but I figured it was just my imagination.

“Please don’t leave Frank…” uh, oh, it wasn’t my imagination. I turned to look at Gee, who was staring back at me.

“I think he’s having a nightmare.”

“Yeah,” I agreed nervously.

Gee dropped me of at my house before heading to his house.

Feeling miserable I walked dup to my room. Today I hadn’t accomplished nothing, but failure.

Oh, wait… I came out to my mom… not the way I expected, but she didn’t hate me and I guess that’s all I cared about.

I dropped dead on my bead and closed my eyes, hopping that tomorrow, Mickey would clear everything up for me before my head explodes.