Black Star Love

Chapter 11

My mom woke me up in the morning, but she said I looked like … well you don’t want top know, but the point is that she told me to sleep for a couple of more minutes and that she would take me.

I had just set my head on the pillow when I heard something moving. I looked up to see Dave sitting on a chair… reading my note book. I hesitantly got up and snatched it from him without a ward.

“Why are you mad at me?” He asked so sweetly. I guess I wasn’t mad at him, I wasn’t mad at anyone I was just annoyed of everything going wrong.

“I’m not,” I replied. Then the incident in the cemetery came back into my head. “Where were you two days ago?… why did you leave?”

He thought for a second. I got up and gathered some clean clothes to change him, “I couldn’t bare to see him beat you Frank, I just couldn’t.”

I locked my elf in the bathroom and changed, “Why are you still here?” I spoke loudly so that he could hear me. He answered as I came back into my room, looking for my shoes. “Because you and other people still don‘t know everything.”

“What are you talking about?” I shook my head.

“The questions in your notebook,” He got up and walked over to where I had placed it. He looked through the pages and stopped on one of them. He started to read out loud, “Why did Lucas kill Dave? And why did Dave let him do it? I saw everything and just because Dave was gay, wasn‘t much of an excuse for Lucas to kill him.… Someone knows the answers to your questions Frank.”



“Mickey?… why did you have to bring Mickey into this mess huh?” Fuck!

“I didn’t have to, you were the one who brought him into this… You told him about us.”

“No shit Dave! He was my boyfriend!” God I was angry and full of energy. It was like if I had slept plenty.


“Eh,”Shit, I didn’t even know if he is or was my boyfriend, “Why are you making this about me and Mickey Dave?… this is about you, me and Lucas.”

“Not it’s not,” He replied sternly, “If you want m to leave Frank, all you have to do is talk to Mickey and I‘m gone!” He sounded hurt. That isn’t a good thing is it?

I walked over to him zipping up my sweater. I wrapped my arms around him, “Dave that wasn’t what I meant,” He kept looking down at his shoes, I could see tears in his eyes. I didn’t want to make him cry. “Dave all I want is for you to rest in piece…” I sighed. “And if I have to talk to Mickey, I will.”

He looked up at me, “Thank you Frank.” He kissed me on the cheek and disappeared from my arms. There he goes again, leaving like nothing.

At lunch, I waited and waited at the tree, but no one showed up. Where was everyone? I thought about going to the library.

Leaning against the tree I kept looking down at my shoes, thinking about how I was going to confront Mickey, when a familiar pair of shoes stood next to mine. I looked up to look at him.

“Um, Frank … can we talk?” He looked like he was going to burst out in tears. I on the other hand, had a big lump in my throat, that prevented me from speaking up.

“Please?” He touched my arms softly. I couldn’t take it, I just couldn’t stand being mad at him. I took his hand in mine intertwining our fingers and lead him behind one of the school buildings, where we could be alone.

We set our backpacks down. He quickly took my other hand in his, “I’m so sorry Frank, I should have known-”

“I don’t want to hear it Mickey,” I wanted to take my hands away from his, but he kept his fingers tightly intertwined with mine. I was lying when I said I didn’t want to hear it, ‘cause I did, but what if he told me the things I didn’t want to hear. That he wants to brake up with me and that’s why he’s sorry.

“Wait Frank,” He wrapped his arms around me. I stopped squirming around and gave in to him. I laid my head on his chest and sobbed, “What happened yesterday Mickey? … I want to know.”

“She kissed me Frank, I told her to stay away and she said she could give me more than who ever I was with and then she kissed me…” Hearing his words I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him close. With one hand he tucked the hair that was on my face, behind my ears, “I would never hurt you Frank… at least not on purpose.” rubbed my cheek with the back of his hand, “I love you.” He leaned down and kissed me.

I couldn’t believe I could actually thought he would cheat on me. “I love you too Mickey.” He smiled and kissed me again.

The bell rang. I kissed Mickey one last time, before having to let go of him to head for our next class.

Gee and the rest were already in the class when we got there. I asked them, where they had been and they all looked over at Ray. “What?!… I told them to stop making fun of me or they were going to get it, but no they kept on going.”

“Hahaha, so what happened?”

Ray looked at Bob and Gee and then at me and Mickey, “You don’t want to know.”

I looked at him stupidly. “Yes I do.”

“I pushed them.” he shrugged.

“And then what?!”

“All the books in the library fell, so they made us pick them up and put them back in order…” he made a shock face, “Could you believe it? Books are actually numbered, alphabetized and categorized?”

“I think you would have known that if you actually read a book Ray.” Gee stated.

We all giggled as Ray mocked Gee.