Black Star Love

Chaoter 14

It must have been around 9 in the morning when I woke up to see this beautiful angel face looking down at me. I know I wasn’t dreaming, ‘cause I could feel the coldness.

“Hi,” she exclaimed. I sat up on the couch, rubbing my eyes and she took a seat next to me.

“Hi,” I managed to get out. My throat was fucken sore, probably from walking outside in the cold rain yesterday. I ran my fingers through my hair when I sneezed, “Bless you.”

“Tank you.” I replied rubbing my nose.

“Looks like someone got sick from standing in the rain.” I looked over at the window to see that it was still raining outside. I took of my sweater which was soaking wet.

“Um, I’ll leave you alone.” she walked of into the kitchen. I sat there thinking about yesterday, but my thoughts were interrupted by these other thoughts that came into my head about the girl that was here a while ago.

She had long blond hair up to her waist. She wore blue jeans and a pink tank top with a bright blue sweater. The thing I couldn’t get out of my mind, were her big bright brow eyes.

Imagine you feel like shit and then the next morning you wake up to see someone like that right in front of you…

I got up and want upstairs into the restroom. I washed up my face and then went into this familiar room. I looked around before I went over to look through the drawers to see if I could find something that still fits me since the last time I came over to visit grandma.

At fist I couldn’t find anything. Everything was to small. Haha funny, ‘cause I haven’t even grown the last few years.

I was going to head back to the restroom, but when I turned around, I saw a black t-shirt and some blue jeans spread on my old bed. I bet grandma left them there for me.

I closed the bedroom door and quickly changed into the dry clean clothes. I looked over at the mirror to se my hair everywhere. I tried making it stay down with by running my fingers through it a couple of times, but it wasn’t working, so I gave up.

When I got downstairs I heard voices coming from the kitchen. One was my grandmas and the other was the one I had heard earlier. “Sophie, hun, how many cups of flower do we need?” I walked in to see grandma directing the girl to read something from a cook book. By the looks of it, they were backing cookies.

“Frankie, baby, How are you?” Grandma Linda asked as she brought me to a hug. “Hi mama Linda.” I took a seat on the opposite side of the counter.

“Oh, Frank, this,” she placed a hand over the girl shoulder, “This is Sophie, my neighbors daughter,” She looked at the girl, “Sophie, this is my grandson Frank.” we both exchange hellos.

I was right they were baking cookies. Mama Linda asked me to get the chocolate chips from the top shelve. I had to get on my tiptoes to reach them. When I brought them back to the counter she took them from me.

“I called you mother … she’s on her way here.” without thinking I let my head drop onto the counter making this weird sound. “Frank, are you ok?”

I was about to reply sarcastically when the someone rang the doorbell. “I’ll get it.” Mama Lind left to answer the door.

I looked over at Sophie who was mixing some kind of sticky substance the would late be called cookies. She noticed me looking at her and she started to blush. Did I just make her blush? “So how long have you known my Grandma?”

“Oh, uh, ever since I can remember.” She smiled shyly. It was weird, ‘cause she didn’t seem this shy in the living room. It wasn’t long before mama Linda and my mom came in through the hallway.

My mom came over and hugged me as soon as she saw me, “Frank, I drop you of at home and when I came back your gone.”


“I called Gerard and Mickey, then Ray and Bob, and they don’t know where you are.” She started to blabber on and on.

“I’m sorry.” I said softly. I don’t know why, but there was a tear sliding the side of my face.

“Come on Frank, lets go home.” My ordered, but I didn’t follow.

“I don’t want to go home mom.” she turned to look at me. I was looking at the floor. I heard her sigh.

Gently she wrapped her arm around my shoulders and lead me to the living room. We sat down on the couch and she told me to tell her what had happened.

I didn’t think twice about her request. I started of by telling her what had happened one rainy day a couple of years ago, ‘till yesterdays rainy day. Surprisingly it took me about three hour to tell her everything. By the end, mine and her eyes were puffy and red from the tears we had cried.

“You cant run away from your problems Frank.” I was under her arms.

“I know, but I don’t want to go back home mom … I’m not ready. I don’t know how I feel, what I should think, I know that it hurts-” I choked out my words, but she shushed me.

She was quiet for a couple of minutes, “Let me talk to grandma first and we’ll see what happens from there, Ok.”

“Ok.” I kissed her on the cheek and watched her leave the room.