Black Star Love

Chapter 15

Not many seconds later Sophie joined me in the living room. She sat next to me like she had done before. “You ok?” she asked. I guess she saw my red eyes.

“Yeah.” I tried to avoid the reason of my crying, so I asked her what she did for fun around here. She thought for a second before answering. “Well usually I hang out with my friends, but they’re gone for vacations, so I was left here alone,” se smiled at me, “But so far they’re going pretty good.”

Now she was the one making me blush … wait since when do I blush because of a girl?

We watched TV for about only five minutes, when my mom came back. She explained to me how mama Linda agreed to let me stay here for a school year semester, but after that I had to go back home.

Maybe I can sort out my feeling out, during this time I as going to spent away from home. Mom also said that she would bring me some clothes and that she would also take care of the school paper work.

Sophie said that being her neighbor, I would probably be sent to her high school, which was cool, ‘cause I already knew her.

Mom left and said she would be back tomorrow. I felt guilty for putting her through all this, so I kept thanking her every five minute, ‘till she left.

It was around dinner time when mama Linda finally let us have a cookie. they were yummy.

I hadn’t realized it, but Sophie had spent the whole day here. Grandma said she was going to go to the store, that she would be right back.

“So, Frank…” Sophie asked whiled I was going through my cell phone. “Do you have a girlfriend?”

My hear skipped a beat. “I uh … never had one.”

She rose an eyebrow, “So you’ve never been in love?” se sounded cute when she asked that.

I cleared my throat, “Not exactly.” Now she just stared at me. “Look Sophie-”

“I know, I know, I ask to many questions.”

“Haha, not really, that wasn’t what I was going to say …” I looked down at my lap. “Sophie if I tell you something, you promise not to tell anyone.” I couldn’t believe what I was doing. I’ve known her for less than 24 hours and I’m already telling her about my love life.

This time it didn’t take as long as it did with my mom. “So what are you going to do now?”

“I don’t know … Do you hate me?” I don’t even know where that question came from.

She giggled, “No, there’s no reason to hate you,” She took my hand in hers, “We can’t help who we fall in love with.”

“Thanks.” Her word meant a lot to me.

“So does this mean your not attracted to girls?” she didn’t look at me when she asked.

She was still holding my hand, and without thinking, I intertwined my fingers with her. “I wouldn’t say that.” Oh my god, did I just say that?!