Black Star Love

Chapter 17

Grandma woke me up early that day so that I could take a shower. Which I did.

The water was freezing, but I knew that if I took a shower in warm water, I was never going to get out of the house and to school. The cold weather outside made everyone want to stay in bed.

Just like she had said, Sophie was waiting for me in the front.

When we got to school. She showed me where the office was and how to get my classes. She looked through the yellow paper she held in her hand. “Yey, we have the same first class.” She took my hand and lead me outside the building and then into another.

“This is the music room.” she pointed over to a tall man … or maybe he just looked tall to me… “That’s Mr. Epstein, the music director.” She pulled me over to where he was standing and handed him my paper.

He took a minute to write my name down in the roster and then instructed Sophie to help me find an instrument.

Sophie thought to herself, before asking if I knew how to play an instrument. Without thinking I answered, “Yeah the piano.”

“Good.” she lead me to the other end of the room where the piano was positioned to face the wall.

She motioned me to play. I did, but screwed up after three notes… “Sophie, I don’t think I want to play the piano anymore…”

She placed a hand on my knew and gave it a squeeze. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have brought you to the piano…” I smiled at her and then she looked around the room. “Here, lets go find another instrument.”

She was heading towards the wind section when this group of girls stood in front of her. “Hey Sophie.”

“Hey girls.” They all squealed and started telling her how their trip was and how they ran into this guy and he said that she was cute and stuff. I really didn’t want to listen to this so I slipped away and went to look for an instrument… she didn’t even notice when I left.

I had a flute in my hands. I was looking at it very carefully. It has a weird shape and it’s long like a stick… why not use it to hit someone in stead of blowing into it? I chuckled to my self.

I was pulling it apart to put it back into it’s case, when someone bumped into me sending it to the ground. I glared at the guy as he walked by.

I picked it up and neatly put it back in it’s case. When I was done. I looked over to where Sophie was standing to see that she was talking cheerfully to the asswhole that bumped into me.

I sighed and went over to the string section. I was looking at this girl that was playing the violin. It didn’t take long for her to notice that I was looking at her. “You know how to play?”

I looked around to see if there was someone standing next to me, but there was no one. I guess she was talking to me, “Uh, no.”

“So what do you play?” she asked placing the violin on her lap.

“I play the piano, but I thought I might try something new.” She smiled back at me.

“Want to give it a try?” She asked looking at her stand and turning the page.

“Sure.” I sat next to her. She showed me how to place the violins on my shoulder and how to place my fingers over the strings.

By the time the bell rang, my ears hurt from all my horrible playing. Sam, the girl tat had been showing me how to play said that if I kept practicing, I would eventually get better … key word, eventually.

I was making my wait out of the room, when that same asswhole pushed me against the door, this time sending me to the ground. “Watch where your going.”

All his friends laughed at me, except for Sophie. She helped me get up. “He can be an ass sometimes.” she brushed some dirt of my shoulder. “So Frank, do you want to kick it with us at lunch?”

I looked over at her friends who were waiting for her then I turned the other way, where Sam was sitting all by herself. “Um, Sophie … I think it’s better if I don’t.”

“Why?” she looked alarmed. “Did I do something wrong?”

I smiled, “No, it’s just that,” I looked over at her friends. “I don’t think if it in … and if I try to, I’m going to probably end up more hurt.”

She looked sad, but I don’t think she meant to look that way, I mean I had left her while ago and she didn’t even notice. “I’ll see you around ok.” I walked away and left her standing there.

It made me feel sad that I couldn’t spend time with her, but I guess I’ll take that to my advantage. I walked over to Sam, who was sitting under a tree. “Hey, can I join you?” I thought she was going to send me away, but she didn’t. “Sure, but it’s usually only me.”

“That’s ok.” I sat next to her.

The day went by pretty fast. After school. I saw Sophie walking home with her friends. I was walking right behind them, when someone patted me on the shoulder. I turned around to see Sam.

We both walked together. Turns out, she lives across the street from me and Sophie.

Sam was a strange girl, but she was pretty cool … se reminded me of Elizabeth… must be because they’re both into girls.

I went upstairs to listen to some music, before I came down for dinner, but when I did come back down, mama Linda asked me about Sophie.

“I don’t know. She’s probably home… why?” How was I supposed to know her whereabouts.

“Just asking. Her parents said they were going out of town, so I igured she would come over or be with you.”

“Oh.” I wonder where she’s at?