Black Star Love

Chapter 19

Not long after the bell rang, I got a stand and tried to understand the song that I was supposed to by playing, when I looked up, I saw a bunch of people gathered into a little circle. I went over to see the Sophie was on the floor and Sam was helping her up … wait how did Sam get here before me?

One of the girls that was supposed to be Sophie’s friends tried to push her to the ground again, but Sam pushed her first. At that moment, the asswhole that had been pushing me around yesterday, was about to hit Sam and Sophie. I wasn’t going to let that happen. I got in front of him and told them to leave them alone, but he just smirked.

I ignored his stupidity and punched him on the face. Of course he was shocked and it took him a couple of seconds to realize that a guy like me had stood up to him. Next came his kicks and punches. I couldn’t see anything, but I heard people screaming as me and him rolled around on the ground, but I don’t think it was only me and him.

About an hour later, me Sam, Sophie, the asswhole and the bitchy girl were in the deans office. He told us that our behavior wasn’t going to be tolerated and that we were going to be suspended. Go figure.

Sam and Sophie were sitting to my right, and by what I was hearing, they were getting along pretty fine. “So what happened back there?” I asked casually.

“Cristina started talking shit to Sam and about you and I wasn’t going to let her do that.” Sophie explained looking at the other side of the room, where Cristina, (the bitchy girl) and Tom (the asswhole) were sitting at.

“Yeah and I wasn’t going to let her push Sophie around either.” Sam said proudly.

“I see … are you guys ok?” I was looking at Sophie. I didn’t want her to be hurt.

“Yeah.” they replied in unison.

Not even half an hour later, Mama Linda was down here in the office. Picking me Sam and Sophie up. Both of their parents were at work so they all asked if grandma could pick all three of us up.

Before leaving, the dean told us that we had a two day suspension … Mama Linda looked at it as a bad thing, but I looked at the bright side … no school for two days, and I get to spend the days with both of my new friend. How cooler can this get?

When we got home, grandma sent me up to my room and told me to clean myself up. I wasn’t sure what she meant by that, but I figured it out when I looked in the mirror. The cut that Mickey had cleaned on my forehead, had re opened.

With a wet towel, I cleaned the dry blood away. I took one last look in the mirror … I look like shit.

“Frank! There’s someone here to see you.” Grandma shouted from downstairs. I thought for a second trying to guess who it was. I figured it must be Sophie, but when I made my way down the stairs, I saw four familiar faces … and they weren’t Sophie.