Black Star Love

Chapter 2

I was right. As soon as Mikey opened the door, Elizabeth asked him if they could talk. I didn’t want to intrude so I let them go upstairs as I waited for them down here, in the living room.

The minutes were going by slowly and slowly. Out of nowhere I heard my name, but I didn’t see anyone.

I figured I was imagining thing, and especially, because it sounded like, “Frank it’s me Dave.”

“Shit!” I gasped. He was sitting right next to me on the couch. I quickly got up and walked across the room.

“D… Dave.” I must be dreaming this cant be true.

“The one and only.” It was funny, ‘cause that’s how he would always introduce himself.

“Bu… your dead.” I was whispering.

“Yeah I know.”

No! No! No! this can't be happening. I had gotten over him already. Why did I find that picture and now I’m seeing things.

“Frank,” he said my name slowly, “Don’t be scared, I’m only here to help.”

I wanted to ask how, but he disappeared. My eyes were getting watery, but then I heard someone running down the stairs crying. I figured it was Eliza. I held back my tear and saw as she ran out of the house.

Mikey came walking slowly down the stairs. When he looked at me he asked what was wrong.

“Oh, uh… Nothing.” If I told him, he was probably going to think I’m crazy.

“Are you sure?” We both took a seat on the couch.

I hesitated, “I… I think I saw Dave.” my voice was shaky.

“You miss him don’t you? Everyone does Frank.” He wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

“No Mikey, you don’t get it. I loved Dave… and he loved me…” The tears didn’t go away. “I thought we were happy. I never thought he would kill himself.” This wasn’t exactly the way I expected to tell anyone about my relationship with Dave, but I couldn’t help it. I was never able to tell anyone how I felt about his death.

I’m not sure if Mikey understood what I was trying to tell him, but if he did, I expected him to question me, but instead he wrapped his other arm around me.

“Mikey I…” I wanted to tell him that I loved him, but it would be stupid, ‘cause I just told him I loved his old best friend.

I did love Dave, but after two years I was learning to let go of him and Mikey, I’m not sure how to explain it, but he helped me with that. Mikey was an awesome person. He was smart, caring and hot. What else could I ask from someone?

“It’s ok, Frank, I understand.” I shook my head, but didn’t say anything.

My head was buried in his chest.

We were quiet for a couple of minutes and I got thinking. I couldn’t even confess this to Gee, but I could to his brother. Will Gee be mad?

“Mikey. Please don’t tell anyone about what I told you.”

He cupped my face in his hands, “Ok, but just one question ok?” I nodded, “So if you loved Dave and he loved you … does that mean you're…”

“Yes,” Why even let him finish, “Are you ok with that?”

A smile appeared on his face, “Totally.”

“Cool,” I really wanted to know, “Mikey, your brother told me you broke up with Elizabeth-”

“Yeah it’s true.” He approved without hesitation.

“Oh, why?” Here I go asking question about things that I shouldn’t be involved in.

He leaned closer to me, “Be cause I didn’t love her. I love someone else.” He was staring into my eyes and I couldn’t help but stare back into his. He moved closer. “Don’t you think I did the right thing?”

“Oh,” I was stuttering. I had never gotten this close to him before, “I… I guess you did…” He was about to move closer when Gee shouted from the main entrance in a high pitched voice, “Mikey, Frankie, were home!”

Mikey pulled away and started giggling, “Were in the living room.