Black Star Love

Chapter 22

“Tell me!” I pushed him. I have no idea what came over me, but just hearing him wanting to brake up with me, hurt me … wasn’t that what he was afraid of doing?

I thought he was going to take a swing at me but he launched himself at me and crashed his lips against mine, sending us to the ground. With both of his hands behind my neck, he deepened the kiss.

I knew he couldn’t say it and if he did tell me that he didn’t love me, he didn’t mean it. I felt his warm teach on my face. Sobbing, he muttered,
“I’m sorry.”

The tile floor was cold, against my skin, but with Mickey’s body pressed against mine I felt like I was melting in his arms. I started sobbing and laid my head on is chest. “I fucking love you.” He whispered in my ear.

“I love you too.” I kissed him on the neck.


About five minutes later, we washed our faces and walked downstairs like if nothing had happened. The guys were inside the house in the living room.

Bob and Ray were talking to the girls. Gerard was sitting by himself, but ass soon as we walked in, Gee got up and dragged me into the kitchen.

“What’s up?” I asked walking over to the fridge. I got on my toes and reached on top of it. Just like I had suspected. Mama Linda had skittles. I opened up the pack and threw some in my mouth.

Gee ran a his fingers through his hair. “Are you and Sophie going out?” his out forward question surprised me, causing me to choke on a skittle. Gee came over to me and patted me on the back. “Are you ok…”

I cleared my throat, “Uh, yeah … and no, were not going out … why?”

“Cause if you were, I would have to kick your ass.” he folded his arms in front of his chest.

“Why because you like her huh.” I stated.

He blushed, “Yeah and because if you were with her it would mean that you would be cheating on my brother.” he smirked and left the kitchen.

I fallowed after him and took a grip of his shoulder and pulled him back into the kitchen. He was taken back from my actions and fell to backwards onto the ground.

He started giggling. “You didn’t have that one coming huh.” He got up.

“How did you know about me and him.” was it that obvious?

“Remember when we went the cemetery … I wasn’t asleep …” he was smirking again.

“So?” I asked confused.

“I read your massages! … and come on, you disappeared when Kathy was kissing him and he was depressed when you disappeared a couple of days ago,” He paused, “I don’t know why you really left, but I’m guessing it had something to do with him, ‘cause that day, he wouldn’t stop crying and kept muttering that he had hurt you.”

“Oh.” was all I could say.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, “You guys made up already right?”

A smiled spread on my face, “Yeah.” of course on the process I almost lost him, but Gee doesn’t have to know that.