Black Star Love

Chapter 24

I had been waiting up, for Mickey all night, but my eyes gave up around 3 in the morning, but I woke up to the sound of someone at the door. I quickly got up and peaked through the little whole. It was Mickey. He was struggling with the keys.

I quickly unlocked the door and let him in. “Hey Baby.” He looked at me with his straight in the eyes and brushed right past me into the apartment.

He sat on the couch. I walked over to the tree picked up my present box and placed it on his lap. “Merry Christmas.” I tried to hug him, but he pushed me away.

He looked at the present and then at me. He had the weirdest look on his face. You know when it’s your birthday and no one seems to care and all of a sudden the most unexpected person gives you a present? Well that was the look that he had on his face. “Open it.”

He grunted, and opened up the box. The little puppy jumped up and startled Mickey.

Mickey got the box and through it across the room and the puppy went flying out of the box. The only thought that ran through my mind was, please don’t let the puppy get hurt. Thankfully it didn’t. It landed safely on the ground, but it was shaking from fear. With it’s four little legs it ran under the Christmas tree and hid at the corner of the house.

“That was the worst present I have ever received.” he though his head back and stared at the ceiling.

He broke my heart, “You didn’t have to throw him like that…” I muttered under my breath … I should have known it was a bad idea to say that. It only brought me a slap across my face. I lost my balance and fell to the floor.

I quickly got up as Mickey stood from the couch. “Fuck you Mickey!” another bad idea. He slapped me on the opposite side of my face and punched me in the stomach, knocking the wind out of me. I felt to the floor.

I knew what was coming next. It felt another kick in my stomach and then one on my back. This had happened so many times. It don’t even bother to defend myself. He would probably win anyways.

I felt the kicks and punches come until I totally went blank.


A couple of hour must have gone by before I managed to open my eyes. I felt something wet on my face and then I heard a bark.

I was laying on my side. Slowly I tilted and laid on my back. I had to blink a couple of times so that my eyes go used to the light in the room. When I recovered my vision, I saw Mickey sitting on the floor next to me. “Frank…” He touched me softly, but I flinched and pulled away from him.

I couldn’t get up. My legs wouldn’t let me so I slowly crawled to the bathroom, and just in to me to puke in the bathtub. I through up twice after that I just sat there staring at the blank wall breathing in and out. I was afraid I would stop breathing. After about twenty minutes, painfully managed to stand up and look in the mirror. I looked horrible.

I sighed and made my way back into the living room. Mickey was still sitting on the floor, but he had the puppy on his lap. I walked right by him grabbed my jean jacket and put it on. It hurt, but I knew it was freezing outside.

When I opened the door Mickey got up and pulled on my hand lightly. “Please don’t leave.” His words came in through one ear and came out through the other.

As I closed the door and made my way down the hall I heard Gee’s apartment door open and close. I was hopping that it wasn’t him, but it was. He patter my back, “Hey Frank…”

I hissed in pain. I couldn’t take it anymore, my whole body gave up and I fell on my knees. Tears were in my eyes. “Frank,” Gerard gasped. I felt his hand under my arm. He helped me up and lifted me in his arms.

I didn’t know where he was staking me, but I figured to his apartment. I couldn’t look at him, so I looked the opposite way. As he walked I saw him pas by my apartment. Mickey was standing at the door. I closed my eyes and let the tears roll by, but as I felt someone touch my face my eyes flew right open to see Sophie standing there. I pushed her and away.

I think she figured that it hurt when she touched me, because as soon as I closed my eyes again, I felt her hand again, but this time her touch was so light, she ran her fingers over my face ever so lightly.

The last thing I heard was her he whisper in my ear and a kiss on my forehead. “Frank … it’s going to be ok.”