Black Star Love

Chapter 27

I cried the rest of that day in Sophie’s arms.

May times I had been wanting to run into the restroom and feel pain on my skin, but the promise I had made my mom years ago stopped me from doing it.

I cried for three more days. Mickey didn’t come looking for me so I guess he as doing what I had asked him to do. I really didn’t feel like seeing him.

Living with my two best friends made me realize that I do deserve someone better. I had given Mickey so many chances and well all I can say is that he took me for granted.

New years was coming up and well I felt like a burden to Sophie and Gee, so I decided to drive up to my moms house. I figured getting away from here, could be good for me.

I left the puppy at Gee’s and went back to my apartment to get my car keys and some clean clothes. I had been wearing the same ones for three days.

When I walked in, the place looked just like I had left it when I left. Just like I had hopped for, Mickey wasn’t here, so I took advantage of that and took a quick shower.

I threw on some faded black jeans with a stud belt, the t-shirt I got for Christmas and my vans. Last but not least my jean jacket.

I made myself a cup of coffee before I made my way out. I hadn’t eaten anything the last few day, felling depressed took my hunger away.

I looked and looked on the counter for my keys, but I couldn’t find them. I swear the last time I saw them, they were right there.

“You looking for this?” His voice startled me. I turned around to find a sober Mickey holding out my keys. The first thought that ran through my head was He’s not drunk.

I reached out for them but he put them into his pockets. “Frank … we need to talk.”

“There is nothing to talk about.” I relied harshly. I walked over, shoved my hand into his pocket like I had done before and pulled out my keys.

He grabbed my wrist and looked at me right in the eyes, “Frank please don’t leave me I need you…” he whispered. His warm breath on my neck, brought chills up my spine.

I shook my head, “No you don’t …” I pulled away from his grip.

“Yes I don’t please Frankie I’ve changed…” His lies stabbed me right in the heart, but I knew better.

“Then prove it to!” I slammed the door behind me and made my way outside.

I’ve given up so many things for him and I’m tired of it. I know e doesn’t love me and loving him is just a waste of time for me.

As I slammed the car door shut and turned to the passenger seat, I shouted and jumped. Fuck he scared the living shit out of me.

I closed my eyes and banged my head against window, “What do you want now? … I thought I was through with you years ago.”

“It’s ok Frank, I can leave if you want …” He sighed as I refused to reply, “I wanted to check up on you.”

“Are you here to make fun of me because my relationship with Mickey is going down the drain?” I asked sarcastically and started the car.

“I didn’t know this was going to happen Frank. I left because I had accomplished what I had wanted, which was to tell you the truth…”

“What are you here for now? … No you know what? I don’t want to know. Just leave Dave, I don’t want to deal with …” when I turned he was gone.

On my drive to my moms house, I wondered why Dave had come back.