Black Star Love

Chapter 29

Gee and Sophie, before I left they told me thay would be throwing a new years eve party, so I figure, I could take advantage of that to bring Danny and introduce him to all my friends.

Both Danny and I got into my car, which is a 1991 Cadillac. I love my car … so yeah it has some defects, but it still gets me around town … and Mickey gave it to me for my eighteenth birthday…

For some reason I felt like getting to know Danny, “So what brings you around here?”

He turned and smiled at me, “I was starting to miss my dad and well he really likes you mom and I figured I could get to know her more. I also had some problems, living in a small town and having a lot of people against you doesn’t help, but I also applied for a job over here and I got it, so that was more of a reason to move out here…” he spoke fast, but finally took a break, “… Sorry.”

“It’s ok … So what new job did you get?”

“Oh, I’m going to start working at Adeline records …”

“Your kidding me right? … I work there … well mostly with them, but I also work with other labels…” when I walked out on Mickey, I thought this day would be like all the other day where everything goes bad, but it turned out to be quite the opposite.

Before we headed to Gee’s, we stopped by for coffee. It was funny, ’cause as soon as Danny took a sip of his coffee, he managed to make me laughed like I had never laughed before. We were both giggling like idiots in the car. I bet that if anyone saw us, they would think that we were high or something.


As we made our way up the elevator, I asked Danny if we could stop by my apartment first. I had to make a quick phone call. As we entered, like earlier, Mickey wasn’t here.

Danny quickly walked over to the big window and pulled the curtains open. I on the other had walked over the phone. I had only dialed three numbers when Danny exclaimed, “Oh my God!”

“What!?” I asked walking over to him. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the window.

“Look … it’s such a beautiful view.” He pointed out. I actually had never notice. One side you could see the mountains with snow on top and on the opposite side you count see the sunset over the clean blue ocean water.

I turned to look at his but he had his eyes glued to something or someone down on the sidewalk. “Do you know him?” he was referring to the guy getting out of the car.

“Yeah … he’s Mickey,” I walked away from the window and continued with my phone call.

I though, I heard Danny mutter, “He’s cute,” but I figured I was just being paranoid. I mean come on, I just saw a dead guy I the morning.