Black Star Love

Chapter 3

We didn’t do much at Gee house that day, so me and Mikey went to my house so that I could play the piano. Mom told me I had to learn to play an instrument. Or course I told her I knew how to play the guitar, but she said it had to be a non string instrument.

I decided on piano. And it was actually kind of fun. At first I stank at it so mom was stuck listening to my crappy music, but after a while I got better and better.

When I’m in front of people, I get nervous. Mikey was making my nervous.

He sat next to me and watched as I positioned my fingers. “Are you sure you can play?”

“Of course I can,” But I guess I was wrong. I had just hit the fifth note, when I screwed up. “Yeah Frank, your really good at it.” His sarcasm didn’t bother me.

“Like if you could do better.” He leaned over in font of me and played the song I had been trying to play.

“See…” He turned to look at me, and without thinking, I closed my eyes and kissed him.

When I pulled away, he just looked at me and smiled. “Frank…”

“I’m sorry Mikey I-” He pressed his lips against mine and wrapped his arms around my neck. I couldn’t help it, I pulled him closer to me.

“This isn’t right.” he breathlessly said.

“I know… but I,” I would scare him if I told him that I loved him, “I like you.”

“I like you too Frank.” We continued to kiss, but stopped as the front door opened.

Stupid door, it always ruins the moment.

“Frank hun, I’m home.” My mom stopped and greeted Mikey. “I don’t hear any playing.”

“I’ll get right to it mom, oh and guess what?”

“What!?” She shouted going into the kitchen.

“Mikey is teaching me how to play better!”

“That’s good!”

“Let’s go up to my room?” I asked in a whisper.

Mikey took my hand and led the way to my room. I closed the door behind us.

We both sat on my bed. I laid on one side, looking at the ceiling. “Frank, tell me about you and Dave.”

I turned to look at him, he was sitting up straight next to me. Two year have gone by and no one knew. Should I tell him? I mean he promised not to tell right.

“Ok, but first you have to tell me why you broke up with Elizabeth.”

“Uh,” He looked surprised at my question, but he took my hand, “Um, well after Dave died, I started to know this person more and more. And I started to like them, but I knew it was wrong. And then I met Elizabeth. She was really pretty and I liked her. One day she told me she liked me, so I figured giving her a chance might help, forget about the person I really liked, but as the months went by, I only felt more attracted to him instead of her.” He looked a me and we both made eye contact. “I figured that if I wasn’t going to be happy with her, I was just going to be wasting her time, so I did what I did.” He looked away.

I hesitated to tell him this but it was what I really felt. “Mikey,” He looked at me again and I sat up to meet his gaze. “I’m glad that your not with Elizabeth anymore,” He was still holding my hand so I gave it a slight squeeze.

We both leaned in and kissed.

I would have never guessed that he liked me back.

“Now, Frank. Tell me how you and Dave got to be.” I smiled at his request and thought back to the time me and Dave shared our first kiss.