Black Star Love

Chapter 30

“Thanks, Bye.” I had just gotten of the phone from talking with Sam.

Sam lives close by and she also lives with none other than Elizabeth. Put one and one together.

I know it’s going to be hard for me to stay away from Mickey to forget about him and to stop loving him, and what other way to do it than starting by moving away from him.

As I hung up the phone, Mickey came in through the front door and stopped to look over at Danny and then back at me.

Danny smiled at Mickey, but Mickey glared at him and walked over to me,
“Who is this?”

I sighed, “This is Danny, Many’s son.”

Mickey thought for a second, “Many doesn’t have a son … Your lying to me.”

“When have I ever lied to you! You’re the liar!” How he accuse me of lying when he was the one that had been lying. Who knows for how long.

I closed my eyes and rose my hands up to my face, as I saw his hand in the air.

I waited to feel the pain, but there was nothing. I quickly opened my eyes to see Mickey on the floor. I turned to Danny, “I’m so sorry … I couldn’t let him hurt you …” He looked down at Mickey.

I knelt down to meet Mickey’s gaze. “Mickey …” I placed my hand on his shoulder. “I cant do this anymore … I’m leaving to Sam’s.”

His eyes were filled with tear, “Your leaving me forever?” as mad and hurt as I can be, I could never live without him out of my life.

“No…” I inhaled and exhaled slowly, “… but I … I cant be with you anymore.” I stood up and walked over to the door accompanied by Danny. I bet he was confused as hell.

“Frankie, I love you,” he spoke in a whisper, “… Do you still love me?”

I just looked at him on the floor without an answer before closing the door behind me.

“I’m sorry you had to see that …” I spoke lightly to Danny as I leaned against the wall and whipped my tears away.

“It’s ok … I know how you feel.”

“You do?” I asked dumbstruck.

“Yeah … it’s one of the reasons I left my home town and came to live here.”

I thought for a second, “So you had problems with your girlfriend?”

He cleared his throat, “I’ve never had a girlfriend.”