Black Star Love

Chapter 31

“Frankie … You made it!” I chuckle as I heard Gee opened his apartment door. He walked over to us and wrapped his arms around mine and Danny’s shoulder. I could smell the scent of alcohol in his breath.

“Come on in boys …” he walked us over to hi apartment.

“Gee, this is Danny, Danny this is Gerard-”

“but you can call me Geeeeeee…..” He started giggling to him self.

At that moment, Sophie came out of the room, stumbling over the people inside, but she on the other hand was sober. “Thank you guy. I cant imagine where he could of ended up.” She took Gee from us as she introduced herself to Danny. Gee on the other hand, started playing with Sophie’s hair.

Gee smirked to himself and gave Sophie a sloppy kiss.

The last time Gee got drunk and left without no one noticing, we found him the next day at a bus stop bench. The police that had been passing by confused him for a bum.

Anyways, I led Danny inside and looked around for the guys … and girls. Bob, Ray, Sam, Elizabeth, Sally(Bob’s girlfriend) and Melinda(Ray’s girlfriend) were all standing in a circle at one of the corners of the room.

Everyone was having a good time. Well at least that’s what I think. I must have drank a little to much cause I did hear what Ray asked me. “What?!” The music was getting a little to loud.

“Are you two going out?” Both me and Danny looked at each other, “No!” we both said in unison and shook our head. “Why?”

“Just asking … cause Mickey all the way over there alone.” He pointed across the room. Mickey was headed over here.

“I’ll be right back …” I walked away and went into the kitchen. I headed towards the fridge and took out a beer. Usually I get wasted only when I have a reason like having fun or feeling depressed but none of that had been happening recently.

Weird isn’t it. I’ve been miserable for the past few months and I still hadn’t turned to drinking … now I wonder why Mickey did what he did. Why did he cheat on me why did he drink, do drugs? Was I not good enough for him? How could he go around fucking other people when it had been over six months that he hasn’t touched me. I’ve never rejected him, unless he touched me violently.

I gulped down the whole beer in one drink and placed the empty bottle over on the counter which I was leaning against. There was someone familiar sitting on the counter, “He’s drunk you know … you can take advantage of him … you know you want to Frankie.”

“Shut up,” I muttered.

“I wonder why he fucked up?”

“You know why he fucked up, you just want me to beg you to tell me …” I chuckled, “You know what Dave? I never loved you.” I’m not sure if I meant what I said, but I didn’t give a shit.

For a second his face showed no expression, but then it turned into a smirk. “Frankie …” he might be dead, but sure as hell can he hurt me. He took a grip of my shoulder pressing his fingers into my skin. “You might not have loved me, but I did love you … I died for you … and let me tell you something,” He looked at me dead in the eyes, “Mickey says he loves you but he‘s to lost in his own little world to understand who he saying it to…”

I pulled away from his grip. I was tired of being bullied around. “You knew this was going to happen.” He shook his head.

“No, I don’t lie, Frankie. I told you I didn’t know …” He sighed and whipped the tears away from his eyes. “You being the person I love I can read your thought but not Mickey’s. I felt the pain you were feeling. And I knew it was my fault for leaving you three years ago … I‘m sorry.” He faded away.

God please help me! I bent forward and buried my face in my hands over the counter. I sighed as I felt someone hand on my shoulder, “You ok?”

His voice was a whisper, but I could hear him over the music. “Yeah.” I tried to smile, but it wasn’t working.

He saw the tears in my eyes. With his palm he gently whipped them away. “Come on, it almost twelve.” He liked hands with mine and lead me into the living room.