Black Star Love

Chapter 32

I don’t remember what went on the rest of last night … No wait, I do remember one thing. As everyone counted down “3, 2, 1!” I remember a kiss. I don’t know if that person kissed me or I kissed them, but there was a kiss. I was pretty much wasted by the time that happened.

Feeling the pain in my head woke me up to find myself somewhere unfamiliar. I knew I was on a bed because it was comfy, but it wasn’t Gee’s or Mickey’s bed.

I smelled coffee, so I got up and looked around. I was in a bed room. Go figure.

“You’re awake…” His voice was soft. I looked up to see Danny standing in the doorway, “Good morning.” He smiled and left.

The worst ran through my head. Please god; please tell me I didn’t do something I would regret. I pleaded that last night wouldn’t have gotten out of control.

Nervously I looked at my self to find that I still had my cloths on, including my sweater and shoes. I sighed in relief.

I stood up and made my way out of the room. I walked down a narrow hall that lead me to some stairs. I walked down; being lead into what I figured was the living room.

Wow. I thought to myself. This place was huge. There were two big black couches, in the middle of the room. I walked over and sat. My head was starting to go dizzy.

I closed my eyes. Soon I heard some footsteps and then someone sit next to me. I knew who it was. “Here you go.”

Danny handed me a cup of coffee. “Thanks…” I smiled thankfully. I took a sip, “So this is where you live at?”

“Yep…”He nodded and looked around like if it was the first time he had been here.

I chuckled, “So Danny,” He looked like he was in his five senses, “How did I end up here?”

He giggled to himself, “Yeah, about that … what were their names?” He placed his index finger on his chin. “Sam and Eliza...” He gave me a questioning look.

“What about them?”

“Well they said you were supposed to stay with them, but they were a little to woozy and so were you… Um, Bob I think was his name, offered to give them a ride. Sophie had to take care of Gerard and she said that you didn’t want to stay with Mickey, I’m guessing because of the fight you two almost go into whiled he was dancing with this dude. She asked if you could stay with me, and well I agreed. I didn’t mind.”

“Uhu… Yeah I don’t remember what had happened after I talked to Dave…” Uh oh.

“Dave?” Danny asked. How am I supposed to explain to Danny the fact that I was arguing with Dave, a dead person yesterday. I must have kept quiet for quite a long time because Danny spoke up, “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”

I quickly spoke up, “Oh no it’s not that …” I sighed. “You just wont believe me if I told you.” He didn’t say anything and just looked at me.

I knew I shouldn’t be telling him this. I met him less than 24 hours ago and he’s my mom’s boyfriend’s son, “He… He was my ex, boyfriend … before Mickey …”

“Oh, so what happened?” I knew he was curious. I looked up at him and locked eye with him.

“His brother killed him …”

His eyes grew wide. “Yesterday?”

I shook my head and looked away from him. I set my cup down on the floor and brought my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them.

Hesitantly I went back five years back and began to tell him my love story. It approximately took about three hours.