Black Star Love

Chapter 34

I had a whole week off work and I didn’t have to return to work until the 7th, so I took my time to pick some of my stuff up from my apartment.

The first time I came back, Mickey wasn’t there, but the second time he was. I walked into the room to see him with his …. What ever you call him, but it was Gorge. Danny said that was the guy that had been dancing with Mickey on new years eve.

The third time Mickey was there alone. All I had to do was pick up my last things, drop of the keys and leave.

I went back to our old room to see if I had left anything, but nope, I had taken everything. I jumped surprised when I turned to leave. Mickey was standing behind me.

He was looking down at the floor. I noticed he had something behind his back. “Um, Mickey…” I didn’t want to be rude, but I wanted him to move out of the way.

He cleared his throat and looked up at me, “I wrote this in a message, but it didn’t seem right to send it, so I figured it would be better if I gave it to you in person…” He gave me the envelope that he had been holding behind his back.

I felt that coldness in the room, the one I feel when … Dave… I looked around, but I couldn’t see him. Mickey also looked around the room. I wonder if he as also looking for Dave…

I was about to open the envelope when Mickey stopped me and asked me to read it later. I gave him a confused look, “I don’t want to see you cry…” I got a feeling I wasn’t going to like the letter.

I sighed and walked around him. I placed the letter inside the last box there was to carry downstairs and took out my key chain. I separated the apartment keys and handed them to Mickey. He looked at the keys in his hands, “Your really not going to leave me forever are you?”

I had already promised him that I wasn’t going to leave him as a friend, but being his boyfriend I was done with, “No.”

He closed his hand tightly around the keys and looked up at me, “Frank, don’t promise thing you cant keep…”

Inside I was laughing like crazy. “Mickey,” I shook my head, “I’m not you…” I cant remember how many times he promised that we would be together, that he would never leave me … ok, technically I was the one that left him.

We were in the living room and we both turned to the couch when we heard Dave, “… No you’re not like Mickey.”

“What are you doing here?” I asked taking the box in my arms. I wanted to leave and I wanted him to leave, but it looked like Mickey wanted him to stay.

He stood up and walked over to the both of us. Placing one of his hands on my shoulders and his other on Mickey’s shoulder. He looked at me, “Frankie, I want you to be happy, so do what you think is right,” He turned to Mickey, “Mickey, your never going to be happy and you just lost the greatest thing that had ever happened to you.”

He gave both of us a hug. But it wasn’t a cold freezing hug, well at least to me it felt like a warm loving hug. When he let go of us, he walked a couple of steps back and then faded away. I sighed, “I have to go.” and I left without turning to look at Mickey.

Gerard and Sophie were outside. Gee took the box from me and Sophie hook her arm around mine. They both walked me down to my car and hugged me goodbye. Sure I was still going to see them, but it was going to be weird living far away from them.

A block away from Danny’s house, I stopped at a red light. I took advantage to reach over to the box and take out the envelope Mickey had given me. I parked the car and carefully opened he side of the envelope.