Black Star Love

Chapter 37

Boy was I surprised when I got back home. As I walked in through the front door, Danny dragged me into the kitchen. “Frankie, this is my sister …”

I knew she wasn’t from around here … guess who was standing in front of me… If you guessed that girl from the park, you were right.

Ok, so first I find out, Many has a son, and now a daughter, what’s next? He’s going to ask my mom to marry him but he wont be able to, because he’s married in another state? I think I’m worrying to much.


“Yeah …” Danny looked at me weirdly.

“Hi Frank, Long time no see.” She walked over and shook me hand.

Danny turned to look at her confused. “You guys know each other?”

“Yeah.” Joanna explained to Danny how we ran into each other at the park.

I sat around watching the two little puppies play around. Joanna’s puppy’s name was Blacky… go figure. When Joanna asked my puppy’s name, the first thing that came to my mind was, “Taco.”

She giggled to herself, “I like it.” I king of like it too.

Joanna sat next to me on the couch as Danny announced that he was going to the store. I asked him, or more like begged him to bring me back a bag of skittles and a bag of flaming hot Cheetos… with lemon. Ever tried it? The taste awesome… I think I eat the to much… maybe that’s why I’m getting fat…

Weird thought were running through my mind, I didn’t even hear what Joanna asked me, “What was that?”

She giggled at my lack of listening, “Are you Danny’s new boyfriend?”

“No…” answered quickly even though the question took me by surprise.

“Oh,” She looked disappointed.


She smiled slightly, “Nothing, I just figured that if Danny was with you then that must of meant, that he was over Steven.”


“I guess Danny didn’t tell you… Maybe I should wait ‘till he tells you…” Now that I thin about it, Joanna was right, I’ve told Danny practically my whole life story and I don’t know if he’s straight or not.

Not long after that Danny came back. I took my skittles and chips from him and went up to my room. Even though I had my ipod blasting through my ears, I could hear Joanna and Danny arguing. I couldn’t understand what they were saying, but I heard them. For some reason I felt guilty, like if I had caused them to fight… I was laying on my bed facing the ceiling when I reached over to grab another skittle to find them all gone.

Taco was on the bed, on my tummy, but all of a sudden he jumped to the floor. I turned to my right, to see Danny standing over the bed. I turned the volume down to my ipod, “Joanna left,” He said before laying down on my bed next to me.

“Everything alright?” I asked facing the ceiling. He didn’t answer so I turned my head to the right, to be met by his glistering green eyes.

“Danny …”

He blinked and looked away, “Yeah everything’s fine.”


“Huh….” He still looked away from me.

“Who’s Steven?” My question caught his attention. He shifted his body so that he could face me, and I did the same.

“No one.”

I reached over and tucked his hair behind his ear. I left my hand on his shoulder, “Please tell me…”

He leaned his head forward and sighed.
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Thanks for all your puppy name recommendations.