Black Star Love

Chapter 39

In less than ten minutes, Danny drove me to the nearest pizza place. We ordered a big pizza.

As the minutes went by I thought I was going to die of hunger if that dumb lady that took our order didn’t hurry up with pizza.

When they called our number, Danny walked over to the counter and grabbed our food. We were sitting next to the window and I could see as slowly it turned dark outside.

When we finished eating, this car with bright head lights, drove in and parked right in front of the window where we were sitting at. I ducked down, so that light wouldn’t burn my eyes.

When I looked up, Danny was giggling at me. “Shut up.” I told him smiling. It’s funny how seeing him laugh, makes me smile.

I was looking out the window, when I heard some familiar voices coming in through the door.

Ray … Bob … My head turned towards them as I recognized Mickey’s voice. I was surprised. He was sober.

I hadn’t seen him in a long time. Ray spotted me and Danny, so he and the other guys walked over to us.

I got up and hugged Ray, but cautiously, ‘cause I was still hurting. Then I hugged Bob and finally Mickey. He looked nervous and he wouldn’t make eye contact with me.

“Wow dude, what’s wrong with you? You look like shit!” Ray exclaimed as I sat back down.

“Yeah thanks, that makes me feel so much better.” I replied sarcastically.

“Dam Danny, what did you do to him?” Bob asked Danny jokingly.

“He got sick.” was all Danny replied.

Mickey was fidgeting with his fingers in his lap. I think he notice I was staring at me, ‘cause he looked up at me and spoke, “Danny,” Everyone turned to look at Mickey, but he kept looking at me. “Can I talk to you?”

“Sure,” Danny got up and followed Mickey outside. I wonder what Mickey was going to tell Danny.

“Earth to Frankie.” Ray was waving a hand in front of my face.

“What?” I asked pushing it away.

“Are you and Danny going out now?”

“Uh, I um,” I wasn’t sure. I mean I kissed him and he kissed me back, but that doesn’t mean he likes me … does it? The poem I wrote, the one Danny read, was about him. Even though I had been fighting with Mickey, I couldn’t get him out of my head. Maybe he only kissed me back, because that was how he wanted to show me that he cared…

“Frank…” Ray poked me lightly.

“No were not.” My own words stabbed me in the heart.

“Oh …” both Ray and Bob said in unison.

“Why?” I asked.

“Well we don’t know …” Ray looked at Bob and hen back at me, “It’s just that …” He paused, “Well Mickey hurt you a lot and … Do you still like him?” Uh, Oh … I had been avoiding that question for a long time now.

I opened my mouth to speak, but didn’t say anything. I sighed, “Yes, but only as a friend, He changed a lot.”

“Frankie, why did he do those things to you?” I didn’t find it irritating that they were asking all these questions, because I never gave them an explanation. “He said you knew and that you hate him for it, so he never wants to speak f it… He won’t even tell Gee.”

“What?” I asked confused.

“Yeah, when you left, Gerard kept shouting at Mickey to tell him why he did it, and Sophie tried to calm him down, so they got into a fight.”

Dam! That was what the argument was about when I saw Gee at the park. I didn’t want to cause them any trouble.

… Wait, I don’t hate Mickey. I don’t blame him for feeling as confused as he was.

“Oh, well I don’t hate Mickey…” I looked up at both of them. I know that wasn’t the answer they were expecting. “I think I know why Mickey did all those things to my, but don’t worry, it wasn’t his fault.” a bad thought ran through my mind, “You guy don’t hate him do you?”

“Nah, of course not. We just want to help him.”

“I want to help him to…” At that moment Danny and Mickey came back in.

“Ready to go?” Danny asked.

“Yeah.” Mickey joined Ray and Bob, as we left. Ray said he would be calling me later on to see if we want to go to this party his friend next door was going to be throwing.