Black Star Love

Chapter 40

On our drive home I couldn’t stop think about what Mickey talk to Danny about, but it didn’t seem right to ask. They’re both grown men and have the right to talk to each other right?….

To keep the confusing thoughts from my head I started concentrating on the lyrics to one of my favorite songs, who was I kidding, I failed to concentrate. Danny must have thought I was nervous because as he pulled up to the parking spot, he asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Oh, uh, nothing …”

Boy was I a going to regret not asking him what was on my mind. As soon as we entered the house, Danny grabbed the cordless phone and headed upstairs. When I thought he was gone he came back down, “Frankie… your not going to… um…”

“Don’t worry … I learned my lesson…” I smiled, because I was telling the truth.

“Oh… but I’m a keep a close eye on you. “ He glared at me playfully before really going up to his room.

I really did learn my lesson. Suffering from throwing up is more painful than being fat. Fuck I don’t have to be skinny for someone to like me… haha that mean I get to eat and not worry about getting fat.

I walked as I could into the kitchen and headed to the freezer. Just like I had been wanting. I grabbed the carton of ice cream a packet Oreo cookies.

After I had finished the whole carton of ice cream and the cookies, I started to get cold… don’t eat ice cream when it’s really cold outside.

I ran upstairs to grab a blanket when I heard giggling coming from Danny’s room… I peaked in through the slightly open door.

Danny was laying on his bed with the phone attached to his ear, “Mickey, I got to go … talk to you later so you can tell me more.” I saw as he clicked the phone and rolled of his bed. I quickly made my way downstairs and jumped onto the couch. I turned on the TV and changed it to the first movie that came on.

Danny came in seconds later. He looked at the TV, “You like scary movies?”

“Uh…” I looked at the screen to see The grudge being played. “… not really.”

He giggled to himself, “Mind if I join you?” he didn’t even wait for me to answer. I scooted over and leaned against him as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I laid my head gently against his chest.

I wanted to rip apart from him and ask him what the hell he was talking about with Mickey… are they… No! Danny would never…

I hate to say it, but I think … I think I was getting jealous …

I felt butterflies come to my stomach as I felt stroke my shoulder gently… I remember Mickey would always do that when he did something wrong and couldn‘t find the right words to say it.

I sighed and turned to him, but didn’t look at him directly in the eyes. “Danny … what did Mickey tell you at the restaurant?” I didn’t dare mention the phone call. He would probably think I was spying on him.

He rose an eyebrow, “Why?”

I glared at him, “Why?!… because… I … I…” Tears came to my eyes. I hated him for torturing me. I got up off of him and headed upstairs trying to hide my tears but he only wrapped his arms around my waist, “Frankie, what’s wrong?”

“Leave me alone,” I tried to push him, but failed instead he pushed me against the wall gently. He forced me to look at him.

“Frank, he didn’t tell me anything that he wouldn’t tell you.” I looked deep into his eyes trying to find the real answer.

I didn’t say anything in return, so he wrapped his arm around my waist and brought my body closer to his and without hesitation pressed his lips against mine.