Black Star Love

Chapter 41

Ever feel like your doing something you enjoy, but at the same time you feel like it’s wrong? Well that’s how I felt.

Day’s I had spent think of why I couldn’t get Danny out of my head. Every time at work when I would see him talking to Chip, the guy that he works with I would feel jealous. There were rumors going around that they were seeing each other, but I knew it wasn’t true, because Danny would always be with his sister, his dad, my mom, or me, but yet again, he doesn’t have to inform me about his personal life…

Anyways, I would always wish that I was the one he would be talking to, they guy that he enjoys being with and now, I’m confused.

Fist he talks to Chip, then to Mickey and now he kisses me… what the hell?

I pulled away from Danny and went upstairs to my room without a word. The next morning, it was the same. I did what I would do any regular Saturday, except I stopped myself from making eye contact with him and I acted like if nothing had happened yesterday.

As I lay on my bed yesterday, I though, if I don’t like or love any one, no one can hurt me, right?

It was around noon and Danny was in his room doing god know what, or at least I thought so. I had grabbed my car keys to drive over to my moms and talk to her, (see if she can give me advice … yeah I know it sounds weird, but I have no one else that I can rely on) when Danny called my name from the stairs. I turned to look at him, but I didn’t say anything.

“Frank,” he talked in whispers. I couldn’t help, but to notice that his eyes were puffed up. Had he been crying? “I… we need to talk…”

I walked over to the door and opened it. “I have nothing to talk about with you.” I replied before leaving. Here I go being a bitch again. Why cant I just make truce with him and move on?

I was half way down the parking lot towards my car when my pone vibrated. I answered without even seeing who it was.

I stopped as I recognized the voice on the other line, “Mickey?”

“Yeah, you remembered my name,” He spoke in a serious tone. He sighed before speaking again, “… Frankie,… I… I a was calling to see how you were feeling?” Wow that was a shocker how did he know I had been feeling bad? He must have notice yesterday at the pizza place.

For some reason I blushed and smiled to myself, “I’m feeling better.” I guess hearing him ask like if he cared about me brought back memories.
“That’s good to know,” He laughed nervously, “Frank, do you think that maybe, we could meet somewhere?… I mean to talk.”

“Yeah, I was on my way to my moms, you wana come?” even thought I had been with Mickey for three years my mom was very familiar with him, Gerard, Ray, Bob, Sophie, Sam, and the rest of my close friends. I didn’t see anything wrong with him and me visiting him, right?”

“Um, sure I would love to go.” I could tell he was smiling on the other end of the phone.

I agreed to pick him up in about half an hour. Not because I had stuff to do, but because his apartment was kind of far from where I was.

I’m glad to say that I was going to meet up with Mickey. I had been missing him this past few weeks … well had been missing him as a friend.