Black Star Love

Chapter 47

Back at our apartment, Mickey helped me unpack my stuff, well at least we tried. We half unpacked and half played with Taco the whole afternoon.

Mickey was laying on the floor, with Taco next to him and I sitting next to him, when there was a nock on the door. “I’ll get it,” I told Mickey, planting a kiss on his forehead.

He waited for me to stand up, but I just looked down at him. “Come in!” I shouted at the top of my lugs.

Mickey giggled, “Lazy ass.” he pecked my lips.

God I would have never thought that I would be with Mickey again. I had lost all hope when I had read that horrible letter.

Speaking of the letter, earlier today, Mickey asked me if I wanted to go to therapy with him tomorrow. As soon as he asked, I accepted. I wasn’t going to miss out on this. I don’t know why, but I wanted to go.

“Hey guys,” Mickey sat up as Sophie walked in through the door and brought both of us into a hug. When she released us from her tight, tight hug, she dawn on the floor next to us.

“God I’ve been so busy I hadn’t had a chance to come see you guys.” Mickey had laid himself back on the ground, but Sophie wrapped her arms around his neck and said that Gerard had told her what had happened.

“He did?” was all Mickey could reply. He sat up and wrapped his arms around her waist and closed his eyes.

At that moment something went through me. It wasn’t something bad, it was something good actually. The way Mickey looked, the expression on his face, it showed to me that he was for the first time seeing that the people he loved, cared about him. I never knew he felt that way.

Maybe I never noticed, cause he was always drunk and didn’t talk to me, but all that has started to change, and I’m going to keep it like that.

Sophie started asking Mickey question about what had happened. Mickey didn’t hesitate to answer them. I guess getting it of your chest feels better than keeping things inside.

Taco was on my lap now and started remembering what had happened two days ago. Mickey told me that he had planned on asking me to marry him. When Jenny, the girl from the store, I never thought that maybe I was the person he had been wanting to marry.

I wonder what would I have said if Mickey did ask me o marry him on Christmas day. Wou8ld I have said yes, or would I have said no, because of all hid bad doings… I will never know.

“Sophie.” Mickey sighed deeply, bringing me back to reality, “you should tell Gerard about the baby, you know pretty soon, he’s going to start noticing.”

“Yeah, why haven’t you told him?” I asked.

She just shrugged, “I don’t know…”

Both, me and Mickey rose and eyebrow. She was hiding something from us.

“I don’t know,” she continued, “It’s just tat he’s been acting a little weird lately. The other day, we were walking down the sidewalk, when this little kid walked by with an ice cream cone. Gerard said he looked cute. I asked him what he thought about having a baby …” she pause.

“And…” Mickey asked.

“He avoided the question, he said he wasn’t sure about having a baby, but if he ever thought about having one, he had to get to get some things done first.” I was about to speak up, but she continued. “And I don’t know, I mean whenever were busy, he tells me we have to talk, and when we do get to talk, he saying never mind.”

Mickey looked at me and then back at Sophie, “What do you think of that?”

“I don’t know what to think!” She threw he arms in the air an the brought then to her stomach. “I think he wants to break up with me…”

Both me and Mickey stayed quiet. Why was it taking so long for Gerard to ask Sophie to marry him? Is it that had for someone to ask another person to marry them?

We must have stayed quiet for a long time, because Sophie spoke up again. “I uhh, I was going to tell him right now, about the baby, but I just walked out on him…”

“What do you mean? where is he.” What did she mean by ‘I just walked out on him.’

“I don’t know I-” That was it, without even letting her finish, I walked out of the apartment and walked right into Gerard‘s.

Gee, was sitting on the couch, with something in his hand, but hid it behind him as he heard me come in. He quickly got up. As he noticed that it was me, sighed and brought what he had in his hand to view.

It was the stupid engagement ring. “Gee, you still haven’t asked her to marry you?”

He shook his head, “I’ve tried, but I cant.”


“What if she says no to me? I don’t want that.”

I shook my head and walked over to him. God I wish I could slap him and knock him senses back into him.

I wrapped my hand around his shoulders., “Want to know something?”

“Ok,” he looked at me funny.

“Dude, she thinks you want to break up with her!”

“What!” he pulled away from me, “Why, I didn’t mean for her to think that-” He started to panic.

I brought my hands to my face and cursed, “how could you be so stupid …” It was barely audible.

“What?” he asked.

“Nothing,” I dragged him out of his apartment and back into hours, not giving him time to protest.

Mickey and Sophie were still sitting on the floor. They both looked up at us. “Sophie, what are you doing here?”

“I uh,” she didn’t know what to say.

Gerard walked over and sat on the couch. I helped Sophie get up. Than I lead her to the couch, to sit next to Gee.

Mickey walked over and stood next to me. “You and you,” he pointed ad Gee and Sophie, “Need to talk.”

“And your not leaving until you do.”

Sophie and Gee, just looked at each other. Gee sighed and Sophie looked up at me.

I took Mickey had and lead him into the bedroom. I think its easier if we let them talk in private. … of course, it wasn’t our fault if we happened to be very quiet and able to listen in on them.

“Gee …I need to tell you something.” Sophie started of. Me and Mickey were listening quietly.

“What?” Gee sounded worried.

“I… uh,” we heard her gag. I was afraid she would throw up.

By the sounds of it, it looked like Gee had brought her to his arms and was hugging her, “Sophie, are you ok…”

“No Gee, I’m not, I’m pregnant.” Wow, she was straight forward with it.

“Really…” that was the last think we heard them say. I think they knew we were listening to them, so they started to whisper.

Me and Mickey gave up after not being able to hear anything and laid on the bed.

Mickey started kissing me… and I kissed back. God. It had been a long time, almost a year since me and Mickey had done something like what we were doing in bed.