Black Star Love

Chapter 8

During the rest of the ride no one spoke about what had happened, at the cemetery.

When we got back home, Mickey asked me to stay, and I agreed to, because Gee said he had to go do something, but he didn’t say what.

I sat and waited on Mickey’s bed. Soon he came back with a box. He opened it up on the bed.

“Lucas is an asswhole,” He muttered as he took a look at my face. I knew I didn’t look good.

I took of my sweater and looked at the bruises turning purple on my arms. I didn’t want to look at my stomach. I could barely sit up straight.

This time Mickey came back with a wet towel. Gently he pressed it against my face. He reached over to the box and took out a bandage and placed it on my forehead. Next he ran the towel over my right arm and then the left one.

By the time he was finished the towel was covered with dirt and blood.

Mickey was being so nice to me. He threw the bow and towel to the floor and sat closer to me. I started to sob as he pulled me into his arms.

“I think you were right.”

“About what Frankie?” He kissed me on the forehead, right here I had my boo-boo.

“Lucas knew about me and Dave.” Mickey rubbed my back trying to make me feel better, and it did.


The next day I woke up late. I took a shower as fast as I could and asked mom to drop me of at school on her way to work. She was running late too. That was good, ‘cause she didn’t even notice the bandage on my head… maybe it was because my hair was covering it, but I don’t care.

I didn’t have any classes with the guys in the morning, so I had to wait until lunch to meet up with them.

In all my classes all I hear was blah, blah, blah from the teacher, so I took out my notebook and started to doodle. Without noticing I has written down a questions that had been in my head since yesterday after I saw the image in the window. Why did Lucas kill Dave? And why did Dave let him do it? I saw everything and just because Dave was gay, wasn‘t much of an excuse for Lucas to kill him.

At lunch I went over to the tree next to the Library which is where we always meet.

From a far I could see Mickey walking over with Gee. Ray got here before they did. “Where’s Bob?” I asked him as he took a seat next to me.

“Eh, he got detention, for throwing a book at some idiot.” Haha that’s Bob for you.

Gee and Mickey sat across from me and Ray.

It was half way through lunch when one of the girls I have for my first class came over to us. She was a cool girl. Her name was Kathy. She sat between Mickey and Gee.

When lunch was over I was going to wait for Mickey, ‘cause we always walk to our fifth period together, but today I didn’t wait for him, ‘cause Kathy asked if he could talk to him… I wasn’t starting to like her.

I was making my way towards the main building, when Gee caught up to me, “Where’s Mickey?”

“Over there…” I turned to point at the tree, but put down my hands as my eyes grew wide. Mickey was kissing … Kathy. When Mickey pulled away, he turned to look at me. It was like if he knew I was looking at him.

I quickly turned away. “Oh…” Gee’s voice trailed off.

I left him standing there and ran to the restroom. How could Mickey do that to me. He said he loved me…

I locked myself in the restroom for the rest of the day. I cried and cried until I couldn’t cy no more.

As soon as the last bell rang, I left home and locked myself in