Sequel: Change Your Ticket
Status: Completed! :D

He's My Brother's Best Friend and My Enemy, This Can't Be Good!


After the argument I had with Josylne the night of the carnival I knew things were going to be bad. She had left right after and told Max she was sick but I knew that wasn't the case. She was avoiding something, she was avoiding me. That night when we got home I took my car and drove to the only place I knew I could clear my mind, the beach.

We didn't live to far from it so it wasn't that bad of a drive. However if you've ever seen a beach in the middle of fall almost winter you'd think I was mental. Maybe I was a little but the waves calmed me down. I grabbed a blanket and laid down on the freezing sand and listened to the calming waves crashing against the shore.

I knew what I said to Josylne was out of line but she was pissing me off. Every time I get close she pushes me away and blames it on Matt or something else. I knew I should stop but I couldn’t. There's just something about her that is driving me insane. Sure she's the same girl I've known my whole life but for the first time I'm starting to see who she really is. She's not just the stubborn bitch I know but she's an actual person who is to afraid to admit and face her own fears.

It scared me that I was having these thoughts. I was falling for the unattainable girl. Not only would she not want me but her brother would kill me if he ever found out. I mean I've tried to kiss her twice now! He'd murder me no doubt about.

I sat in silence listening to the sounds of the waves. I decided I needed to tell someone about my problems. I knew I couldn't go to Jayden so I opted for my next best friend. Although it probably wasn't smart since Max and Josylne were close.

It was around eleven when I got to Max's house but I knocked on the door anyway. His mom had passed away when I was fourteen and he was thirteen and now he lived with his father. His dad let me in and told me to go to Max's room.

"What are you doing here?" Max asked. He wasn't asleep but he was tired. He also had this look like he was going to squeal like a little girl. Could I blame him? No, he managed to get the girl he's been crushing on for the last month to kiss him.

"I need to talk to you about something," I said and laid down on the floor.

Max's look of love slowly faded. "What's up?"

I hesitated for a moment. "Its about Jos."

"Uh oh. You mean Jayden's sister Jos?" He asked. I could tell his brain was turning. Max was a bright kid and I knew that saying that much allowed his brain to figure out what I wasn't saying. I nodded my head. "Please tell me you don't like her," He pleaded.

Max knew the same threat I did. Jayden said it every year and every year all us guys would obey. I mean sure it never seemed like a big deal before but now it was driving me crazy. If I ever got her to like me I would be recking a million year old friendship and I couldn't do that.

"Look promise you won't say a thing. Max your the only one who I can tell this to so you gotta keep it a secret."

"I won’t. Now what the hell is going on?”

I went on and spilled everything I could. From the days she had a crush on me and I threw her in the pool. I told him about the night of the campout with the thunder. The first time I tried to kiss her and finally tonight and what went down. "Max I'm going crazy she's so impossible and normally I'd give up, but I can't. I've never wanted a girl as much as I want her!"

Max listened the entire time and the only thing he said was wow. We sat there in silence until he opened his mouth. "Look I know Josylne. Get into her friend zone first. That may be extremely hard for you but once your there I guarantee you can get her."

Even though Max only became Josylne's friend a couple weeks ago, he was right. I couldn't believe the junior who is extremely awkward with girls managed to give me the best advice.

"Thanks Max. Oh and if this works out. Please be on my side when Jayden tries to kill me."

He laughed. "All right."

With that I went back home. It was around one when I got back so I quietly snuck up into my room. Thankfully it was empty which meant Cassadee had gotten Lexis in her bed. She always wanted to sleep with me, even to little kids I was irresistible. I don't get it. Irresistible to every one but Josylne. Well, that was going to change.
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Another update. So you get to see what Parker is thinking. Its not the best update but seeing as I am still on vacation its the best I can do. I have cute ideas coming up so hopefully everyone keeps reading. I hit 50 subscribers yesterday and that simply made my day. So thank you guys. Its the readers that keep me writing, even if all 50 of you are silent. Enjoy :)