Sequel: Change Your Ticket
Status: Completed! :D

He's My Brother's Best Friend and My Enemy, This Can't Be Good!


I woke up around noon. Parker was asleep on my couch, shirtless. Why did he have to be shirtless? The world hates me. I grabbed a pair of skinny jeans and a sweatshirt and jumped in the shower. I was still gross from last night. When I was done Parker was gone but Miranda now in my room. I went down to get breakfast and she followed behind me. Parker and Jayden were playing some stupid shooter game so I ate my breakfast in the kitchen. Miranda and I both placed two donuts on our plates and began eating.

“So lovebird, how’s life,” I asked.

“Amazing,” She said with a smile so big. “Hey I have a question.”

Oh great here we go again. “What’s up?”

“Why was Parker in your room this morning?”

Stupid ass Parker and him not waking up early. He’s doesn’t think of what I have to deal with when he does this. Ugh! “You two were passed out downstairs and Lexis was in his bed.” She was satisfied with my answer.

I walked into the living room and took a seat on the recliner. “I’m bored! What are we doing today?”

“Uh, I’m taking Miranda out, sorry Josy,” Jayden said.

Curse my brother being a good boyfriend. I just wanted to spend time with my best friend, on second thought that may lead to questions so maybe this is a good thing. I followed Miranda up to her room so I could help her get ready for her date. Cassadee came in as Miranda was almost ready.

“Josy can you watch Lexis? Trevor got the day off and we want to do something,” Cassadee pleaded.

“Sure thing sis,” I said. Lexis came running into my arms laughing.

I carried Lexis down the stairs and said bye to Miranda and Jayden. Cassadee said bye to her baby and then left shortly after.

“Well, baby what do you want to do?” I asked her.

“TV, TV,TV!” She chanted. I laughed to myself. I sat on the couch with her as she watched Spongebob. An hour later Lexis was asleep in my arms and I had turned on a movie.

“Hey,” Parker said. He walked into the room and sat next to me. “Someone’s tired.” He laughed. Parker loves Lexis. They were always inseparable. Its really funny because he’s such an ass but he has a soft spot for Ms. Lexis-Harmony.

“You better be quite or she’ll wake up,” I said picking up Lexis and adjusting her next to be instead of on top of me.

“I wonder whose mom will throw a party first when they find out Jayden and Miranda are official,” He and I both laughed.

Its a point I never thought of. I wonder if mom and dad know they’re a couple. They’ll be thrilled, it was their plan all along.

“At least your supportive. Jayden would kill his friend if they were even considering dating me, then again that might be a side affect from having anger issues,” I laughed. I knew Jayden told guys to stay away from me. How did I know this? Well, when I was a freshman, Jason and I were good friends. He told me he couldn’t go out with me cause my brother would kill him. Oh that was a fun weekend. I screamed at Jayden for two hours telling him he couldn’t control my life, I knew it didn’t change anything.

“He can’t stop you though,” Parker said.

“Like he ever could! He’s to afraid of me to not let me do what I want. Unless he wants me to yell at him for two hours straight again,” I said.

Parker was now sitting right next to me. I was looking into his eyes, his gorgeous blue eyes. He began to lean closer to me, and I think I did the same. Shit, shit, shit what am I doing! Reality hit me as our lips were almost touching. I moved back so fast I hit Lexis, luckily she was a heavy sleeper.

“Parker I...I can’t” I stuttered.

“Sorry Josylne, that was stupid. I’m gonna go get a coffee.” He said and left without another world.

Holy shit. What the fuck just happened. Please tell me that was a sick and twisted dream. I pinched myself, nope I’m awake. Shit! I just almost kissed Parker, hell Parker almost kissed me!

Parker stayed out the rest of the day and I hung out with Lexis. We played house, dress up, and barbies it was a very eventful day. Since Halloween was approaching she was telling me all these things she wanted to be, and let me tell you she definitely took after her mom.

“Hey Jos, where’s my baby at?” Cassadee asked as she walked into the house. Lexis ran to her mom and Cass picked her up. “Was she good?”

“As always. She sure does look up to her momma though, You better watch that girl when she’s older. She’s going to be trouble and give you a run for your money.” I joked.

“I’m training her right then. Just as long as my little punk rock princess doesn’t party hard like momma,” She said talking to Lexis. Lexis shook her head like she would never. “Hey baby go play for a while momma wants to talk to Aunt Josylne.” Lexis ran off into the playroom that was down the hall from the living room.

“What’s up Cass?” I asked. She never sent Lexis off by herself.

“What’s up Cass?” I asked. She never sent Lexis off by herself.

“Well, there is two things I want to talk about but to start,” She paused for a dramatic effect. “Trevor proposed to me!” She yelled jumping up and down.

Damn Trevor did good. Placed on Cassadee’s left ring finger was a square black diamond ring. “Holy shit Cass!”

“I know!” She said I can’t believe its official. I mean he was always going to marry me but now its legit.”

“You ready for the planning?” I asked.

“I’ve been planning my wedding with Trevor since the first day I met him!”

It was true. They had been best friends for like fifteen years, and she always liked him. They’ve both given up a lot for each other and their daughter. I was so happy for them. Trevor was the perfect guy for my insane sister.

“So what’s the other thing you wanted to talk about?” I asked as we went into the kitchen. I took a seat on one of the barstools as she got something ready for Lexis.

“Listen Josylne,” she said stopping what she was doing and turning to look at me. “Miranda said that you’ve been spending more time with Parker. You danced with him at homecoming and he slept in your room last night. You can deny it all you want but that boy has feelings for you.”

Why must my sister say these things to me at a time like this? There goes my good mood. I mean yeah I was pretty damn sure that I liked Parker after the incident this afternoon and he had to feel something for me but I had just shrugged it off. I wanted to tell Cass about what happened but I was afraid. I knew better than to hold my feelings inside though. Here goes nothing I thought to myself.

“Cass I have a confession but please don’t tell Miranda. I’ll tell her when I’m ready to but I don’t want her knowing yet. I mean she’s my best friend but please,” I pleaded.

“Josylne you know our sisterly conversations stay between us. Now what is it?”

“Ok, well, um.” I stuttered, damn this was harder than I thought. “Um he almost kissed me,” I whispered. I was so afraid of her reaction I almost ran to my room but I couldn’t I was frozen. I looked up at her face and she was in just as much shock as I was.

“What?” Cassadee said. That’s all she said, she was killing me here. Cass was never silent.

“Yeah, when everyone was gone. I moved away before he could. Cass I’m so confused, you don’t understand,” I started to hyperventilate.

“Josy calm down please. Let’s put Lexis to bed and then we’ll discuss this.” I just nodded my head.

We got Lexis to sleep. No one was home yet so I followed Cass to her and Trevor’s room. “Alright, start talking,” She said giving me a reassuring look.

I knew I could trust my sister, so I spilled my guts. “Cass I can’t have these feelings, I’m afraid. The night of the campout I told you he calmed me down and things have been weird since he told me we shouldn’t fight over stupid shit. We’ve barely yelled at each other in weeks, like we actually talk, its horrible!” She laughed at my statement. “Its not funny! Then at homecoming he asked me to dance and it was nice and all but its weird. Like I don’t know how to be friendly to him its awkward and then today he almost kissed me and then left. Cass I don’t want my eight year old crush to come back. Parker’s supposed to be my enemy. I mean Jayden would kill him and its just wrong I mean they’re best friends and its Miranda’s brother!” I rambled on.

“Wow Josylne, breath for a second!” She yelled trying to get me to shut up. I did. I took a deep breath and immediately felt better. “Don’t stress yourself out. Let things fall into place, you could be over reacting.”

I hugged Cassadee. That’s what I need to hear I didn’t want her to tell me to go for Parker because he liked me. That’s what Miranda would have said. Cass wanted me to just be me.

“Cass what if I do like him, Jayden will kill him,” I said. I really hoped my crush wasn’t coming back. I mean sure when he was about to kiss me I felt great but that could just be lust right?

“He can’t stop you from liking or dating someone. It’s like dad and Trevor. Dad hated Trevor but look at them now. He couldn’t kill his best friend, and if you were happy that’s all that matters.”

With that I went to my room. I heard people climbing the stairs around nineish. It was probably Parker, Jayden, and Miranda. I was too mentally exhausted to get up so I just stayed in my room.
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Hey guys. I hope you like the updates and I hope there aren't to many errors. Keep on reading my lovelies.