
Chapter 1

I wandered aimlessly through the forest. It was pitch black, no light escaping from the thick clusters of trees around me, their branches intertwined above. There was no light but yet I continued walking as if in a trance, never hitting trees. My legs were working on their own, taking me deeper into the darkness. Eyes closed and hands balled into fists at my side, my nails biting deep into my palms, I didnt know where I was going. I wanted above anything to just stop and get my bearings, but there was no chance of that happening. This happens alot but terror still consumed me. When Im supposed to see something my limbs take on a mind of their own and bring me to wherever this something was no matter how hard I tried to stop it. I continued walking until my legs brought me to an abrupt stop. I opened my eyes and stared in confusion at the big oak tree infront of me. My right hand raised itself to the trunk and began to gently caress it as if searching for something. The tree was hard and rough under my fingertips as they stopped at shoulder level. They moved slightly and under my fingers there was now what seems to be a carving in the bark. My hand then lowered itself to my side once again as my legs brought me around the tree and into a small clearing.
The sun was glowing brightly throwing rays down like teardrops. The sudden light in contrast to the darkness I had just experienced was blinding. I shut my eyes automatically against the blinding light. When I opened them moments later the grip on my limbs had diminished. I stared around the clearing in amazement. A sudden waft of vanilla and strawberries hit my nose. There were trees of every kind here -birch, oak, maple- each one blending in with the next. It was beautiful there. Picture perfect. The trees encircled me on three sides, the fourth was what looked to be the edge of a cliff. I walked closer to the edge in wonder, realising as I did that there was a very familiar looking ledge below.
It was the ledge where I went to sit nearly everyday after school. I would sit there for hours on end, my school books and bag spread around me in disarray. It was such a peaceful place, I would just sit there and look out at the ocean, the waves crashing furiously against the cliffs below and the wind blowing my hair back off my face. I was so wrapped up in remembering that I didnt hear the slight coughing behind me. All I heard was something swinging through the air behind me moments later. I ducked on instinct and spun around, my left leg snaking out and knocking his legs from under him. He fell backward and landed spread on his back with a thump. He was too shocked to move and by the time he realised what had happened I was standing over him and mad as hell.
My dark hair a wild cyclone around my head and my shoulders set in defiance I turned the full power of my smouldering lavender eyes. “Who are you and why did you try to hit me?” I asked, coating my words in venom. He stared in bewilderment at me, still shocked that I flattened him. After waiting a couple of minutes for him to answer I tried again. “I asked you a question and I expect it to be answered!” I all but shouted at him. I looked at this guy staring up at me for a minute. He was really good looking in a sort of mysterious stranger way. His skin was pale, his eyes a light golden that matched his hazel hair in an indescribable way and he was really well dressed. A plain white shirt over a pair of black jeans with black and white Vans. All of which were now plastered in mud.
I sighed in impatience just as he began to answer. “I am sorry if I startled you,” he began lightly his voice giving off an air of sorrow and wonder. “Its just that I have never seen anyone quite like you before and those eyes. Your eyes are as beautiful as the setting sun yet as deadly as a blazing fire. They are magnificent.” He propped himself up on his elbows s I thought of how to respond. When I couldnt think of anything I sat down beside him to make us seem somewhat equal. I shivered slightly as I sat , my white spagetti string t-shirt had been alright for the beach I had started off on but up on the cliff top where the wind was blowing slightly it definately was not. I stared down at my bare feet, as I did I remembered that I still didnt know this guys name. I turned my face up to ask him and found him staring straight at me. As my eyes met his all thoughts left my head and I just continued staring into his eyes.
They were never ending. It felt as though lightning was crackling all through my body. I seemed to be falling into those eyes but I could still feel the slightly damp grass beneath me. For some insane reason I wanted to reach out and run my finger down his neck. The second the thought popped ino my head I once again lost all control over my limbs. My legs stiffened as my left hand began to rise. I turned to look at my arm and asked. “What is your name?” “What do names matter?” He asked answering my question with one of his own. “Never mind. Just dont move!” My arm was hovering by his shoulder now. “What are you-?” I cut him off with a single look. My hand was at his neck now and i took a hold of his collar just as he jerked away. There they were. Two identical marks on his neck. They looked as if someone had bitten him. My mind raced through a thousand possible conclusions before settling upon one.
I dragged my eyes away from his neck once I had control again and looked up at his face. His jaw was set and he wouldnt meet my eye. I could tell he was expecting some sort of an explosion from me but instead I just placed my hand on his cheek and turned him to face me. Once I had done that I lowered my head to his neck and gently kissed the marks. I rested my lips there for a moment and slowly raised my head. I sat back and folded my legs under me looking at this wonderful stranger. He stared back in open amazement and wonder. Breaking the silence I asked his name. “, Emmett,” he answered slightly taken aback. “Emmett,” I breathed softly as his golden eyes locked with mine then slowly but surely rain began to fall. Lightly at first then changing swiftly into a torrent of heavy rain drops. As the rain stopped I realised that we were both standing and Emmett had his hands on my waist. I looked up at him startled and saw that he was looking down on me, a smile on his lips, laughter in his eyes. I turned around to hide my cheeks which were both flushed bright pink with embarrassment.
Emmett removed his hands from my waist and placed them lightly on my shoulders. I slowly turned back around and looked up at his miling features. He raised one of his hands and brushed back a lock of hair that was clingin to my face. “So now you know my name, do I get to know yours?” I laughed lightly, “Im Emily.” I told him. I realised now that I still hadnt heard Emmett say what he was. Seeing Emmett so happy triggered something in me, I was suddenly overwhelmed by joy. “So your not scared of me?” He asked quietly. “Why would I be scared of you?” I asked lightly. I had to make him say it.
“Because Im a vampire.”
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This is my first story on Mibba! I'd really apreciate feedback, good or bad. Thanks! XD