Status: on hiatus sorry :(

Miracles Aren't Fiction

Chapter 4- But This Time I Mean It

Ryan runs into his homeroom just as the bell is ringing. He sinks into his usual seat and listens to the announcements coming from the loudspeaker.

“Today is Tuesday, September 10th, 2008 and these are your morning announcements. Friday is the last day to make any adjustments to your schedule…” Blah, blah, blah. Ryan has heard these same announcements one too many times before and they just don’t change.

He looks around the classroom and notices something strange.

Pete isn’t in his normal seat next to Ryan. He’s in the back of the classroom with a pissed off look on his face. He’s glaring at the back of the person who is sitting the seat next to Ryan.

And that person is the one and only Brendon Urie.

Ryan gulps and looks away from him before anyone can notice his staring. He tells himself that Brendon couldn’t have possibly known that Pete usually sits there.

The bell rings signaling the end of homeroom. Ryan gets up and practically runs out of the class. He slumps against his locker wondering why his heart is beating so fast, and why his head is throbbing.

Spencer walks up to Ryan with a concerned expression on his face.

“Are you okay? I’ve never seen you run out of class like that.” Ryan contemplates telling Spencer the truth, then decides against it.

Telling the truth would reveal that Ryan was attracted to boys. And he is so not ready to give up this type of information yet.

“It’s nothing; I’m just not feeling well. I’m alright though, seriously.” They walk to their next class in silence.

Lunchtime comes and Ryan is on the lookout. He sits down with his tray of mystery meat and stale bread, and is hoping that a certain somebody might grace him with his presence. A chair scrapes back right next to him and he looks up hopefully. His face falls a little when he realizes it’s not who he was expecting. Instead, there’s Pete grinning widely at Ryan’s surprised face.

“Miss me?” He asks, and Ryan mentally rolls his eyes.

“Why are you here? Don’t you have Physics or something? I know you don’t have lunch now.”

“Why, Ryan, I’m touched you would know my schedule like that! It makes my heart beat joyfully; it nearly brings tears to my eyes, it makes me shake with happiness, and it makes my dick stand up with horniness!” Ryan involuntarily chuckles at Pete’s retarded humor and curses his traitor of a mouth in his mind.

Spencer comes to sit down with his own tray of inedible food, and looks at Pete, amused.

“Don’t you have a class now? Like Physics or something?”

“Now this is getting creepy. It was cute when Ryan knew what I had right now, but it’s very weird and somewhat stalkerish that you, Spencer, would know that I have Physics.”

“Actually, the only reason I know was because you kept saying what your schedule was all day yesterday. It’s like ingrained in my mind now.” Spencer pretends to stab his spork in Pete’s direction.

“Ah, yes, I might recall repeatedly announcing my daily schedule. But, my dear Spency, you remembered it!”

Spencer wisely decides to not continue the conversation. It’s not like he would win anyway. Pete could go on all day.

It was at this present moment that the elusive Brendon Urie made his appearance.

He took the seat on the other side of Ryan and began eating his lunch as if it were an elaborate banquet. Everyone is looking at him as if he just showed up out of the clear blue sky.

Which he kind of did.

“So, Ryan, are you okay? I saw you run out of homeroom in a hurry.” Brendon has a concerned expression on his face similar to the one Spencer wore earlier that day.

“Oh, you noticed that? I just wasn’t feeling well. It was nothing.”

“Oh, ok then.” They stay looking at each other for a second too long and turn away at the same time with similar blushes on their faces.

And Pete notices.

Pete gets up and grabs Ryan’s arm almost violently, wrenching the skinny boy right out of his seat. He drags Ryan outside the doors of the lunchroom and pushes him against the hallway wall.

“What the hell are you doing?” Ryan questions, shaking slightly.

“I should ask you the same thing. You don’t think I see you flirting with the new kid? You don’t think I see those innocent words as something more? That kid wants you, and you want him just as much.” Pete has furious glint in his eyes, something Ryan has never seen before.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, and even if what you said is true, it’s none of your business.”

“Of course this is my business! YOU”RE my business!!! I swear, and this time I mean it, YOU ARE MINE!! No one else can have you!” Pete grips Ryan’s shoulders and mashes his lips against Ryan’s. The shock is evident in his eyes, especially when Pete forces his tongue in to his mouth.

Pete pulls away with satisfaction written all over his face. He leans in once more and whispers,

“I repeat, you are mine George Ryan Ross, and I mean it.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter 4!!!!!!! I feel like I took a really long time to post it up, but here it is!!
I know you guys dislike Pete making moves on Ryan, but I swear he has a mind of his own! He made me write that he kisses Ryan! Seriously!

Anyway, comments and such are much appreciated!!! Will hopefully update next week!