Hold My Beer

//one shot

I've been watching you
watching every girl in the bar
Paying no attention to the one on your arm
You're a dog
Man, she's smoking
I've seen your kind before
and you think you're so cool
This countryboygirl's gonna take you to school
Hold out your hand
no man, I ain't joking

I scowled at the man, he was standing roughly 5 meters away from me and I had a perfect view of him and his girlfriend. His arm was around her shoulder and she looked as if she was trying to shy away from him. His eyes were scanning the bar, looking at all of the other women who were in there – but not at his girlfriend.

It’s men like that that make me sick – that made me a fucking lesbian.

I continued to scowl in his direction, gazing ever so slightly at his girlfriend; her shoulder length brown hair falling softly around her face, her side fringe hanging around her eyes – not shielding them from view – and the black that surrounded her eyes. Her lips were painted in a light red, much more subtle than my own were and I smiled as soon as I saw the man look up at me.

He smiled back, well, more like grinned, his eyes scanning my body. Tracing every curve in my structure – taking it all in. He looked up at me and I raised my eyebrows – is he crazy? He looked down at his girlfriend and dragged her over towards me, him being the leading roll.

I looked at him when he approached, my eyebrows still raised and I was pretty sure that they were now popping out of my head. I looked down at his girlfriend (well, I assumed she was) and her head instantly fell so that she was looking down at the ground.

“I’m Brant,” he stuck his free hand out, the other gripping tightly at the girls shoulder.

Brant, what a stupid name. “Lindsey,” I replied and quickly shook his hand – wanting to let go of his scabby and rough hand as soon as possible.

“This is my girlfriend, Abby,” the girl raised her head slightly at the mention of her name, her hazel eyes looking into mine and quickly darting back down to the ground. I felt sorry for the girl; it must suck being stuck with some stuck-up prick like Brant… “We were looking for, ehem, how would you say? Some fun,” he said with a chuckle.

And hold my beer
While I kiss you're girlfriend
cause she needs a realmanwoman
and not a boy like you
hold my beer
yeah I’m a man on a mission
you don't see what you're missing
but I do, so here
hold my beer

“Erm, one second,” I mumbled quickly, trying to get away from this man as quickly as possible – and taking his girlfriend with me. “Can you hold my beer for a sec, whilst I go pee?”

He nodded his head quickly, “sure, sure – pee away!” he laughed and I furrowed my brows. ‘Pee away’… what the fuck? I blew it off quickly, with a shake of my head, and turned to his girlfriend, Abby. “You gonna come?”

Her head lifted again, her hazel gaze once again meeting my own. She nodded her head slightly and we wandered off towards the ‘Ladies Room’ – jumping the short cue and pushing our way to the front. I leaned against the sinks; looking hard at the girl who was in front of me. I crossed my legs, my knee length boots leaning against each other on my feet and my right thigh on full display as my left hid behind the other. I looked down at my tartan skirt, patting down the edges slightly.

I looked back up to see her looking down at my legs, her gaze was strong and she wasn’t blinking. I grinned before coughing lightly. Her head snapped up and her eyes were wide; making her look as if she had just been caught doing something that she shouldn’t have been. Well, she probably shouldn’t have been checking my legs out… she has a boyfriend.

“See something you like?” I chuckled, and I think she felt obliged to nod.

I chewed the inside of my mouth, my gaze still fixed upon hers. “How’s Brant?” I asked her, of course she knew what I was asking – I wasn’t asking how he was; I was asking why she was with him, it didn’t seem like she liked him to me.

“He’s okay,” she lied – acting as if I had asked her the penultimate question. No, I had not asked her how he was, I asked her what he was. In my eyes, he was a monster. He picked apart girls, stripping them with his eyes until he found one suitable and then made them and his girlfriend have a threesome – he was a monster.

“That’s not what I was asking…” I probed, and she nodded her head.

“I know…”

I stepped forwards, my hands falling around her waist and looking down at the shorter girl – she may only have been shorter as my boots had a bit of a heel – and she looked up at me. “What is it?” I asked.

I didn’t know what I was doing; but there was something about this girl that drew me towards her, I liked her. I did like her – and in those few minutes that I had seen her, I had figured it out. It wasn’t love, it wasn’t even puppy love – it was lust.

“He… he just has a clamp on me, I dunno – I can’t get away,” she whispered and I pulled her closer to my body. Her face burying itself in the waist coat that I wore practically everywhere. I rubbed her back as I felt her body shake and I knew she was crying. She looked up at me, tears streaming out of her eyes and I looked back down at her.

“I’m sorry,” she mumbled, wiping at her eyes with her hands; my grip on her waist stopping her from stepping away from me. I didn’t want to let her go, her waist fit perfectly in my hands and I didn’t want to lose that.

“Don’t be, you’ve done nothing wrong,” I whispered and she looked back up at me. I took the opportunity to push my lips against hers in a weak kiss, I wasn’t sure whether she was going to kiss back – I didn’t know if she was even bi-sexual…

She parted her lips, allowing my tongue to have access into her mouth and we were held in a slow and gentle kiss – our tongues lightly grazing and our tongues snaking gracefully into each others mouths. Our tongues twisted with each others and her tongue brushed against the top of my mouth; tickling it and making me let out an involuntary moan.

She pulled away, her arms still around my body and she looked up at me. “Erm… sorry,” I muttered, my hands still not leaving her waist.

Well friend I wouldn't blame you
if you wanted to fight
if you wanna later we can take it outside
but for now
do me a favor

We stepped back into the bar, me leading the way and we soon found Brant. He was still holding my beer, only it was now only half full, rather than three quarters. The fucker had drunk it! He’s gonna get it now.

I had my mind set on taking him outside and pummeling him down towards the ground, leaving him there as a bloody mess – his face would be swollen and his body would be bruised. That’s what he would get for not only drinking my beer, but for fucking with Abby. She obviously didn’t need it, she was quite and seemed as if she wanted nothing more than to turn invisible; to get away from the world. I can’t say I blame her, if I was with this man I would fucking want to disappear.

It was the look on Abby’s face when I sent him a death glare that stopped me from doing anything stupid; she looked pleading – as if she was begging me not to do anything. And I nodded my head at her; telling her that I was sorry with my eyes. She smiled slightly at me, telling me it was alright and we approached Brant.

“Hey, you too a long time,” he laughed.

I laughed in reply, “haha, yeah. Long cue…”

Abby had instantly gone back under his wing, and he had her locked in a death grip – she looked as if she was unable to move and his hand was fastened tightly on her shoulder, squeezing and making it look as if the blood wasn’t able to flow to that part of her body.

I took my beer back off of him and took a long swig of it, gulping it down; only leaving a small amount of the liquid at the bottom.

I handed the beer back to Brant, I wanted to get Abby away from his iron grip – I wanted to kiss her again.

“Can you hold that, I want to go get another one quickly,” I said and he nodded. I turned to Abby, “you gonna come with?”

and hold my beer
While I kiss you're girlfriend
cause she needs a realmanwoman
and not a boy like you
hold my beer
yeah I’m a man on a mission
you don't see what you're missing

But I do, so here
hold my beer

I dragged her over to the corner of the bar, pinning her against the far wall and pushing my lips against hers; it wasn’t like our first kiss, that one was soft and gentle where as this one was rough and hard. Our tongues fought against each other, in an unconditional battle for dominance over the other. I won the war and my tongue played with hers in her mouth. I smiled into the kiss – I had never kissed anyone like this before, never been given the dominance.

My tongue traced every nook and cranny inside of her mouth; tracing around the insides of her cheeks, the top of her mouth, the tops of her teeth and the sides. Our mouths opening and closing into the kiss and soft pants of air issuing from our noses and onto the others cheek.

My hands ran up her sides and under the bottom of her shirt; the pads of my fingers grazing at her perfectly slim waist and hips – the touch of her bones against my fingers almost making me want to take her right then and there; to have my way with her.

I broke away from the kiss, my breathing hard as hers was as well and I placed a quick kiss on her lips and laughed slightly. “So much for getting another beer…”

She laughed in reply and dragged me over to the bar, where she had gotten her confidence to do so I do not know – but I liked it.

She ordered another beer for me and we got up from the bar stools and made our way back over to Brant.

well guys like you
you ain't good for nothing, no
hold on a second
you gotta be good for something
for something
I know;

hold my beer
While I kiss you're girlfriend
cause she needs a realmanwoman
and not a chump like you
hold my beer
yeah I’m a man on a mission
you don't see what you're missing
but I do, so here
hold my beer

I handed Brant my new beer, for the third time that night and wandered off into the bar with Abby at my side. No doubt Brant was wondering what the hell we were getting up to – we were supposed to go back to somewhere and have a threesome for Christ’s sake!

We began grinding and my hips dug into hers, causing friction and I pushed my lips up against hers for the third time that night. She didn’t need Brant, surely he wouldn’t do this with her? Surely he just took all that he could get and never gave anything in return. She needed a real, a proper, relationship – with someone who liked her for her, not someone who liked her for what she could do…

I was willing, fuck yeah, I was willing. She seemed like a lovely girl and I would be perfectly happy spending however long we would manage to last with her. She just seemed like the kind of person that I could live with.

Our tongues started that unconditional battle again and I let her win this time. It was her turn to trace the outlines of my mouth, to massage the insides and let her tongue have its way with mine. I didn’t mind it, I liked being the submissive one if it was this good!

hold my beer
but don’t drop it
no, seriously man, don’t drop it
cause I just bought it

you gonna be hanging around here awhile
you wanna watch my jacket? (hold my beer)
ah thanks man, I'm gonna be out here dancing
with your girlfriend
hold my beer

Once again, I had gotten a new beer – that was now 1 and a half pints of beer in my system (I had been getting half pints each time…) and I handed it over to Brant. He was looking lonely and I grinned – that was what I wanted. I wanted to show him what he had done to Abby, how he made her feel.

I fought my way back out to Abby and wrapped my arms around her perfect waist; “hey,” I whispered into her ear.

She looked up at me and smiled, her lips seeking mine and bringing me into a heated kiss as our bodies grinded together.