Status: Active

Fight for What you Love

ffwyl ch. 1

It wasn’t supposed to end like this I thought to myself as I listened to the doctor tell me that my best friend was dead. I kept my face expressionless as I left the hospital with his belongings and climbed into his car, it was hard to believe that just a couple hours ago we had been sitting in this very car laughing and singing along with the radio. Just hours ago my best friend was alive and breathing holding my hand and mussing my hair as I tried to smooth it for that nights activities. I started the car and eased out of the parking lot wondering how I was going to explain to his parents why their son was dead. The hour it took to get to the mansion had never seemed shorter. I knocked on the huge wooden door and wrung my hands nervously praying no one would be home. I wasn’t sure how long I could keep my emotions inside when the door opened revealing Janey Cast the one woman I was not looking forward to facing at this particular moment in time.
“Blair dear what are you doing here? Is Scott with you?” I shook my head unable to speak. Janey noticed that something was wrong and opened the door wider. “Come in sweetie what’s going on?” She questioned gently.
“I um need to talk to you and um Rob in the um living room.” I managed to get out. Janey nodded and called for her husband. Rob Cast appeared at the top of the stairs in all his muscled glory. Rumor had it that Rob Cast used to be Tiger a famous underground fighter. Scott and I had never had the guts to ask him about it. I personally thought that every last one of those rumors were true.
“Honey come downstairs Blair needs to talk to us.” I could see in Rob’s eyes that he knew what I was about to say even before he reached the landing. The two of them sat on the loveseat while I sat on the edge of the overstuffed chair Scott and I spent hours fighting over every time we were in this room.
“Tonight Scott and I went to the fights.” I began. “There was a big dude and at first Scott was beating him but then the guy took out a knife.” I said softly. Janey’s eyes began to water. She knew I wouldn’t be telling her this if Scott was okay. “We went to the hospital but it was too late.” I murmured the last part.” Janey was full on sobbing by this point. I had to be strong for her. I knew I couldn’t break down here not while Janey needed me. “I’m so sorry.” I whispered. “I should have known I should have stopped him.” Janey’s head snapped up.
“No Blair, don’t you even think like that. None of this is your fault. This type of thing just comes with the territory.” She whispered grasping her husband’s hand as fresh tears flowed down her cheeks. I couldn’t stand this I couldn’t bear to see the couple who had practically raised me in so much pain. Rob whispered something to Janey before standing and holding his hand out to me. I took it and followed him upstairs to Scott’s room.
“This is all yours Blair. Everything in here, you are welcome in this house anytime you are just like a daughter to Janey and me and that won’t change sweetheart. Feel free to pack up anything you want to take with you when you leave.” Rob knew me better than most. He was the father I never had and he knew that I was going to leave New York. He knew I wouldn’t be back for a while. I wrapped my arms around his middle.
“Thank you Rob. Thank you for everything. I promise I’ll come back some day.” I whispered.

Blair's Outfit:
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So this is just a new story I started, I have a bunch of chapters already written, but I just wanted to post the first two to see if anyone would read it...comment, rate, subscribe :D