Status: Active

Fight for What you Love


“I know you will sweetheart.” Rob said squeezing me tighter. “You keep in touch okay.” I nodded in agreement. I would call every once in a while. Rob reached into his pocket and pulled out a business card. “You call this number if you ever get into any big trouble. Tell them you’re a friend of Tiger. They will be there before you can blink baby girl.” Rob said with a knowing twinkle in his eyes. I smiled. He had just confirmed what I had believed my whole life.
“I’m gonna pack some stuff and then I’ll go.” I said softly. Rob nodded and left the room. I threw some pictures, clothes, and I grabbed a duffel bag from the back of the closet containing every memory Scott and I had ever shared. I had all my bags and I walked down the stairs where Janey and Rob waited. I hugged them both tightly promising to call when I got where I was going. They gave me Scott’s car so I put the stuff in the trunk and drove down the street to my own house where I would tell my parents that I was leaving. They wouldn’t care in fact they would probably give me an extra credit card in hopes that I would stay gone longer. My bags were packed my parents had in fact given me an extra credit card before going to bed and I was back on the road. I wasn’t sure where I was going all I knew was that I had to leave. I drove for hours just letting the road be my guide. Three days later after stopping during the night to sleep at hotels I reached the California border. I had to smile a little to myself as I thought of the exquisite beach house my grandmother had left to my cousin Ryan and I when she passed away four years ago. I could smell the beach long before I could see it so I followed my nose until I began to see the familiar streets. I drove until I reached the house with the two dolphins jumping in the fountain and the stone steps leading to the huge double doors with the intricate glass windows in the middle of each door. I parked on the driveway behind what I recognized as Ryan’s car and I grabbed my stuff as I got out of the car. I hurried up the steps and rang the doorbell.
“Yo Aiden get the door.” I heard Ryan yell from inside. A few seconds later a boy with dark straight hair in an emo style opened the door. He had two lip piercings and his bright blue eyes sparkled. He stared at me with wide eyes.
“Ryan there is a gorgeous girl standing on your front porch.” He called I laughed. I hardly called myself gorgeous. I had wavy brown hair that fell to my shoulder blades, it fell in layers that framed my face. I was 5’2”, I was thin and naturally tan but I wasn’t gorgeous. I laughed lightly at the boy and stuck my hand out.
“I’m Blair Ryan’s cousin.” I introduced.
“Aiden.” The boy replied shaking my hand. Ryan came running from the back of the house and when he saw that it was me he didn’t slow down he just came at me, wrapped his arms around me, and tackled me to the ground.
“BLAIR BEAR!” He screamed in my ear. I laughed and hugged him back tightly.
“Ryan.” I replied happily.
“What are you doing here?” He demanded still grinning. I squirmed under his weight and avoided eye contact.

Blair's Outfit:
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second chapter, lemme know what you think...comment, rate, subscribe :D