

She looked up at him, he'd changed a lot since the last time she'd seen him. Although she knew that some change was inevitable, especially after six years, but she hadn't been expecting this. Her eyes scrutinized every inch of him; from his form fitting black tee to his stone washed Jean-clad legs and black boots. His cute boyish looks had become harsh; to most people he probably looked frightening, dangerous even. He even scared her a little and that thought pulled the edges of her mouth down into a frown.

Her eyes caught his for the first time, they were dark and mysterious, which scared her more, sending an icy shiver down her spine. That was until he looked back at her properly and everything changed. His lips curled up into a smile, that smile that made the edges of his eyes crease and his dimples stand out. The smile that changed his eyes from dark and mysterious to shining in excitement and joy, like a small child on Christmas morning. That smile she remembered from all those years ago, and that's when it hit her. He hadn't changed at all. At least, not really. He was different on the outside and maybe he was older and wiser now, but he was still the same.

He was still her Nicky.