Status: : it's her smile, that get's to him ;)

Her Smile Does All the Talking

Chapter 2

I was in Ruth's car, waiting for her to sign me out. I sighed, this was going to be a regular routine. I pursed my lips looking out the window to see the lovely La Push on the other side. That's how close we were to the Rez. It was very convenient for Ruth, how close it was to her home. Today, I tried to dress my best in the new clothes that Ruth had been kind enough to go out and buy.

It consisted, of a pair of dark washed jeans, a cream colored baby doll shirt and a beige leather messenger bag that slung off my shoulders and to the side. My hair was out and nicely combed for once. Ruth, did a simple hair style, which was half up half down kind of cute look. I smiled into the mirror that hung above on the roof of Ruth's car. I looked simple and sweet. I saw the door open, and Ruth huffed in looking exhausted.

"So much formal, work" she stressed out, and I laughed. She shot a mimicking glare. I hushed up as she backed up the small lot, and drove down the gravelled roads of Forks. Soft country music was playing in the background, probably Reba McEntire, who knew. I was totally zoned out, about my new school. The tires screeched, a immediate hault and I was snapped out of trance. I went forward, and turned to look at Ruth whose face was hard and bleak. I looked around to see she had parked the car furthest away from the school, and there were people walking out of there cars and began moving towards the school. I smiled, not even caring one bit. I opened the door, but was stopped by Ruth's hand.

"Be careful," she said, that almost came out in a harsh demand. I looked at while she looked straight ahead, her tiny hands clutched tightly around the steering wheel, I cringed softly to myself. "Don't worry," I whispered and leaned in and pecked her on the cheek and smiled in assurence. I stepped out of the car, as a gust of cold winter air blew my hair. It was cold, and I saw a copper arm extend out and in her hands were a jacket. I smiled and grabbed the jacket and slipped it on. "Bye," I whispered, and closed the door. I had a feeling she never heard since there was a bunch of kids, yelling greetings and girls who were sqeauling. I sighed, watching her car zoom out. I bit my lip, here I go..


My brothers and sisters had arrived to the lot of Forks High. I sighed, being the calm one thinking how we were about to see the usuals. I watched in slight amusement as Cheryl, screamed over her boyfriends new make over. He went all punk on her for a dare. Her face was priceless, she was completely hyperventilating and it was supposedely suppose to be my job to atleast radiate off some calmness on her. But, to me this was some sort of entertainment.

Then suddenly, there was a blow of strong wind and it masked my face suffocating me. It smelt... so divine. Smelled like innocence, and floral. She smelled mouth watering and the devil, began to crawl in. I vigourously looked around for this fiend who had allured me into her trap. I narrowed my eyes, at this girl who looked more fragile than Bella when she was human. A growl rumbled my chest and Edward, hissed for me to shut up.

'Kill her, suck her dry' my mind echoed, and Edward slammed his hand into my shoulder gripping it tightly. "Control, yourself" he hissed, looking away. I knew he had read my mind, but my thrist was no becoming over powering as venom pooled like bile in a human in the back of my throat. Out of nowhere my contained growl errupted, and was softly let out, as I jerked forward to take a taste, just a sample of the girl's blood. How it would taste more better than mountain deer itself. It would be heaven on earth. But, Emmett and Edward both held me back as my shirt bared my pale shoulder. My onxy eyes widened, as I watched her examin the school. I twitched every time the wind blew and her intoxicating smell would swirl up my nose and toy with the inner devil. I tried to fight back my brothers who seemed determined to hold me back. My pale blue dress shirt was almost torn, as each button seemed to unfasten by its self. I almost, hurdled myself at to the innocent fiend but found myself slammed hard against Edward's Volvo, by Emmett.

He held my shoulders firmly, with a triumph smirk. I peered over to my sisters and they looked at me in shame. Rosalie on the other hand just glared. I sighed, frustrurated. "My car," snapped Edward frantically, gaping at the dent left by me and had been done by Emmett. "Sorry," sheepishly added Emmett, scratching the back of his head with one free hand. Did they forget I'm still out of control? I thought aloud.

"No, we did not" hissed, Edward. I groaned, and then moaned a vicious growl, causing the whole school to gasp at the noise. There heads all snapped in our direction except for the girl's her face was still, dazed at the school. Edward, cleared his throat awkwardly and nudged Emmett. "What?" he roared, I smirked at Emmett and his bests at trying to be very scary, and they just rolled their orbs and continued on gossiping and playing football and what not. I felt my throat closed up, as her sweet aroma, strangled me. I ripped a growl, and lunged forward Edward roared in my face to get a grip and then looked around to see people didn't even notice except for one..


I was studying the school, and awkwardly dodging the footballs the seniors were throwing around I laughed, as one of them winked and passed the ball back to his friend, I looked down before I heard something. I heard some sort of arguing going on between someone. I had finished admiring the school, when my head craned at the direction to were the noise of what seemed like a growl had come from.

I turned my head to a family of sickly pale kids. There were 3 boys and 3 girls. The females looked at me in scepticality. I my gaze averted from them to the 3 males, who tightly holding back a tall, lean blonde whose eyes were wide and ready to kill. His eyes held vengence, that wrote I kill all over. I cringed softly, standing at side of the lot. His mouth was twisted in anger and pain as his brothers held him back with a sorry smile. I blinked softly, and pursed my lips. The boy.. man, reminded me of my father. How he had those piercing onyx eyes that drove crazed hatred and murder. I gulped, I assumed this was why Ruth told me to be careful, I guess it's never to late to move to the Rez. I sighed, staying calm the whole time. I smiled, to myself. I looked away, and took a step forward. I looked to my left to see a blinding light come forward in fast speed, but immediately stopped, with a honk. I jumped startled, and instantly my head turned to the family. One of them had there hands tightly gripped on his brother while his face studied mines. I learned to remain calm, as the guy in the vehical began to yell. I looked at the pained blonde, who looked worried as ever, jerked forward but then was curtly pulled back. Like he was going to come for my aid. I watched, straight ahead as the car whizzed pass me as the girl in the front was shaking her head at my stupidity. Her manicured nails were up in the air in disbelief, I smiled wearily. I soon enough, felt something sting at my nose. It dripped off, and pebbled the gravel beneath my feet. Blood. I absent mindedly touched my nose. I was bleeding. A sharp tire hissing noise was made, and I saw the pale family, slam the blonde boy in the Volvo. As the bronze boy, spun to the drivers seat. The burly man leaped into the jeep, along with his sisters.

People made way as, they zoomed out. The jeep whirled in front of me, with considerate looks from the girls and a small smile from the burly guy. Next thing you know the Volvo sped, infront of me. And through the tinted windows I saw the spitting image of my father sitting there looking at me with such anger and hate. My eyes watered in fright, but my lips instantly play a smile of sorry. I saw the blonde's face contort and soften to match my expression, it some what brightned. My smile, grew bigger as I nodded to him that everything will be alright. His face slowly changed to a cute puzzling face. I laughed, and jogged to the building.
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I posted this story out since the third movie from the saga is coming out soon. So just a little tribute. All the characters accept for the ones I made up belong to the lovely Stephanie Meyer.