Status: Active

There's Beauty in a Breakdown

Chapter One

All I can think about today is how much she doesn't deserve him. Sitting here in math clack staring into space just thinking about him.

"Hannah wake up are you there?" Mike asked to me putting his hand in front of my face and waving it around, I nodded. "So Hannah do you wanna come with me, Nicole and Josh to the movies." He said.

"Uh yeah sure."

"Cool just be there like at 7." He smiled.

"Ok." The bell rang signaling the end of the day. I walked to my locker, got my stuff and walked out of school. Jake came running up behind me.

"Hey Hannah,"

"Hey do you want to come to the movies with me, Nicole, Mike and Josh?" I asked him

"Yeah." He flashed his pearly whites at me.

"Ok why don't you just come over to my house and hang out then we can walk there." That seemed like the most logical thing to do.

"Ok good idea." We walked to my bus, got on and sat down. While on the bus we talked about our days then we got to my stop and got off of the bus. Jake is the best friend that anyone can ask for and I’m so thankful for him. Last year I had a crush on him but I realized that he would probably never like me as more than a friend. We walked to my house from my bus stop. As we walked in my house my dog ran up to us begging for attention.

"Mom I'm home and I brought Jake with me." I yelled. She walked out to the living room where me and Jake were.

"Hello Jake, it’s good to see you." My mom said with a smile.

"Well we're going to do our homework okay mom?"

"Are you going to ask her?" Jake said implying the movies.

"Oh yeah. Mom can I go to the movies with Mike, Nichole, Josh and Jake?" I asked her. In my head I was praying she would say yes.

"Yeah I don't see why not just be home by ten, you have school tomorrow." She said.

"Ok I will. Thanks mom." Jake and I then proceeded to go up to my room and sit on the floor to do our homework. We finished all of our homework by 5 so we decided to go to Starbucks before going to the movies. We walked downstairs to the living room and asked my mom if we could go. She said yes and we walked out the door to the crisp fall air. WE walked in silence until Jake spoke.

"Hannah do you like Mike?" He asked.

"At this point I’m really not sure, I’m trying to keep my mind on school work but I can’t help what I feel.”

“Yeah I know what you mean, I’m kind of confused right now too.” As we walked I wondered why he could be confused but I couldn’t figure out what to say.

"Oh," Was all I said. We made it to Starbucks in a little less than 15 minutes and ordered our coffees. We sat down at a table and started just talking about random stuff just like usual.

"Hey remember last year in 7th grade when I told you about my devil cat." Jake said. I immediatly remembered what he was talking about. One day while sitting in history class Jake started talking to me about his cat. I remember it like it was yesterday.

“Last night while I was doing my homework my cat walked onto the table then jumped at me. She was clawing at me and attacking me! It was so scary!.” I remember Jake saying. That was the moment I started liking him because he could make me laugh.

"Yeah, of course, that was when we became friends. Ah, good times." I said. We both finished up our coffee at 6:30 and proceeded to start walking to the movies. We got to the movies exactly at 7 and seen Mike, Josh and Nicole standing together in the lobby.

"Hey guys." I said. I could see Mike tense up as soon as he seen Jake, for some reason Mike never liked Jake.

"Hey Hannah can I talk to you for a second?" Mike asked, he pulled me aside from the group.

"Is something wrong Mike?” Asking an obvious question.

"Why did you bring him?" He asked motioning to Jake.

"Well I figured since you were bringing people I should bring someone too.” I explained. I don’t think he liked my reasoning.

"Well the whole reason I invited Josh is so that I could get you two together." He said. That statement made me kind of angry. I don’t like when people try to meddle in my life, it is my life and I will live it how I want.

“Mike, it is not your business to try and set me up with someone. Josh is a nice guy but I don’t want to be with him. Don’t ever try to set me up with anyone again.” After I finished my small rant I walked away from Mike.

"What was that about?" Jake asked as I walked back to him.

"Mike is just being a jerk. Come on lets go get tickets." I took Jakes hand and pulled him with me to the ticket booth. We decided to see 'The Descent'.

After buying tickets we went to the theater and sat down. The seating arrangement was Josh, Me, Jake, Nicole then Mike from left to right. The movie started and I looked over to see Mike and Nicole already cuddled up. It made me want to puke right then and there. The movie was really scary mostly because they were climbing through caves and I’m claustrophobic. When one of the cave people jumped out at the screen I almost jumped into Jakes lap. After a second I realized that I had my head in his chest. My cheeks turned red from embarassment as I looked up at him.

"Scared?" Jake questioned with a smirk.

"No it just... it just... ok yeah I'm scared." I sat back up in my seat. Another hour of either clinging on to Jake or Josh and the movie was over. I didnt even talk to Mike on the way out I just grabbed Jakes hand and pulled him outside.

"Ugh he makes me so mad." I said as we started to walk home.

"Mike?" Jake questioned.

"Yeah I mean he thinks he can control who I should date and hang out with; and he doesn't like you which doesn’t sit well with me."

“I think he just cared about you.”

"Yeah well maybe he should care about me less."

"Dont say that, there is no way that anybody could care less about you. Your too damn nice. Look, I care about you so much and your one of my best friends just give him another chance. Plus I don't care if he doesn't like me It doesnt mean that I'll stop hanging out with you." I smiled at him and he smiled right back.

"Thanks Jake, I don't know what I would do without you." I hugged him, he smelled really good tonight.

“Oh you wouldn’t be able to live without me.” He said with a smirk. I playfully hit him and we walked back to my house. His mom was waiting in the car to take him home when we got there.

“Bye Hannah, I’ll see you tomorrow.” Jake said.

“See ya Jake.” And with that he went home and I went to my room and went to sleep.
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Hope you liked it :]
Comments are always appreciated.
I'll post more soon