Status: Active

There's Beauty in a Breakdown

Chapter Two

I hate alarm clocks, personally I would like to kill the inventor of them. I reached over to my nightstand and turned it off. Slowly, I got out of my warm, cozy bed and got dressed. Today I wore a shirt that said 'Long live the black parade', simple blue jeans and my clandestine industries hoodie. I went into the bathroom brushed my teeth and my hair and walked downstairs to get some breakfast. I grabbed a pop-tart and sat down on the living room couch. After eating my pop-tart I grabbed my backpack, said goodbye to my mom and walked out the door. I walked down to my bus stop and waited for the bus to come just like every other morning. A few minutes later my friend Shelly walked up next to me.

"Hey Hannah.” She said

“Oh, hey Shelly.” I replied.

"Nicole called me last night and told me you and Mike got into a fight.” Shelly and Nicol just happened to be friends. Shelly and I used to be best friends until Nicole and a few other girls walked into her life.

"Oh really. Well for once in her life she's right.” But why would Mike tell Nicole? If we’re fighting that’s our business.

"What happened?” Shelly asked.

"Well he thinks he can run my life and even my dating life". I explained.

"What do you mean?”

"Well last night he invited me to the movies with him, Nichole and Josh. I said yes and then after school I invited Jake. So we got to the movies and then Mike got all in my face about how I invited Jake and that he wanted me and Josh to get together. I just basically told him that he can’t run my life and didn’t talk to him for the rest of the night.” I explained to her.
"Wow I wouldn't expect Mike to do that.” She said. The bus pulled up in front of us and we got on it. We sat down together and the bus took us to school. I got off the bus and saw Jake standing by the school waiting for the teachers to open the doors. I walked over to him.

"Hi Jake.” I said.

"Hey, whats up?”

"Nothing I just don't know what I'm gonna do in math, I have to sit next to Mike.” This whole situation was kind of stressing me out.

"Oh that sucks.” The doors opened to the school and we walked in together. I walked to my locker which is about ten feet away from the door and Jake followed.

"Hey I gotta go but good luck in math hopefully I'll see you before then.” He walked away and I put my stuff in my locker then headed to Allisons locker right across the hallway. I became friends with Allison last year, she’s really awesome, pretty and we like the same kinds of things.

"Hey Ali.” I said.

"Hey, whats up".

"Nothing just don’t want to go to class yet.”

"Yeah, me neither.” We started walking towards the band room, I had to put my flute in it’s little cubby and Ali had to take her tenor sax there. After we put our instruments away it was time for anchor class. Shit, I forgot that I had anchor with Mike too. I slowly walked into anchor and Mike got up once he saw me.

"Hannah we need to talk.” Mike said.

"Yeah we do.” We sat down in our seats that were right next to each other in the back of the class.

"I'm sorry.” Mike said. I could tell by the look on his face that he really was feeling bad about last night.

"It’s okay just don’t try to set me up on anymore dates. I don't have a problem with Josh its just that I don't like him in that way.”

“Okay I won’t.”

“Can I ask you a question?”

“Sure, you can ask me anything.” Mike said.

"Why don't you like Jake?” I asked.

"I just don't think I can trust him. My concience says he just wants to hurt you.” I laughed at what he said. "What?” He said.

"Jake would never hurt me.” I said stopping my laugh.

"How do you know?” He said.

"Because I know he’s a good guy.” The bell rang just after I said that and we both got up and walked out to go to our first hours.

I walked into 6th hour math class and saw Mike already sitting at our table. I walked over and sat next to him.

"Hey are we still fighting?” He asked me.

"Are you still being a jackass?” I asked laughing.

"I don't think so.”

"Then we're cool.”

"Good cause I can't stand it when your mad at me.”

“And I can’t stand being mad at you.” I said with a smile. I'm glad we're not fighting but who knows how long peace will last.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kind of a shorter chaper, A filler of sorts.
Comments are always appreciated.
Next chapter will be up soon.