‹ Prequel: Dance with Me
Sequel: Be With Me
Status: 6/20/20-11/21/10 Completed :)

Tour With Me

Justin's side comments.

Natalie’s POV

I had been a few hours since the kitchen incident with Justin and we hadn’t talked. Why, well we just didn’t. I wasn’t mad at him for what he said. How could I be mad at him when what he said was true. He had been in mouth…well his tongue had. Do I regret it…not really, honestly I liked it, still do. I was just shocked by him saying that. It was just so……I don’t know. It just wasn’t what I was expecting.

Besides, I haven’t gotten a chance to talk to Justin and tell him that I’m not mad. Ever since the incident, I’ve been with Allan. He did in fact fall out of his bunk. Apparently, he asked Sabrina something and when she answered he fell out of the bed. When I saw him lying on the floor, I couldn’t help but laugh. He told me that I would have to make it up to him for laughing at his pain. So I’ve basically been his nurse for the past few hours, tending to his invisible wounds.

“You’re such a baby,” I spoke as I looked down at Allan.

He was currently lying down on the couch with his head in my lap. His knees were folded upright so that there was enough room on the couch for Sabrina and Annabelle. They were talking and playing cards. On the floor, Justin and Thomas. They had hooked up Justin’s X-box, and were now playing Call of Duty.

Allan then began to pout, jutting his bottom lip out. “But I’m your baby, right?” he questioned.

Suddenly I heard the sound of guns firing from the game. “Damn Justin, you’re making this too easy,” Thomas spoke.

“Sorry man, spaced out for a little,” he spoke.

I laughed down at Allan and shook my head. “Sorry, but not even you could be my baby. My I-pod has that spot,” I spoke.

“It’s true, she said the same thing t—DIE ALREADY!!” Justin spoke cutting off his own sentence. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. It amazes me how easily boys are sucked into video games.

“Oh come-on dimples,” Allan spoke gaining my attention again. “Just for a little while, since you don’t have your I-pod,”

I couldn’t help but smile down at him. He was still pouting as he stared up at me. He had even thrown in the puppy dog eyes to try and convince me to let him be my baby. I couldn’t help but feel a pair of eyes on me but I decided to ignore it.

“Sorry I can’t replace my I-pod, babe” I smiled.

“Wait a minute, I thought I was your babe?” Thomas questioned, his eyes never leaving the screen.

“And you still are,” I spoke. I heard Annabelle scoff from the other end of the couch. I shot her a quick glare before refocusing me attention.

“But I have to make Allan here feel better about himself,” I spoke.

“And you’re not doing a very good job of it anymore,” Allan spoke.

I laughed and shook my head. I then ran my fingers through his short cropped hair. A larger smile soon made its way onto Allan’s face as he stared up at me.

“Better?” I questioned.

He tapped his chin as if he were thinking. “Let me see those dimples again,” he spoke, a smile playing against his lips.

I couldn’t help but smile down at him, I couldn’t control it. Allan just made me smile some times. It was one of the reasons why he is my best friend.

“That’s better,” he spoke. I couldn’t help but laugh once again. Allan simply continued to smile. I shook my head as I stared down at his smiling figure.

“She was better this morning,” I heard Justin mutter. His voice was so low that I was the only one that heard it. I wasn’t even sure if I had heard it or not. Even if I had heard it or not, I knew that only Justin could have said it. No one else would have been able to know what it meant. The only other person that could say something would be Sabrina and I doubt that she would actually say something.

I decided to ignore the comment, as if I hadn’t of heard it. Obviously, it wasn’t meant to be heard, so for now I would ignore it.

For now anyways.


The show that night was in Seattle Washington. Yes, we drove from LA to Seattle Washington. That’s how long we were on the bus.

Despite how long we were on the bus, I still didn’t talk to Justin. I never got the chance. When I wasn’t tending to Allan, I was doing something else. Either way I was never given the opportunity to talk to Justin.

In fact Justin was busy any way. Just as Allan seemed to attach himself to my hip, Justin was attached to his song book or guitar. I’ll admit, I did like watching him in his element when he wasn’t on stage. He seemed so focused, like all he could focus on was the song that he was writing.

Basically neither of us talked, the entire drive to the venue. The reason being, the opportunity never came up.

You have no idea how awkward it was for me to dance with him to Never Let You Go with us not talking. I had to dance with him once again, because Annabelle had apparently lost that privilege. That and since I dance with him last time, they would rather me dance with him again. Annabelle could care less, and I think Justin felt the same way.

After the show, while Justin was at his meet and greet, I was on my laptop. Was lying in my bunk writing an e-mail for Maya and everyone back home. I could have called them, but because of the time difference, they would all be asleep.

I was writing two separate emails, one for Maya to forward to everyone, and one for her to read by herself. The second one, explained the status on me and Justin right now. I didn’t know what to think anymore, so I simply decided to tell her everything that happened.

The sound of footsteps caused me to stop typing. I furrowed my brows together as I listened to footsteps inch closer. Soon I found out that it was Justin, coming back from his meet and greet. He walked past my bunk, and I knew that this would be the only chance that I would get for a while.

“Hey Justin,” I spoke.

He stopped in his tracks and turned around to face me. Once again his smile was plastered onto his face. “What no pop-star?” he questioned, as his smile fell into a smirk.

“No you’d enjoy it too much,” I retorted.

He placed his hand on his chest, mock hurt. “That hurt me Nat, that hurt me right here,”

I couldn’t help but to laugh at him. I shook my head before turning back to my e-mail. “Want me to kiss it and make it better?” I blurted before my brain completely registered what I said.

If I had thought about it, I would realize that I would be in the same place as I was before. As I said before, we somehow always end up flirting with each other, no matter what.

Surprisingly Justin rolled his eyes. “Don’t be a tease Nat,”

Honestly, I wasn’t expecting him to say that. I was expecting him to flirted back, but I was kind o f glad that he didn’t. I could avoid being in the same situation as before, for now at least.


Justin then smiled, causing me to raise my brow. He sat down on my bunk and started looking at my laptop. “Whatcha’ doin’?”

I quickly realized which e-mail I was typing and closed my laptop. I didn’t need him reading that e-mail. Not only would my cover be blown, but it would be completely embarrassing.

Justin only raised his brow as he stared at me. I sent him the most innocent smile that I could muster up. Justin laughed lightly as he shook his head.

“You never cease to amaze me Nat,”

I bit my lip before looking at him. “Well, would I be amazing you if I said that I wanted to ask you something?” I spoke.

I knew that I would never get this chance for a while. I might as well ask him now, who knows if I’m going to get this chance again. Who knows if I’m actually going to get the courage to ask him again? Next time, I may decide to simply ignore everything.

“A bit,” Justin replied. A smirk continued to play against his soft lips.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. My heart stared to pound as I sat there. I quickly shook my head. “Never mind, it’s not important,”

I ended up chickening out as the last minute. I couldn’t do it, at least not now. I just couldn’t. If Justin was any other guy, I could easily talk to him about the kiss.

Justin opened his mouth to speak but stopped when Allan walked in. there was a flash of something in his eyes, but it quickly disappeared just as it came.

“Hey man, glad to see you’re back,” Allan spoke. His gaze then set on me. “Well now that you guys are here, you guys can come watch a movie with us,”

“Uh, sure, we’re coming” I spoke.

Allan nodded before he left the room. As soon as he was gone, Justin ran his hands through his hair. He seemed frustrated, almost.

“Every damn time,” he muttered. I almost didn’t hear him, but this time I knew that I did.

Before I could question what he meant he stood up and left the bunk area. I sighed before standing up myself. This was the second time today that Justin’s made a comment after Allan’s done something.

What does that mean?
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Here's the next chapter. this was mostly a filler, but that's because i didn't excalty have a plan for this chapter. The next one will be better, i promise.

What do you guys think about the chapter?

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