Status: Being Edited and Updated (:

The Land of Mibba


~Tammy's Point of View~

As the sun was swept from the sky and the moon took its place among the stars, the four of us walked towards my house, chattering away about what had happened earlier today. At the festival, the shadow turned out to be King Lawrence and boy was he pissed off at us, well mostly me, but no pointing fingers. We had gotten caught talking during the announcement and was likely punished. Our punishment, which isn't really a punishment to us, was to be the kings dates at the ball this evening. The kings are stunningly sexy and hot, plus they were only like 3 years older than us.

"Tammy. Earth to Tammy! Oi!!!! Tammy!!!" Jay yells, dragging me back to reality. "Open the door, I don't want to be late. For once, we have hot dates who can kill us if we are late." I stare at her and walked as slow as I could, intentionally pissing her off. She pushes past me over, takes the keys, and opens the door. I walk into my dead house laughing at the priceless expressions that they all had on their faces.

I sat at the table and watched my friends rush about. Trying to get ready in the shortest amount of time. Earlier this week, we all decided to get ready for the ball at my house because one I live alone so there's no one to bug us and two I have the most jewelry that I was willing to share. I ran to the bathroom, slamming the door shut, and took a shower before the hot water was gone. I took my sweet time in the shower, which led to "some" people yelling obscenities through the door. I put on a final touch of eyeliner on to make my eyes pop out and left.

-------- Two Hours Later ----------

"Does this dress make my ass look huge?" I sarcastically ask, mocking Jay. Rox and Mei laughed with me while Jay gave me her ima-kill-you glare. After a good laugh, we headed off towards the ball walking as fast as all of us could while wearing high heels. God I hate high heels. They are death traps waiting to snap.

Within three minutes of leaving the house, we ended up getting lost. Dreading to be late, in fear of what the kings could make us do, we picked up our pace. Sadly, we just ended up even more lost and needless to say, our tempers were shortening too. We wondered around aimlessly, arguing about which direction was the right way to go. Finally after 10 minutes of arguing and fighting, we made to the ball just in the nick of time.

"Yes!! Finally! We are here!!" Jay yells, throwing her arms in the air in defeat.

"So you say, we have to be the kings dates until this is all over. And me feet are killing me, but on the bright side we aren't late," Mei told us.

"Yeah, thank god. Who knows what would've happened i we were late," Rox remarks.

" We would be so screwed," I bluntly remarked. They all just stared at me, giving me their oh so famous was-that-really-necessary stares. I simply shrugged and hooked arms with Jay and Mei, so that we looked like those people from Wizard of Oz. We then skipped into the ballrooms, earning stares along the way, as we made our way over to our dates.
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