Sequel: Seattle



Jake came to take Mae away from Gemma's questioning soon after filming had finished for the day. Gemma continued to gaze at them curiously and Mae couldn't help but smiling, she could just imagine what thoughts were going through her head. Mae followed Jake out of the recording studios before a throng of photographers came into view, they snapped their cameras at Jake and Mae quickly pushed him to the side so that she was out of view.

Jake looked back at Mae in wonder and she motioned for him to come back to where she was hiding. He gave her look that reflected the madness that seemed to encircle her, Mae couldn't walk out in front of a hoard of photographers. She wasn't the kind of girl that was desperate to get their face printed in a magazine, all she wanted was to get her job done and now Jake was dragging her into this?

"You can't seriously think I can get through that?"

"Through what?"

"The cameras. I can't get through that, I'm not like you Jake."

"Not like what?" he asked innocently in response to the look she was giving him. "Come on, you're pretty, they won't mind."

"Of course they won't mind, they'll be having a fucking field day with a photo of me and you!" Mae said a little too loudly for her liking.

"Are you really that concerned?"

"Yes! I don't want to be in a magazine."

"Well, I'm taking you out whether you like it or not. So, what are we going to do? They've seen me now." Mae pondered for a moment before noticing his attire, it was typical for a runner.

"Pretend you're going on a run."


"Pretend you're going on a run and I'll casually come into the park and we can hide away there. There must be some food near a park."

"You can't be serious."

"I am."

Jake sighed and shook his head towards Mae, suggesting that he would have to get her back for making him do such a thing just so he could take her out. It wasn't Mae's fault, she just didn't want to be the subject of several thousand's of girls' hate lists. Mae quickly confirmed with Jake which park they would be meeting at and set out through a different entrance, allowing Jake to deal with the paparazzi. In a way Mae felt bad for leaving him to their mercy, but then again, she would have had to have dealt with that had she allowed him to have his way.

After several minutes Mae found herself at the entrance of the park they had pointed out. Mae noticed the majority of the photographers had left, feeling satisfied with the amount of photos they already had in order to confirm that Jake was on set. Perhaps they were just looking for a catchy headline, Mae couldn't be sure. When she looked closely she could only see one photographer left, clicking away at his device as Jake continued to move forward. Perhaps there was something she could do to make it up to him.

Mae walked up to the photographer as he paused, looking through the snapshots he had captured of Jake. Said runner had noticed Mae walk up to the photographer and motioned that he was going to find a hiding spot as she talked to the prying journalist. It took several seconds for the man to notice Mae was standing there and she quickly cleared her throat so that her presence was known.

The man looked up at her in dismay, clearly very little interest showing through his bleak eyes. Mae could tell that he was just trying to get through his job, much like she was doing at the set. She smiled briefly before beginning conversation, feigning innocence.

"Who was that?"

"Who was who?"

"The man you were taking photos of, he must be famous."

"Of course he is. It's Jake Gyllenhaal!"

"I'm sorry, who?" she asked sweetly, batting her eyelids for effect. When she looked up she noticed Jake was still running, looking for a place to hide from the last photographer. The man looked at her as if she were senile, that or that she'd been living under a rock for several years.

"Jake Gyllenhaal. The actor."

"What's he been in?" she asked, taking a quick look towards where Jake stood. He'd found the hiding place and had marked it out for her with a swift movement of his fingers.

"Donnie Darko, Rendition, Zodiac. Any of these ringing a bell?"

"Zodiac has Robert Downey Jr in it, doesn't it?"


"I know who he is! Wow, you must feel glad that you've got photos of him."

"That's my job honey. Now I need to get more, if he hasn't run off too far."

"I think he kept running, past the corner. I'm sorry for having kept you here."

"No problem," the man said quickly before running towards the place she had pointed out. Which was, in fact, several twists and turns away from Jake's hiding spot. Mae tried to walk calmly towards his hide out but found herself moving quickly towards him. Before she knew it she was sat in front of a little stream, a small patch of earth gave the opportunity for two occupants to sit by it as it trickled past. Jake and Mae were the lucky ones today.

"Not much food here, is there?" Jake asked, mocking her plan.

"No. Not really." Mae laughed to herself before leaning on Jake, she felt the cold air as the sun was not present by the stream and Jake draped his arm over her shoulder, bringing her in closer to him. She smiled to herself before looking up at Jake, he was watching the stream calmly before noticing her gaze and smiled down at her.

Jake turned to her, cupping her face in his hands before bringing his lips down to hers. Holding her in a warm embrace as the night sky fell.
♠ ♠ ♠
A long chapter for once! Okay. Not much Jake action. I'm not someone to write smut.
I hope you like this, sorry for the wait exams and all that. :)